16: Ventricular Fibrillation/Philip

[Music] Welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring Dr. London Smith how much jock could a doc talk jock if a doctor could talk jock introducing your host the Jock Doc
Hello and welcome to the jock dock podcast where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host Dr. London Smith (.com) I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received that’s some feedback that the terminology I’ve been using particularly with words like going to the doctor and kindness have been overly complicated so I will try I will attempt to simplify my speech so that everyone can keep learning at the same pace here to help with that is our producer Cameron heyo Cameron is like a spider at the center of the web of the world’s cultures and trends feeling the slightest vibration of change in the ripples of the global currents so don’t be too surprised if he adds a slight touch to redirect the podcast towards relevance should the need arise also with us is do DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE [Music]
Wow I think we’ve in the first few weeks this podcast we’ve been trying to figure out our style and our rhythm I think we figured it out when you say we yeah just that so if we just play to that yeah so so for me part of sort of I guess to use your words the rhythm of the podcast would be to talk about medicine a little bit yeah yeah so for me like I did that was fun but I feel like we also need to cover some medical topics I think some people would say that music is the best medicine I don’t know I’ve never met anyone who said that I’ve never heard of anyone saying that but I guarantee at least one person has I just said it right so at least one yeah okay well in any case sit up and happy so later betta butta Bop but do Cameron tells me that we are expecting your guests what is that song I do picked up a table okay it’s the song that DJ Dylan played a little bit ago I don’t think so this is something else it’s on the tip of my tongue *scatting sounds* you can take a pocket no we really we just heard that no this is a it’s a song I can’t I can’t remember how it goes I’ll remember it later in the podcast or maybe you can use your medical wisdom to kind of look into my brain and figure out what the song I can’t remember okay well unfortunately with with medicine even in this modern age uh-huh we don’t have to my knowledge a test to find out what song you’re thinking of at the moment that there are apps that can do something similar but yeah well an AI yeah with it the AI technology perhaps 3d printing it’s like a 3d print your idea of what a song sounded like yeah if you could just print the song that’s on the tip it’s like it goes boop be dap bow
cha cha ka dee boop bo at the power to notice what looks like a break down it goes done it up I really it’s on the tip of my tongue okay well before we move on I would like to address a listener question quote your stripper name : : the color that’s a horrible stripper name : : well actually I’m not finished with the quote oh sorry yeah but fair point so your stripper name : : the color of your placemats plus your pet’s name plus the make of your car and then it has three upside-down smiley faces in a row black emojis end quote so first of all I would like to thank you so much for reaching out to the jock talk podcast we appreciate hearing from our listeners and we always want to help in any way we can to answer your question I am unsure as to why we would need to know our stripper names that but that’s not a profession that I that I chose to go into so I’m not sure how it would be applicable to me you don’t think there’s there’s any instance in a medical context to have to figure out someone stripper name you know you have to figure out their medical history you have to figure out their diets you have to figure out their emotions like if they’re dealing with depression or you don’t think that you’ve never had someone come in and you they’ve just completely stumped you and then once you’ve figured out their stripper name you were able to diagnose them properly I I guess given that it’s a pet’s name that’s something that we will ask for sometime if they say you know I have a dog you ask so it’s its name then making their car I don’t know if that would be so aspects of what makes up a strippers name might come into play but the strippers name itself I don’t really see you should with your patients you should say hey let’s play a fun game your stripper name is how often you exercise whether or not you’re allergic to things what medications you’re on if you’ve had any surgeries in the last three years right okay and then to make it a little bit more engaging yeah okay all right admit I had not thought of that that’s an idea okay from our listener not my idea right okay well I check up on a beaut just to answer their question so my stripper name according to them would be brown Harald Honda so there’s something once again thank you for contacting us here at the jock dock podcast [Applause]
