21: Myocarditis/Ashbey and Matilda


Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast

featuring Dr. London Smith he knows a

lot of big words and he will examine

your turds introducing your host Dr.

London Smith hello and welcome to the

jock dock podcast where we discuss

fitness and health and how to

incorporate our modern understanding of

science and medicine into our daily

lives but without a being so boring I’m

your host dr. London Smith (.com) I

would like to begin by apologizing to

our listeners we have received some

complaints about the overuse of

technical terminology I’ve been using

such as hand shake and keeping your

hands and arms inside the ride at all

times so I will try to simplify my

language in the future here to help with

that is our producer Cameron greetings

friends Cameron is like a feather on the

wind using his sensitivity to every herb

and flow of the breeze of this world’s

trends to plot the course of the podcast

so don’t be surprised if he occasionally

offers the slightest of guiding hands

when the podcast seems a little too

brainy for the average person also with



and Cameron also tells me that there

will be a guest on the show a little

later so do look forward to that before

we move on I would like to address a bit

of listener feedback quote not spanking

your kids makes therm dumber

that’s why millennium think Fey

climate change has changed when it

hasn’t the earth is rand no it’s flat

all caused from not being beaten

senseless like I was dot dot dot and I

turned out fine end quote

first of all thank you so much for

reaching out to us here at the Jock

Doc Podcast we always love hearing back

from our listeners to answer your

question is my understanding that

spanking is not at least directly

responsible for the rise of climate

change as an important issue well are

you a client climate change scientist

ok no I’m I’m not that type of scientist

do we know if this listener is I I

suppose you have me there Cameron I from

what I’ve read about climate science and

climate change there has been no mention

of how many times a given climate

scientist was spanked okay and that’s

valid that’s completely valid

okay but but our listeners are pretty

smart and I mean this listener in

particular is clearly someone who thinks

outside the box they’re not letting

society tell them what to think what not

to think right they’re able to come up

with their own decisions they’re

independent thinkers okay when it comes

to spanking when it comes to climate

change whereas you are more of a book

thinker okay and I I do appreciate

hearing these outside these other


should also specify that that the

spanking it likely did not have a

significant impact on the alternative

viewpoint that the earth is flat rather

than round so that’s that’s another

point that I would say there’s probably

not a huge amount of correlation there

that’s known at least mm-hmm okay all

right well um here now for a tale from

our clinic a patient came into our

clinic crossed out all the parts of the

liability forms where the doctor is it’s

written now that they’re not held

responsible for certain things and that

patient then yelled at the staff so then

the office manager was going to talk to

him about it privately but before he

could the patient cussed out everyone in

the office and left later a staff member

checked and sure enough the patient had

left a lengthy critical one-star yelp

review of the clinic further searches

found that this was not the first

occasion that the patient was in fact a

frequent Yelp reviewer and appeared to

be quite critical

finally the staff member just googled

the patient generally like there’s

specific name and found that in the past

the patient in question had visited an

eating establishment and stabbed a

customer there then stabbed a car in the

parking lot on the way out so it appears

that we were fortunate to have as mild

and experienced as we did with this

particular patient it kind of sounds

like you got a bad yelp review and are

now just making up stories about

patients okay so in this case the

patient left a really bad review without

actually even seeing the doctor for one

thing yeah according to your story okay

so you think that this patient possibly

had come in seen the doctor and given a

bad yelp review based on a genuine

experience I think the patient came in

was expecting a certain level of service

maybe to be seated quicker not have to

wait for a table for so long maybe the

patient was expecting higher quality

food than what

you’re serving I don’t know what you

serve at your hospital but maybe they

were kind of expecting something more

given what you advertise I’m not sure I

I don’t know the details

what because again I haven’t seen the

Yelp review that he gave you that then

in turn caused you to lash out and

create these wild elaborate stories what

do you think happens at the doctor’s

office because this this response this

sounds like you’d well I mean it sounds

to me like a your doctor’s office they

make you wait forever for a table the

quality of service is very poor there no

one you know fills up your water as

frequently as they should and the food

is just lackluster okay just to clarify

for our listeners the doctor’s office

typically is a place where you go to

seek medical care not sure sure sure no

debate about that not food or drinks

like you’ll get that at the hospital

whenever you’re staying there but that’s

not that’s not the point of that place I

mean that’s not the service that they

