12: Prinzmetal Variant Angina/Jeremiah

[Music] Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast featuring Dr. London Smith do not call him a quack because you might get smacked hey
Cuz he’s the medical practitioner
in a position to help listeners
with their medical conditioners
when he administers inhibitors
which occurs whether it’s testicular
or atrioventricular
so don’t call the quack okay okay put some respect on my man’s name now let’s go

[Music] hello and welcome to jock doc where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host dr. London smith.com I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback complaining about the amount of technical terms we’ve been using such as thirsty and eyeball so I’ll try to speak a little bit more simply in the future here to assist with that is our producer Cameron hi friends Cameron has an ear to the heartbeat of this nation and to the rhythms of this world so don’t be surprised if he gives the slightest of nudges in order to keep the podcast on on track that’s right also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE plus Cameron tells me that we have a guest arriving later in the show so look forward to that we certainly do before we move on we’ve received a bit of listener feedback that apparently needed to be addressed quote favourite adult diapers and go end quote first of all I would like to thank you so much for contacting us at jock dock this of course always a pleasure to hear from our listeners an answer to that question I do not utilize adult diapers so I myself do not have a preferred brand or sighs or whatever however we we are always looking for more sponsors so we are certainly open to finding a new favorite thank you again for the question and we hope to hear from you again in the future all right now for a tale from the hospital I had a patient who was homeless and he was in the hospital for an abscess in his arm when I asked him how this abscess came about he said that it was probably because of the needles he was using to inject recreational drugs after I left the room the nurse who had been attending him when to use the restroom just after this the patient left the room needles still in his arm needle for medication and he began to walk away so security was called but it was apparent apparent that this homeless man was actually seeking in addition to the treatment for the abscess he was just wanting a suitable access point for the drugs that he was injecting ah sorry mm sorry go ahead are you okay oh yeah yeah no I’m fine yeah go ahead well okay I feel like you’re no no no no just keep going just tell you a little story are you okay it sound like you’re oh oh no no no just keep going okay no we we do have to address this problem what what’s going on well I I really hate to be such a downer today but I I have sort of a negative diagnosis this is oh you sort of a new thing that I’m kind of trying to come to terms with and trying to learn learn to live with with the with the time that I have left I’m so sorry to hear that is that so you were recently diagnosed with with an illness yeah yeah okay would you like to oh I’m so sorry oh but if I may ask what is what the diagnosis what do you are you suffering from I have hypochondria and I don’t know it seems pretty aggressive and I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to take it you know oh [Music] okay so you have hypochondriac andreas this is okay I am familiar with this particular psychiatric and you know why I’ve why your and I’ve been taking time to see some my family and and kind of catch up with old friends you know right um because of readjusting my will so to clarify on this i hypochondria is where thottie virus it’s not easy well okay so you keep on acting like you’re in pain here I don’t I don’t mean to minimize if you are having any pain but um so that illness is sort of a seeking medical treatment assuming that you have an illness when really the that illness is a fact you you could have possibly ever imagined that you don’t have an illness at all it’s my my foot oh you’re talking my foot cuz you’re grabbing advances that’s all over and so they did explain to the doctor explained to you that this is just you it’s essentially like an overreacting sort of thing it’s it’s it’s more of a syndrome than it is an illness where you you seek medical attention for people things that proportion the who who’s supposed to be telling me this doct a doctor I don’t I don’t okay cuz you what are you referring to okay I guess this is one of those technical terms okay did you go to a medical facility of any kind I guess I mean yeah I think so it’s Google Chrome did you okay so you when you say you got a diagnosis deeming that you just googled like I googled my my symptoms and it said because of the amount of symptoms you’ve been googling you have hypochondria oh it’s so it’s you know I can really feel it especially in my liver I can especially feel it in my my toes sorry to back up just say so Google’s Google thought you were giggling to my Google even reacted to the amount of searches that you were doing and just said that you had hypochondriasis yeah it won’t let me Google anymore because you are abusing that okay I’ve net I haven’t heard of that um okay well just to just to give you some assurance here this isn’t a terminal illness nor is it an illness it’s not a physical okay well we can go ahead and move on to today’s topic I just if if this is my last record I just wanted to say for the people out there who need to hear this dr. London’s his debit card pen is six if you are out there I get a lot of questions you know oh I’m trying