what is this song I can’t really read it it’s pretty positive that we heard multiple times ooh okay so now for its hill from the hospital I know I know at one part it says one hop this time but it’s not cha cha slide like I know it’s not cha cha so slide but it does say one hop this time a lot that’s the only song that I know of off the top of my head unless there’s like a rabbit theme song or a kangaroo it does talk about Charlie Brown but again I know it’s not I’ll figure it out go ahead it mentions Charlie Brown and hopping up one hop this time but it’s not cha cha slide it’s way better than that yeah okay well you know there well okay so now for a tale from the hospital great we had an alcoholic patient who wanted to cut back on his drinking habits but rather than using some medication or a 12-step program he insisted that he needed to go to the bar more he felt this way because he drinks four bottles of schnapps per day and since bars are more expensive and he doesn’t make that much money he will be forced to cut back because he cannot afford to maintain his usual number of drinks so we had to advise them against this idea because surrounding yourself in an environment that encourages your addiction as a poor method by which to cut back or quit your drinking so you said to this guy I’ve got 12 steps for you step 1 through 12 cut it out no I didn’t say that said hey loser stop drinking so much well you can’t figure out how to stop drinking you pathetic loser that’s what you told him that that’s kind of mean it is a disease I don’t think I said it no so I just mean we usually 12-step programs or you know Alcoholics Anonymous you know and there’s medication that can help with the quitting saying the smoking actually there’s medication that can help with that great okay all right well now for today’s topic ventricular fibrillation normally the heart has nodes in the upper chambers of the heart called the atria and these nodes set the rate and rhythm of the heart beats however in ventricular fibrillation multiple foci and the lower chambers of the heart called the ventricles begin to fire rapidly leading to a chaotic quivering of the ventricles without actually managing to pump blood so clinically this will present with absent heart sounds and pulse and an EKG will show no atrial p-waves nor QRS waves this condition is a medical emergency requiring immediate defibrillation and CPR you know what would help get your heart beat back into a normal rhythm DJ Dylan song hit it [Music]
what is the medical significance of using kind of songs like that I guess that makes the rhythm of your heartbeat [Music]
okay all right well that was that was Cameron I think that was the song that you were thinking of earlier not the cha-cha I mean the one before that you were humming the song I was thinking of his like Izapa DAPA too but do a beat a bop a boo but uh because you were saying that sippy-sip ease during the song I was thinking of this I was thinking of the other song it’s still stuck in my head I was unrelated okay all right well do we have any sponsors today we do Zappa da we do and it’s actually sort of an announcement that’s why as you guys know we have been putting our podcasts on the villo Network which is part of Yahoo travels best breweries of 2012 articles okay we were actually moving networks we’ve we’ve had a little conflict with Yahoo travel they were unwilling to put they were unwilling to put my beer on their favorite beers the decade list wait so you’re switching because they wouldn’t put your beer which for our listeners who haven’t listened to that episode Cameron’s beer causes paralysis and suicidal thoughts from my understanding he and also he markets to children okay it’s not it’s not marketed to anyone you know it’s just like whoever wants it right but but I do like you go to children well the they’re the most enthusiastic about it okay and they are the ones who have killed themselves the most unfortunately and we don’t know if that’s related to the beer for these children yeah it could be the ingredients in the beer it could be a lot of different things we don’t know but Yahoo unwilling to work with us I gave the writer at who a ton of the beer he didn’t even respond back you know it really really frustrating so we we’ve switched networks and so I am excited to announce that we are on capn it’s the Casey Anthony podcast network Casey Anthony has started a new podcast network and we’re excited to collaborate with her joining other great shows on the network such as I didn’t do it and there’s another great show I swear it wasn’t me okay and then Jacques talk podcast those those are the three launching podcasts on this new exciting network is that does that seem like the best fit for us the theme I thought we would go for something more medical at least I guess there are medical aspects to that there are absolutely medical aspects to that ID but being on the network we are not a lot of allowed to talk about the medical aspects of of Casey Anthony’s history okay so we okay so we just wanted to avoid it altogether besides the same she didn’t do it oh okay well we can well we can’t say that someone didn’t do something like depending on like that’s not our we’re not judge or jury oh wait we are podcast okay yes I think we’re gonna say that we were somehow involved in the okay the judgment okay no we were not involved in the trial okay I mean that was it was a long time ago right I just making sure yeah so so I’m excited about this change right moving forward we’re gonna be working with her personally a lot she’ll probably I mean she’s gonna have suggestions and notes on our show how does it change and adjusts towards Oh towards something else because we’re we’re trying to educate people about medicine with this yeah I’m oh no no still still focusing on that but she has some some topic ideas she wants to throw out there that maybe we could think about maybe things like Oh Medical Examiner’s aren’t always accurate sometimes the things that they find aren’t 100% the best you know well I don’t I’m not sure how enthusiastic but joining a network I guess would help with marketing and things oh absolutely so I guess that’s a plus yeah I think it’s great okay all right well thank you to the I’m so it’s capn the Casey Anthony podcast network our new home all right [Music]