to buy something over $100 with one that’s debit card I can’t do it what’s this pen I finally been able to acquire it and I really think this is the most appropriate form for it I don’t know I thank you dr. linen for letting me kind of speak my truth and that how is that your true okay well we will go ahead and move on to today’s topic if that’s okay I know you yeah as if you’re in okay so now for today’s topic variant angina also also known as prinzmetal angina or angina okay so variant angina is what are you what are you laughing at no nothing okay so the Prince metal angina is when the blood vessels supplying the heart o start constricting for no apparent reason and so they cut off the blood supply to the heart Prince metal angina presents similarly to a heart attack oh oh so prince presents immediately similarly to a heart attack with the chest tightness and left arm numbness except that it tends to happen in younger individuals a lot of times in those who smoked and it happens while they are at rest especially at night but on an EKG will even show up as an ST elevation which is what you actually look for in a heart attack so oh yeah no it is it it’s bad it’s like because it still causes that damage to the heart but um this one you don’t treat with this has been a the one word again prinzmetal or also known as variant angina no not that one heart attack knows another one EKG oh okay like this shows not supposed to be like dirty like this but I don’t just keep going oh sorry kids so ukg so it’s electrocardiogram the K though is actually that comes from I believe the German word the word German spelling so that’s a little fun fact there for that one uh-huh okay well let’s see we can move on from there sure okay do we have any sponsors today okay that’s all right I don’t know you’re always asking about having bouncers when you’re never asking about me I guess okay well okay camera and I have you what was the sponsor oh do we have a sponsor just someone this week you know two that we can just advertise that’s all you care about this capitalistic society never ask how I’m doing that’s fine well well for one thing we did very recently discuss how you were doing with your your diagnosed but ever ask how I’m doing hello okay Cameron how are you doing I’m doing pretty good dr. London I’m doing all right I’ve been busy lately okay busy with what well you know switching gears a little bit um you know we focus a lot on the dock part of this podcast right I don’t focus enough on I think the jock sure is podcast okay so I’ve been working really hard with my local community as we near the 2020 Olympics are coming up next year right so right now they’re testing a lot of these kind of preliminary sports okay asking out the best they can be eligible for 2020 maybe 2024 in Paris something about guidelines yeah so I’ve been like I said working with my local community with the local kids trying to put together some of my sports the the different things I’ve worked hard with to try to come up with an Olympic sport okay so you’re just trying to come up with a sport for the next year I’m trying to to get the support of the Olympic Committee for the spa that I have invented okay so the heck will be really really great on an international scale okay what kind of sports have you invented well the main sport the one that I think has gotten people really excited it’s like it’s kind of its kind of impossible to explain okay well it’s like well I you are you said you’re involving kids explain so I assume that you’ve explained it to children it’s like everyone’s it’s like everyone’s got these bags right okay and then like they’re they’re picking up all these coins there’s a bunch of there’s a ton of coins I forgot to mention that there’s just a ton of coins on the ground everyone’s got these bags and you kind of like try to pick up as many coins as you can pennies are worth two points nickels are worth three points dimes are worth 13 points quarters are worth zero point dollars are with seven points this Sacagawea dollars are worth I think 7 and a half point throw them into the bag okay and you kind of just kind of start spinning the bag okay you say that as if that sounds like an ending spinning the bag what do you spin it for like do you try to like it’s kind of a free-form do you throw the bag afterwards I don’t is it like a throwing thing and that’s how you measure how I’m so tired of all of these rules like what happened to the artistry of it when I just give people these sacks of coins and just like let them do what they need to do let them express themselves a little bit so they start flying the coin sacks around okay each other you know okay so it’s just like hitting each other part of it then yeah I mean anybody things part of it man it’s all part of it but so it’s a so if I can break down the game real quick if I can try to summarize for you um you have a lot of various types of coins on the ground yeah like a ton okay and then the game is is there a time limit on this or that’s whatever you feel if you feel there should be a time limit then yeah put a time limit on it so the game is everyone is just gathering coins from the ground and putting them in a bag and having that bag yeah it’s just like doing whatever like it leads you to do because I can say for a lot of people that just sounds like swinging around gathering money and just going to spend that money is what it sounds like it would be no one’s spending them I mean they can spend the money when they leave but you’re on the field there’s a field Oh covering coins things are worth two points nickels are worth four point right now I yeah yeah