hello oh hello hi hi Karen hey it’s me Phillip I’m here because I’ve got a fundraising opportunity that I wanted to bring up to you dr. London hi dr. London I forgot to let you know we had we do have a guest today yeah well you told me I guess I’m uh hello I’m dr. London smith.com and this is the jock dog podcast uh-huh I know who you are sir okay here is my neighbor he’s my good friend okay and I really love his beer oh it’s still alive how energetic are you I haven’t gotten up from my chair in six weeks oh okay that and that’s unrelated to the beer just let me just throw that out this is you’re still alive your tag line you’re still alive is that yeah okay like the way you said it sounded official no the official tag line is you are still alive okay does that because it seems like I would imply that something that they wouldn’t be that they potentially wouldn’t be from it I don’t know I mean like like zombie stuff is real big now so it’s like all your live oh you’re not a zombie hey you know naming yes yeah you’re not a zombie well I guess given the prowl anyway um so Philip is that your name yeah I’m with mr. Carl’s fourth grade class were getting ready for any siding trip to New York City oh that is exciting it’s gonna be really really fun okay so I’ve got a catalogue here of all of our things that we’re offering to raise money okay so I’ll do me to read off a few of these whatever seems interesting yeah I really have to sell a lot of tickets today okay so we have on here a box of chocolate for 500 tickets mm-hmm okay dinner for two 500 tickets mm-hmm cleaning service 500 tickets mmm priority seating at the annual juggle Ducks parade that’s my favorite one that’s 500 tickets as well and how much is a single ticket one dollar okay okay oh so all of these are 500 tickets well I um I haven’t finished the list yeah so Thomas is old footie pajamas that’s my brother sorry little brother in parentheses no poop that’s for 500 tickets and you promise there’s no poop on there at all not no no poop okay um I’ve been meaning to get some footy pajamas without poop on them okay you know I thought that is Steinke mystic once again how did you get a recording of my I didn’t say that okay there’s deep fakes there’s another on this list the last one is Thomas’s old footie pajamas parentheses with limited poop but oh that is stanky maybe I should but that one’s 499 tick I feel like I should maybe go for that one to lower my personal bar a little bit because yes I could spend the extra money to get a poopless footie pajama but can I even guarantee that it’s gonna stay that way for long turn long enough for it to be worth it right interesting well I can’t help but feel Cameron I’m not sure that you would fit into I don’t know the size of Thomas is four years old I’m sure you would fit mr. Cameron I’ve tried on some of his clothes before it’s a squeeze but okay well well thank you Phillip for for offering all these these things so five hundred tickets you’re fundraising for whoa is it again we’re trying to go to New York City okay what are you guys planning on doing in New York we’re gonna get away from my dad mr. Carl Wow that’s what the school trip is centered around yeah me and Thomas our homes gold okay okay so the so school trip if I may clarify its that you’re raising money so that you and your brother can go somewhere to New York without your father right we’ve got all our stuff packed in our little handkerchiefs on a stick over our shoulders and we’re ready to get on the train we just have to sell everything on the list Oh what are you which things do you like dr. London well okay I guess one of the issues I see is for for $1 per ticket and if the majority of items cost 500 tickets with my math which I think is accurate on this that’s $500 per item the first item being a box of chocolate with limited poop okay that isn’t written here okay so I thought the limited poop made it marked down in price but that’s still full price at 500 rather than 499 it’s a surprise box you don’t know when you take a bite if you’re getting poop or chocolate so it’s fun it’s like the Harry Potter jelly beans so when I say a box of chocolate did you make this box of chocolate no it’s an old Valentine’s box but me and Thomas we don’t like the cherry chocolate so we left the cherry chocolates and we filled the rest in ourselves Wow so you guys are great little businessmen aren’t you yeah we have the entrepreneurial spirit that’s what my grandma says and that’s what we need to meet more of in today’s society mega absolute well okay let’s go ahead and move on from there so you said I’m sorry so one of the chocolates is going to be chocolate the cherry one and the rest are going to be poop inside of this box of chocolates there’s more than one cherry one okay I think Philip I think we could sell this to dr. aligned in a little like maybe if we put a medical angle on these kind of things I think dr. London might be more receptive and more receptive equals more touching I guess like maybe