there’s a Secretary’s or seven and a half anyway it’s been taking over I mean the local community by storm okay see the way that it’s done that has it been buy you don’t really explain it and you just pour money on the ground because that’s what I and you give them bags it’s not and you think it’s it’s not like pouring it on the ground it’s like placing it on the ground it’s very intentional but there’s a ton of coins so you bring coins to a neighborhood yeah put them all on the ground yeah there’s a whole lot of them very carefully and you invite everyone especially these kids to come over give them bags to gather coins and then this is your Olympic sport yeah and just bring some artistry back to Olympic the Olympics it sounds like you’re giving back to the community but just financially yours giving them money it’s hard to explain so I you know I am a little bit of a jock myself I’m a sports aficionado and I do have to say my favourite sport is the Olympics so this is something that I am a baby a little more educated about okay I I don’t know the Olympics is and I think this would be the Olympics are a sport and it’s my favorite sport okay and USA team number one and we’re gonna be number one at this new sport gathering in Japan Queen bad coin is not okay well that all right see okay what else we got okay you have more games yeah you see yeah oh yeah I mean I’ve got an infinite amount if you just give me like five minutes I feel like an infinite amount of games okay so you know so one more let’s see oh oh oh okay so my nephew has this gun right and so this is like I’m thinking like everyone has like balloons taped to them not helium balloons that are floating up more just like just a little tape so let’s say they’re back or in their front let’s say one on the front one in the back and then my nephew he’s a great shot like he’s a really good shot that could be a sport okay so just shooting range kind of thing will try to pop these balloons that the people are on Pete okay do you like a really good shot well you know that bullets like boy you’re saying with blanks I guess yeah that still sounds know you he’s a really good shot he doesn’t need to use blanks okay because the issue with a real bullet would be that obviously yeah you’re gonna pop the balloon that’s the goal of the game hello would travel in again how many points does a pop balloon count as I don’t know it’s all up in the air baby we’re talking about just like a free-for-all just hanging out do what you want to do if you want to do yoga where you got these balloons taped to you that’s fine just know that my nephew’s gonna be out there just kind of like he’s a great shot ya know I’ve heard uh well that that sounds like an interesting game it does more than one gun if you want to get out there and kind of start popping some of these balloons I don’t I don’t I’ll get you a gun I’ll get you again okay we’ve decided we can yeah we can okay we can move on from there um and he’ll teach you you can just like well if he’s shooting people well you can kind of like bend the bullets you ever seen wanted okay actually I do have a question on this okay have you done this with people like have you played this game before are there other follow-up questions after that yes no sorry if the answer is no then no then no I have not played because this shoot the balloon okay because balloon is attached to a person uh-huh they’re running around I mean again doing whatever they do describing it like you’ve seen it played are there gonna be follow-up questions if I say I have seen it then I haven’t seen it okay all right well I guess we can go ahead and yeah next portion okay do you say we you said we had a guest today we do okay one guest okay all right well welcome to the show my name is dr. London Smith now calm and this is Cameron and you’re on July hello hello thank you for having me what was your name my name is Jeremiah Jeremiah alright well nice to meet you Jeremiah hey Jeremiah thank you thank you alright Oh what brings you here today well I started down I would call it an experimental road with prescription penis enhancing pills and I I kind of started to maybe by some standards abused them by mixing chest pain related medication with it okay like you know nitroglycerin and viagra and I I’d say that I just had an experience that I could only define as someone like you for ik sexual unconsciousness probably badass right yeah yeah I I and I can’t really stop doing the mix I’ve actually added some other you know sexually more herbal remedy solutions but I do feel like my life is in danger so I’m here to just maybe see what I could do to maybe regulate my experiences yeah okay so you’re coming on the show because you’re not the the concoction of medications that you’ve been taking has caused some amount of distress and you’re why yeah I ended up in the hospital pretty frequently I would assume so yeah my parents are pretty worried about me and my I don’t mean I had a girlfriend but you know she left me because I just I can’t stop right and so and when you say you can’t stop so you’re taking a mix of Viagra which well it varies on the day you know I have a selection of different um you know penis enhancing pills and and and different heart medications and I just kind of spice it up and bury it up and right sometimes I mash up some maca me root and I drink that and I’ll just take the the mix and I’ll pass it on the couch to the video of my choice okay and that like that sounds interesting how long has this been going on for probably about three years now you’ve been taking the various mixes of medications for three years and you said