we could tell dr. London like oh these are stool samples every pack comes with stool samples right that’s like doctor stuff I don’t think a stool would fit in this box okay it’s true yeah the sample that so I one therapy that I I can talk about that sort of related is if someone has a seed if a Clostridium difficile infection that’s after they they’ve been to the hospital they get a round of antibiotics then they can develop this infection and one of the treatment options if medications fail is a what what’s commonly termed a poop pill so it’s it’s it sounds like what they’re selling it’s a bhoot pill well it’s I I don’t think it’s exactly the same because these these are sort of medical-grade that the poop pills they have that you know the normal plastic wrapped around so you don’t for one thing you don’t to taste that it’s poop and then also it doesn’t let sort of break up until like that seal isn’t gone until it gets to the right part of your digestive tract I could argue that ingesting some of these lovely chocolates that Phillip is trying to sell you would help improve your immune system isn’t that correct dr. London I’m sorry you said I can argue this yes any day of the week Monday Tuesday through Thursday okay because when you say I could argue this and then you just check with me to verify yeah that you can argue that sure I’ve heard you argue a lot of things that in my opinion don’t make that much sense and I’m here to say if you get a box of these chocolates you will be healthier than you’ve ever been because it’s exposing your body to feel matter equal matter of two little boys I don’t that doesn’t sound that that useful I I don’t see how that would have that react because from a medical perspective wine okay okay the you know the yeast stool sample that’s the medical term for it right the fetus stool I mean it’s not the dependent no how are using it it’s not gonna be too bad cuz it’s coming from little boys it’s not coming from like a 45 year old man or anything like that right so it’s better and it’s exposing your body to germs healthy and some of them still have corn in it ah thank you I think dr. London’s finally coming around to it I taught vegetables okay if I can go to the next is these days eat so few vegetables okay that is an issue you’re right and I think maybe we just need to consider a new delivery system so you think if they have already digested the vegetables and then you know excreted them as waste and then we eat the already the the because the bad stuffs already been filtered out so you’re actually eating a healthier version version of the vegetable I don’t think that that is amazed medical science is amazing this is really incredible okay I so usually your body will take out the nutrients and then expel the bad but okay so the next thing on that list I’ll go ahead dr. London yeah so the next thing on that list was dinner for two for 500 tickets and what gets a lot of these fundraiser type of things say dinner for two at a restaurant or at a certain place and you’ll you’ll ask that restaurant for a gift card and then they’ll donate that and that’s that’s my understanding of how these fundraisers work where where is this dinner for to you’ll come over to my grandma’s house and me and Thomas will have set up a table in the backyard for you and you can choose between gummy worms bag of flour some turkey meat what else does Thomas make up some frozen waffle make up yeah Thomas is the chef so he makes up you say Turkey whatever he can find in the fridge in the pantry I’m told about the beer I supply you guys the beer we have to keep that outside so grandma doesn’t see it because she doesn’t like for us to have it so it’s it’s is it refrigerated outside no we keep it in a hole in the tree we had to kick out a nest of baby bluebirds that is the coldest part of a tree is the hole is where the Bluebird nest would normally go mm-hmm okay well so your your brother is the chef but by chef you mean one who’s scavenges grandmother’s kitchen to find ya old pieces of gum not in a wrapper okay so to me and maybe this is a sort of a nutrition thing that perhaps you haven’t learned at your age but um traditionally a dinner would implies sort of like less snacky foods like you’d have different uh different food groups doctor I’m so tired of like you’d have vegetables you’d have your grains I bring on a perfectly nice guest who is an expert in their field okay and that is another question I was gonna ask what field are they next we’re the experts in you know travel restaurants chocolatiers okay he lists off these menu items all sound fantastic and here what do you do you poopoo on them in a manner of speaking like the chocolates which are literal and healthy for you literally feces well I can go ahead and address another thing on your list here if that’s all right I just want to be clear about what you’re proposing here the cleaning service well that sounds useful yeah me or Thomas will come over to your house every morning and I eat and we’ll just do whatever you want you know like the dishes we can wipe your Bobo for you I’m sorry what do you mean by Bobo well your bottom so that the cleaning service you offer is to come in to our house morning or night and do the dishes which I’m surprised at your height that you could reach you know high up enough to do that but then also to wipe the the bottom of a given one who purchased the ticket Wow dr. London this sounds like a service you could use how many of these should we be signing you up for I you should as we list them ones that you’re interested in we should mark them down okay and I guess before we move on you hear um it will if if I’m not mistaken dr. London Philip is also willing to clean your willy i I would feel uncomfortable with with these particular services from a young child from an adult also but specifically well criminally from a child he’s very mature for his age he drinks beer I which to me hearing that someone drinks beer doesn’t equate that that doesn’t equate with intelligence or maturity you’d never see a baby drinking beer I’ve never seen a baby drink beer yeah that’s true so but I’ve seen plenty ergo mature adults who don’t drink beer I don’t think so okay I’ve never heard of that all right well Cameron do we uh do we have a sponsor today we absolutely do dr. London all right today’s sponsor is an app okay kind of getting into that Silicon Valley scene a little yeah yeah this one today it’s so difficult to find time to learn oh yeah actually if you’re not in school mm-hmm if you’re graduating even if you’re in school you might need a little bit of help and you know hiring a tutor or something like that is so expensive mm-hmm so we’ve got an app here that helps you with your math okay that sounds great yes Pythagoras pal okay yeah yeah I like the Pythagorean yeah absolutely and it teaches you I mean algebra geometry whatever you need help with it gives you daily lessons to kind of help you along daily quizzes daily tests to try to try to push you further sure okay yeah and you know with a lot of these apps you download them once and then you play with it for a second and then you never touch it again okay yeah I have found that problem that’s any anything like that that I have I download it and I never touch with this app that’s never gonna be a problem oh how does it like it gives you notifications well yeah so it gives you a notification if you haven’t used it in 24 hours it’s gonna give you a pop-up okay that says hey you haven’t done your daily quiz yeah get back jump in the app get back to it after 48 hours you get another puppet it says hey you haven’t done your daily quiz we’ve taken nude photo of photos of you while you were using the bathroom we’re gonna say this to your crush okay well that after just you say 48 hours yeah for one thing that that’s not like a pretty extreme like punishment job buddy you wanted to take these quizzes you wanted to learn this is just motivation if you don’t use it for 72 hours that photo that it took then sent to your crush it edits it makes it way worse worse than you’ve been in just a nude photo maybe that’s a swastika tattoo who knows send it to your employer your friends and family and any possible future crushes that you might have finds people on your facebook connected networks that are kind of your type just preemptively sends it to them so like using that kind of algorithm where it finds people that you might know yeah and it sends them nude photos of yourself with something with just like Nazi memorabilia in the background or whatever that I I don’t I don’t know that that doesn’t sound hate if you don’t want it to happen do your daily quiz it’s that easy it’s so easy to just jump in the app it takes 3-4 hours to do to finish your lesson and to do your quizzes okay that sounds like a lot of time commitment to because hey you wanted to learn this is what it’s all about man okay I four days go by still having used it cause the cops it says hey man I got a bomb I got a bomb right now in the subway system you want to catch me you need to come to my address and it gives it your address okay no that sounds dangerous now it says hey you little pigs that’s what it calls it taunts the cops says hey man I put a bomb in the subway system only I know where it is so I want to stop it you gotta come catch me come to my house so the app insults cops and then tells them your address yeah goes oink oink oh hey little piggy catch me this doesn’t sound good I don’t like I dad doesn’t sound good that’s why you got to do your daily quizzes man easy easy okay but after it after surely after that you’re like it’s done that fifth day enrolls you in Isis just sends just just an application Isis you know they’re an Oakland open application organization honestly I did not know sends you an application since since uh whatever fees are required and just kind of make sure you’re a part of it I that okay I don’t I do not like this no one likes it that’s why you got to do it got a daily quizzes okay well that download the app today it’s in the App Store it’s free you will be learning tons and tons of math or else I guess or else that’s actually the slogan well I I guess thanks for sponsors yeah I’ve already downloaded it to your phone and started the first last oh so I don’t have that better get to it you don’t want to know what happens on the sixth day [Music]