you’ve been in and out of the hospital frequently yeah yes I mean it’s kind of sounds like you’re an expert all this separate I don’t even know why we’re bringing doctor London into this well it seems like I I don’t yes it’s true I just don’t know how sustainable this is because I agree I had a scare I did I did I had a scare about two weeks ago I’m so sorry yeah nobody came nobody came when I I hit my button I had like you know one of those buttons that the elderly use I actually yeah and it didn’t alert anyone I woke up about three days three four days after three days after you say you had just taken one of your medications well I mixed it was a couple a cocktail of different over-the-counter herbal supplements okay and and then you were passed out for three days three days what counter you keep talking about over-the-counter you’re getting these supplements so wait where where are these something that’s being acquired I don’t know if I could say I may say over-the-counter it’s just sort of like a you know my best way of saying it but you know hands or hand okay well I just want to make sure this isn’t coming from my Oh pharmacy is oh no no no it’s not Mike no no okay okay cool okay we’re good you’re good when you say your farm is honey Cameron when you say your farm honey are there follow-up questions to this that denied that’s how this show works my I think I said farm races racing on a farm that’s all okay well I have nothing to do with selling anything to anyone involving kind of stuff that I find outside okay well for out of putting it into a powder and just kind of saying this is a pill you should take I don’t do that I’m just racing on a farm pharmacy farm Bracy okay well so two points Oh oh it hurts oh sorry one point here would be over the case came back to our guest typically means thank you at a pharmacy okay anyway so this medication you’ve been taking taking it for years and now it’s causing you distress because you passed out for three days and your life alert what and why do you have a life alert you seem well because you know obviously for the amount of time I’ve been experimenting with these drugs that render me unconscious I oh they they do this often all the time I mean I can imagine that with the way that yeah maybe not to London you should talk a little bit about the benefits of being kind of habitually unconscious yeah I’d actually have to say that or maybe maybe also the science behind the madness I’m okay III compare this to you know maybe a drug-induced female orgasm because I think with men you know that the short lifespan is what I was getting away from of that of that peak so in my in mind you know in that state of low blood pressure where I pass out it I feel like I’m going into that I try to time it right like you know the peak I try to time the peak with the unconsciousness and then it just lasts but again you’re sure you haven’t gotten this from like my apartment because the this is really sounding familiar this is kind of a selling point for most of my stuff I usually get it from most of your another party like a third party movie so maybe one of your your friends do you know Trey are you going to three parties later is that maybe okay okay anyway anyway anyway doctor London okay it’s pretty badass right a lot of things to address there aside from the this other your pharmacy so huh right so so whenever you pass out from something like that what what I’m guessing here and it could be a number of things going on if you’re mixing medications lots of medications it’s usually a few hours but this one was like three days and I kind of went on an existential maybe voyage it voyage is a good word and so by the end of that time you know it was almost like light dark tunnels you know lots of like just processing of the unknown Ventures of the human psyche meets my penis mm-hmm by the end of that I was climbing a giant shaft and I arrived at the top and then I woke up but it freaked me out so much that I just I’m here now Wow so so one thing there whenever you have informational it’ll decrease your blood pressure and so like that’s less blood going to your brain and even for a few hours that sort of thing can be dangerous for a few minutes that can be dangerous because less blood flow to the brain means brain cells can die oh my god am i dead I I do not believe so is my penis dead i I I do see would you look at my penis I do not wish but that’s that is why you’re on the show we took a lot for me to get here okay okay well yeah we can take a look briefly for your privacy let’s away from okay oh okay well what do you think well the fact that you had to drag it out like that so it’s longer that’s what I’m saying yeah over three days that grew it something happened but it’s not it’s like like a slinky like I get like a slinky as like it’s very thin and trailing what does it mean a big corkscrew yeah I’m not like when I say big I just mean length like it’s yeah I’m 35 feet long like a deflated balloon it’s always been that long it’s just floppier ring clear okay oh this this does sound like something have they dressed this in your hospital visits or is this recent is this specific development recent I you know they see me so much that I kind of wanted to get a fresh pair of eyes right and so you came to a podcast which you’re a doctor yeah it’s just like normally you’d want to take care of these things in actual healthcare setting I probably should have told you before their court I did kind of open up our guest spots to any of our listeners that wanted to come on any of them yeah okay cuz I said if you’re well I didn’t really even address listeners I just kind of like went on reddit and said if you’re sick please come to our podcast okay because normally we’re trying to bring in experts on medicines he is an expert on long slinky penises well not so much an expert as just someone who has that are you more of an expert on it than he is no I for three years I’ve been mixing these drugs I mean I saw the ad and it said experienced in you know one branch of medicine and I feel like I’m kind of an expert in that but this this was an anomaly for me I’ve never okay should I put this away you can probably put it okay okay yeah yes okay it’s I don’t want to say it’s horrifying but like the fact that it was also so black colored is also concerning because that to me that that sound looks like dead tissue has this and I’m sorry these are gonna be very personal questions because of the nature of it um has this affected things for you let’s say in the in the bedroom and whenever you take the medication because if it’s dead it shouldn’t be able to hold blood but I don’t I don’t it’s hard to determine if it was dead because you though I mean it wasn’t the skin that was black it was the scales oh my god that’s that’s valid it was scaly and that was following off um do you do you have a history of her psoriasis no not that I know of okay no I feel like you would know about that okay so I you know I honestly haven’t done the the concoction since the experience oh I did bring I did bring them with me this time if you – I don’t that doesn’t sound like I thought I thought if I replicated the experience here on on site it might help give some clarity I think they’d be really beneficial for our audience I don’t know I brought my life alert you know but you guys are here so the life alert that didn’t that didn’t work well I got it fixed okay I caused it for this podcast great well you could you get a cameron if you would like to try I I’m not sure if are we all trying it or are we just watching him try it okay oh sorry good point I did I really for everyone right I did bring enough for everyone okay great okay because no I don’t know that that that would be appropriate for me somewhat for one thing I don’t you look I do have to ask do you think this is going to affect my hypochondria you know I mean it has helped my anxiety a lot but mainly because I’m in an unconscious state so I can’t really speak for consciousness because I saw it might not be as a high as a hypochondria I can who’s struggling with that it might not be safe to mix are you taking prescription medication for your hypochondria or over the counter over your counter are there gonna be follow-up questions to that he’s been the one asking the questions if that helps yeah but it sounds like we’re going to three parties later so we’ll talk about this later right you might need to go to the ER and with with your prognosis on my my slinky dick okay well and I will say also um scaly scaly yeah and just I’m sorry this is it’s been a bit but um you in that situation you will want to call 9-1-1 call an ambulance we’ve had some issues before with a previous sponsor but just just wanted to clarify all right um I guess sure I guess for the show go ahead go ahead and you can you can try your medication if you’d like yeah I’m gonna try it alright okay here you go Kim Chewie okay your eyes are changing color yep I can see that oh you can see you can’t see the color changing okay cuz what am i what’s happening to me right now talk me through this well generally there is a color change for me ooh I typically see it and in my eyes you know I can tell like my eyes are changing and then it gradually moves down okay yeah now your cheeks are and the color it’s hard to define one color on this okay oh define – yeah so I first I saw red which is very but it’s not blood I don’t think okay no now it’s going purple mm-hmm so it’s like bruise color so you see we’re still thinking blood but now it green here give me more that’s I mean you you don’t do this very often do you I mean I typically take about five uh connect six okay okay now I’m seeing black speckles you should probably stop taking this Oh my hypochondria this is unrelated to it okay and you’re come to think of it your hypochondria might be actually just your drug abuse I don’t abuse anything sorry when I would say drug abuse that’s that’s not a term for like hitting your drugs that’s a term for you ingesting that what’s happening to my feet right now are you are they tingly you feel in them tingle it’s more like they feel like someone else’s feet are tingling does that make sense mm-hmm okay your shoe is wet with blood now yeah did you have an open sore on your foot uh it’s impossible to know oh my god that’s a big that’s a big no-no you can’t have open open sores anything that could leak definitely not advised so this it functions as an anticoagulant I mean no said heart medication there’s so many things like open in my body at any given time that it’s kind of I mean just impossible to determine when what started or who started what or you know whatever it’s a cocktail I said the sized it I worked with a guy who I know from the pharmacy he turned it into gummy form actually Wow okay so Cameron you probably should not have taken this cuz now yeah it’s jet like my feet are getting wet from your your blood puddle here yeah so we do need to cut it could be unrelated I don’t think because for one thing apparently this is an anticoagulant say makes sense in that sense are you feeling light-headed at all cuz that’s more what he described as being no my head feels like like heavy like really really heavy how’s your penis I’m actually surprised he’s still conscious