so all these take are all these items cost 500 tickets and each ticket is $1.00 so if you sell one of them that’s $500 that should be enough to get you away Zinn that direction towards your trip right well rent is really expensive in New York City yep we won’t settle for anything less than the penthouse at the top of the Empire State Building when you say that rent is expensive are you planning to move there I’ve gotta have a place for me and my little brother Thomas because whenever you were describing this earlier you were having this as a field trip which normally has a pretty defined start and end date like with a few days gonna see how things go I’ve never been on a field trip all right you are pretty young for it um well Ann that’s a homeschooled right so have you what is what has your dad had an opinion of this he doesn’t know he doesn’t know speak lower when you’re talking about what are you told me and Thomas that we have to clean up the dogs poo poo in the backyard and I said no more of this tyranny so me and Thomas are getting out of here I just need to sell everything on my list okay because you also made it sound like maybe there’s a big reason like possibly some some trouble in the home but the trouble is tyranny I would say that’s a huge issue but make your bed fill up make your bed Thomas clean up your GI Joes do you know what that’s like living under that type of tyranny every single day of your young life Wow I think I think I did no because when I was you’ve got out of there that’s what I want for me and my little brother Thomas this bias buddy pajamas okay that’s a lot of a lot there Phil oh I’m so sorry that you’ve had to deal with that I just didn’t know I’m just next door I just didn’t know it’s all right mr. Cameron so how many boxes of chocolate do you want look I’m not looking to that didn’t do anything for you not because the emotional aspect was there but whenever I heard what was going on it sounds like normal chores basic discipline for my father if he wasn’t doing that I would say there’s a problem I please stop it everyone please come down [Applause]
boo-yeah so that’s sounds like a responsible father rather than a tyrannical oh that’s okay mr. Cameron gave me your card I’ll just put it on there and mail you everything you’ll do you even know how the mail system works I I think I know a way we can maybe sell dr. London on some of this stuff and get your funding could you maybe describe the priority seating at the annual juggle Ducks parade yeah so that’s been going on since last year and we only have two lawn chairs so one grandma sits in and the other one is for dr. lund and when he buys priority seating great so the juggle duck sets is me and Thomas we go in the backyard and we throw a rubber duck oh that sounds like a hoot it grandma loves it she cracks up Wow so for five hundred dollars we i-i’ve invited two right I’m paying to go sit in a lawn chair in your grandmother’s backyard and watch you and your brother toss around was it rubber ducks uh-huh where the juggle Ducks woolen with like no one will be standing in front of you with the priority seating so you don’t have to worry about a crowd if that’s what you’re worried about no for me in terms of like value for money since they aren’t like professional performers this sounds sort of like kids playing and like you wouldn’t pay $500 for a seat at wool I I didn’t have a parade when I was playing with my brother when as a kid well I I think the only difference would be that you didn’t call it a parade thousands are expected to attend is that true uh-huh how many have you had these performances before it’s the second annual okay at the first annual how many people showed up 1,600 and you’re in your grandmother’s backyard uh-huh it’s a huge event don’t you want priority seating to this dr. London I throw in free parking I’m just gonna say it we’ll throw in free parking I’m just very okay when you say 1600 people showed up last year do you mean that they were just like your maybe your grandma had a party and you’re estimating on the numbers we were walking by okay so it was a little bit more like they were the parade and that you were standing still no I’m throwing it duck – my brother Thomas right okay I guess listening wasn’t part of your med school was it dr. London no I know it was it’s why I’m trying to be a little bit more particular about these things because just finding out where this $500 to watch you throw rubber ducks it’s understanding that all right I guess I don’t know I just thought did you know I helped Phillip put together this list I thought these were things you might be interested in that maybe you’d be interested in funding and I don’t know what just kind of hurts my feelings a little bit that you’re not even taking it seriously that’s all well I’m me asking all these questions is me taking it seriously but okay that’s fine so you’re trying to sell all the items on this list which is one two three four five six items totaling let’s see yes six times five which is an easy number to calculate by the way it’s three zero zero zero zero are you gonna you’re feeling this one Cameron’s 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 are you just counting Cameron what’s that with that was that Ness I’d to yourself or were you trying to add up these numbers what are you talking about okay so I was talking about the cost of these items on the list and then I started counting oh you started counting so I assumed that you were I don’t think so okay anyways hearing something else I’m sorry that’s that wasn’t me okay so anyway this this amounts to thousands of dollars that you’re requesting to move away because 40 your father 42 is having you do chores around the house it’s absolute Tyranny so what if you maybe just tried doing some of the chores and then you wouldn’t have to sell all this stuff or you could sell the stuff and just have money why don’t we make the dictator happy sounds good to me let’s just give in to Mussolini okay well okay I’m impressed with the the reference all right well that all these items sound great but I think Justin buys a box of poop for five hundred dollars it seems like a lot yeah a lot of poop I agreed it is a subscription box service I forgot I don’t know if that was mentioned so it is it is a monthly service which maybe that sweetens the deal a little bit for you so every month see DJ Dylan likes it every month you’re going to be sending a Philip Philip will be sending us sorry me I guess box of with every month and it sounds like the chariot chocolates as well yeah we don’t like those okay well in any case I don’t think that this is really what I’m looking for that’s okay mr. Cameron gave me your credit card stuff and if you I mean if you want to cancel the monthly subscription it’s you can go ahead and do that all you got to do is log on to Philips website and just unsubscribe I’m Suzy Phillips Philip you have a website yes me and Thomas is it is it me and Thomas what calm no it’s Philip – Thomas – three – a – 46 – Tigers – poop chocolates – me and Thomas dot-com backslash poop chocolates [Applause] [Music] what was that about the Tigers and the name does that have to do with anything that’s our softball team me and Thomas’s oh that’s nice okay well anyway I gotta say I don’t think that I want to like I can’t stop you can’t keep taking my card and giving it to people Cameron okay like I I’m not okay with it as what I’m saying like that then what’s it for I guess I guess that’s what I don’t like why have it if you’re not gonna use it well I’m gonna use it but you giving it out freely that that’s what I have a problem with it’s part of the budget I know that’s my personal money that’s not part of the budget it’s it is part of the budget because our sponsors are supposed to be making up the budget the whole thing yeah and I’m not supposed to be the sponsor it’s the budget right okay well in any case I think that I think we can go ahead and call it there so so you know you gotta tell Philip like he’s a little kid man so you’re not gonna get in you’re not gonna buy any of his stuff so Philip he’s a child maybe if you just took up like a lemonade stand there’s something to make money that would be an easier route so for now thank you so much for being on the show if it’s all right we’re just gonna go ahead and I think ended here okay thank you for your time in dr. London Philip don’t leave just yet dr. London how much are we putting down I I’m putting my foot down about this okay I’m not going to pay $500 for a box if you get the poop box of chocolate you get the poop dinner for two you get the poop cleaning service you get the poop priority seating you the old footy pajamas no poop or the old footage of pyjamas with limited poop Oh easy that last one costs one ticket less yes one ticket you saved money one dollar I got a decline I don’t think that I want to buy any of those but we’ll see you around I’m sure since you’re Cameron’s neighbor bye mr. camera I’ll get you beer later what if we like sweeten the deal a little bit I I so far I have zero interest in the deal well I’m just okay Philip Philip has this like a stun gun from his parents and you can tell Philip just like kind of taser anyone and he’ll do it I anyone you can think of I don’t find don’t totally do it he’s gonna be in New York don’t you want to tase her like I don’t know the New York Knicks or something mmm no not not really I don’t want to do harm to people really so I think like I appreciate you trying oh right sorry okay we’re on the podcast so Philip well where you’re in New York do not tease her any of London’s enemies hear you loud and clear and in exchange dr. London will put his name down for every single item on your list sounds good to me okay all right well I think we’re gonna we’re gonna go ahead and end it there I thank you to Philip for being on the show on the jock talk podcast thank you to Cameron as always thank you too dude you didn’t the hosts Oh [Music] Zippity zappity use up all right so this has been a jock dock podcast with dr. London Smith what is the name of that song sup sup sup Zuzu good bye did it do you one hop this time [Music] wow what an episode you can almost hear the medical if you’re anything like me all you could think of the whole episode was how much you want to finally start trying to learn Latin so you can finally know something that your bigshot coworker Henry doesn’t know who that is all I could think about right so distracted by it because every time you read an article about how sleep affects lifestyle or how stress can impact your life he chimes in by saying that he read that article too and researched the topic pretty in-depth and was actually the one who wrote the article and sure enough you look it up and there’s his name at the end of the article oh by this time you are realizing that maybe you should have known about this because you both work at the same blogging website and you were just reading from the category under which he normally publishes anyway um how are we talking so if you enjoyed that please subscribe to the Jacque dog podcast and probably go ahead and give us a five star review while you’re at it and be sure to message a friend or enemy about the podcast as well maybe Henry doesn’t know about the podcast we also have links to major podcast platforms at Jacques talk podcast calm for your convenience thanks again for listening you hear that Henry you hear that [Music] [Applause]