right now yeah okay and I don’t feel pretty good I don’t I don’t want to say it out okay okay in the reason season I wasn’t reacting about the color of my penises because I’m very used to color variations so I’m you know I I figured out is that how it looks in the in the middle of it well let me get the rest those are pretty okay okay I was reacting to just your finger which doesn’t look like a finger either I didn’t never knew you could get pants that unzipped completely nothing so now you have no pants on yeah well there’s not exhibit once you unzip at all there’s nothing left yeah where do you where do you get those Pam from I made him oh alright get him at my pharmacy I really need to go to that farmers yeah it’s pretty sweet could I and they I’ve got some beer that they sell there too which is pretty good just got those this isn’t the same the same beer that caused paralysis is it uh are you gonna if I say yes are you then gonna ask if it’s the same beer that caused so many suicides I feel like I’ll know with the first question of the net okay I’m gonna stop this right now because I look the color okay the color is why I’m not too worried about my color and look the scales already like he should not be conscious I have no idea what’s going on he should be already hitting that plateau well my one concern I have is you would think that it would be erection but it’s actually like very flat like state sticking to the skin it’s like opposite of what yeah I think I describe it as like an internal gasm instead of like an erect like you’ll be back it pulls back in which is where my experiences have come from so you’re saying that because the the penis retracts into the body it’s like reverse inside of your body is where you feel the experiments and then there’s like maybe a a sort of like the whole fluid exchange that’s why the penis extends because it has that that effect Ryan and so instead of it being like firm it’s like something about the nitroglycerin meets the viagra kind of creates a bungee cord colored effect and this is why I’m so glad we have an expert like you on the podcast to really kind of speak about these things that maybe don’t get a lot of attention well I was all I was an expert I thought until the climb of the penis plateau that lasted for days so I really don’t know how that I’m that’s why I’m here is I figured there’d be some type of clarity yep I mean my my medical advice here would stop taking this because well he’s fine but except for the consciousness part and the bleeding yeah it’s it’s hard to explain but I know that I should not be conscious does that make sense with everything with every fiber in my being it’s almost like I’m going against nature that I’m still conscious which is kind of cool yeah I mean mate maybe it’s his medication for his type it’s like a weight on my shoulders I’m not talking about my heavy heavy head because it’s so that’s the feeling you get before you go unconscious of something some something is blocking the unconsciousness I have no idea what this is gonna be like for you is this fascinating it’s almost like a darkness you know what I mean yeah I mean not really it’s mm-hmm wait I think this is really he may be actually experience of conscious states London what could you ask him some questions that consciously he would be able to answer but subconsciously he wouldn’t okay consciously some some basic obvious type of questions maybe so Karen what is your position with regard to the jock talk podcast well is your title um I guess missionary okay I guess I like doggie I don’t know okay no you’re actually you are the producer of the podcast okay yeah does that make sense yeah okay so that’s that’s an odd answer because it sounds like your thoughts at least you just refer to sexual positions ye producer okay okay so you’re you’re back with us maybe or is this just I’m front with I’m facing front words okay hit him hit him with some like Freudian subconscious I mean I yeah do that I don’t focus as much on that like the it’d and the ego that’s that’s not quite my exact my specialty do it okay um what what do you see is what drives you I can tell you what I see it’s your stupid shirt oh is it that part of the drugs this is a new territory for me but I’m but I’m happy to see that his penis is the same color of this this is not good for you because for once that your penis is going through the color changes and like it was weird before because it was doing the sticking to your skin and pulling in but now around that region I’m just gonna put it back it’s getting a little uncomfortable how detailed you are getting with I’m I’m sure the color has a lot to do with the ginseng root apparently that has a lot of variations in color so are you like watching it I can’t even tell but you you brought the zipper back from air I have to I have to create a new pair of pants every time with loose zippers I’m curious I’m curious in this in this state just out of curiosity are you feeling really good or are you feeling anything right now I feel like London’s shirt soaks oh yeah I don’t think that’s the dress I feel so heavy it feels like a thousand pounds okay yeah and you should pick it up off the ground like I don’t know if you can rest your head on the chair or something but I got to do my pants face Oh keep going sorry I don’t want to stop the podcast right okay well uh all right so Jeremiah and my advice oh my god after all of this oh that’s my pal I think we’re good I’m wearing scrubs that mine don’t even zip but I I was weird um so Jeremy I don’t know what uh exactly what caused all of these reactions but I do know that you should stop taking medication that you aren’t prescribed by a medical physician but I but I am prescribed them I just wasn’t prescribed to mix them or add on to them okay so you should do I got it I got a prescription for Vienna nitrous this sort of reminds me what we were talking about earlier when I was talking about my Olympic sports there’s so many rules and regulations these days what happened to the art of medicine is what I mean just like buing it out well so medicine is oh let’s let me paint this picture and only color in the lines let me only use four colors and color in the lines nah man let’s make tie-dye ah so medicine is a science you know what I mean like let’s just feel it out I’m tired of these doctors walking in and saying this is what you need to do you have to take these pills get these shots how about a doctor who comes in the room and he says hey man whatever let’s just figure this out man I want to I want to I want a doctor to be a DJ seeing what’s next feeling it out bring an artistry back to the form you say it I feel me I know I I do I do I mean I feel like that’s the road I went down until it just got really dark have you thought about just kind of pushing through cuz you say it’s dark right now but what if the on the other side of that it’s like more badass I see what I’m saying I say justjust go I just you know in in okay you said you usually take five five go 15 oh my god I I do not I disagree you should not do this listen can you wrap up this uh this podcast on your own yeah I was thinking we should already be wrapping up anyway especially it cuz you’re I’m still I’m still so surprised that you’re conscious are we doing this okay we’re doing well and you’re at this point Cameron you’re also shaking visibly and sweating a lot well oh you’re going for it no opposite way then it looks normal is your ear leaking well are there gonna be follow-up questions if I answer that I hate no okay it’s a lot okay well I guess mainly I would like to leave with the advice of you should not be taking these medications neither of you should be you shouldn’t be you might be taking the medications as prescribed though so if the doctor says take this one at a certain time of day certain amount you should listen to that rather than taking a mix-and-match version of that and then and that is absolutely true or just kind of feel it out again it’s an art form it’s art okay I gotta say it is not an art like there are ass there’s no room there are rules and there are laws people people a long time ago said you can’t put distortion on that guitar sound sound so fuzzy I don’t like it Oh guitar should only sound clean and then rock and roll okay so with guitars that’s an art medicine is you can’t you can’t play a guitar string and make it sound like echoey where it’s playing it twice the edge guitarists in you to delay pedal isn’t yeah isn’t that science that helped give us distortion yeah in guitar like didn’t didn’t that take a scientific sort of approach where the streets have no name with or without you bullet the blue sky so beautiful day you science can help the art but fair art to be the way that science and art are two different types of fields you understand so the scientist is a logic evidence-based method and that’s why we need to get back to the art form so it’s not a logic oh I’m a computer 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 what happened to the art of it ok well I guess that’s that’s all the time we have today umm people told Bon Iver that he couldn’t and he did it anyway because it’s art ok alright well thank you to Jeremiah for being on the show when people said hey beetles you can’t have like Bowl haircuts you’re grown man what did they do they did get haircut huh I don’t know if that was if anyone told them they couldn’t yeah it’s an art Thank You Cameron and thank you too this has been jock doc see you if you liked that episode please tell your friends according to our stats we have 3 listeners don’t get me wrong we love our listeners but it feels very creepy to tailor every bit of content towards a specific tastes of you 3 people so please tell George and yes our marketing Intel shows that all three of you despised George but it also tells us that he has been asking for podcast recommendations and that so he has that belly button leakage and that makes you all uncomfortable but that you can’t let that keep our podcast from growing he can’t help that medical condition and I do want to say one of our listeners Stacy we know that she works in an old folks home both of old people are sleeping just add the podcast tour to their phone oh oh oh it’s our listenership come on Stacy and I I would say maybe instead of our podcast is kind of like radio in a way so that would be a point of relation if if they could set up for them sure but probably well there awakes that there they know about it do it while they’re asleep your boyfriend Darrell is not gonna mind at all yeah Darrell the stats we have on him yeah okay well um also uh please leave us a five star review explaining which of George’s gross is least appealing to you we are at jock dock podcast on social media and you should actually go ahead and just text someone jock dock podcast.com right now so that they can listen in to and that’ll have links to major stream major podcast platforms you can get this podcast on Apple podcast stitcher pocket cast google podcasts Hellmann’s mayonnaise podcast the Heinz ketchup podcast app NASA’s podcast snap so the ketchup and NASA they all have podcasts they have class apps yeah okay huh I I did I didn’t know that yep okay well alright well thanks for listening [Music] [Applause]