are you’re answering why people are

giving you one-star reviews because

again they’re coming in with a certain

expectation maybe they want a nice steak

maybe they want a chicken-fried steak

maybe they want chicken-fried chicken

who knows I don’t know I don’t know

what’s on the menu do you like do you

leave reviews of places where they don’t

provide you food

well yeah like let’s say you go to the

DMV and so you leave a bad review

because you didn’t you weren’t fed there

yeah the platter that they had out was


was it food I mean it was something

either lad that I ate it was disgusting

okay so it sounds like maybe your

specific expectations are maybe off from

what they should be for a given place

you have to check the category of a

place before you go in my expectations

okay are to accurately reflect to the

Yelp community what level of food

are gonna be receiving at any given

establishment okay I go to the post

office what do I get stamps and you eat

those yes and they suck they have

pictures of apples and stuff on it they

don’t taste like apples at all okay

there’s an Applejack situation there

then yeah and I give it a one-star

review huh yeah Applejack as in they

jacked all my apples and now supplying

me with Apple stamps that don’t taste

like apples at all that I just feel like

your expectations are a little off

considering but we can we can move on

from there okay now for today’s medical

topic myocarditis myocarditis refers to

an inflammation of the muscles of the

heart dr. London I’ve kind of like let

you go on your own for the last few

episodes but my role in this podcast is

to dumb it down and make it relatable

relatable and something that everyone

can understand okay yeah sure so when

you say a word like inflammation what

does that mean okay

that means sort for example if you ever

have like a bug bite okay and you see it

getting all red and enlarged sure that

that’s inflammation that’s what that is

okay so to elaborate them a little

further when you say enlarged you’re

talking about it gets bigger right

increases in size oh yeah

that’s exactly what’s about to say oh

it’s just about to say that

what are you okay all right so increase

in size you mean the combination of

those two though red warm increasing in

size right and increasing in size means

inflammation right which means it means

red warm increasing about to say that

okay right so so going back to my own

carditis right myocarditis refers to an


the muscles of the heart what does that

mean okay which are going back to

inflammation again yeah okay okay so

inflammation is when you have sort of a

redness what like a bug bite okay

oh it’s red okay and enlarged yes oh

yeah no I know all of this and it’s warm

yeah no I get all of this I was just

about to say that okay all right so so I

guess I’ll move on from there then but

like you know when you say red like what

do you mean okay so like the color of

something red like a red rose and yeah

oh I again I know all of this stuff I’m

not an idiot I’m trying to I’m trying to

help the audience oh this is you think

the listener did not understand it

whenever I said those words yeah so

becoming larger means increasing in size

this is all part of inflammation right

and what does that mean

to increase in size it means the size

that it becomes right is it it’s like

bigger than it used to be

of course yeah okay I obviously I feel

like maybe the listeners a little it

doesn’t they don’t need it dumbed down

to that extent oh sure okay obviously I

was just about to say that okay

all right so myocarditis can be caused

by viruses bacteria medications or even

autoimmune disease like lupus it may be

asymptomatic or it may present with

fatigue fever chest pain congestive

heart failure right we know we all know

what fatigue means everyone does it’s

obvious but what does it mean for the


yeah yeah it means tired lethargic yeah

and like lethargic I think again yeah

it’s just a word everyone knows but like

what does it mean but like yeah more

generally more tired or tired more

easily more easily tired yeah it’s just

about to say that

okay so death is also a presentation of

myocarditis oh yes and when you talk

about death

your meaning death is water a human

human stops being able I’ve yeah I was

just about to say that

so they expire yeah their heart a lot

one of the ways that you would you know

sort of seek to sat there a few things

you check for but yeah like they have no


right obviously on an EKG they would you

know be flat yeah flatlining they

wouldn’t be breathing sternal rub they

wouldn’t react yeah easy obvious I know

all this okay so the classic patient

from myocarditis is a young male and in

the labs you would look for elevated

cardiac enzymes like those found in a

heart attack actually and you’d also

look for inflammatory markers and sorry

just to clarify Cameron no I don’t think

anyone needs any clarification on that

okay okay all right well go ahead and

move on from there then yeah increase in

size and redness and warmth as well

those are all parts of inflammation yeah

obviously next Cameron do we have any

sponsors today no oh okay

then I so we’ve lost them all at this

point you lost them all I’ve still got

sponsors you are you’re separately

sponsored yeah oh yeah totally

Nike Adidas all of it because I’ve

noticed you start wearing a jacket but

it doesn’t have those symbols on them

it’s just got like you’ve drawn on your

own symbols it’s sort of like of the

brand’s be creative and also kind of

leave things up to people’s imagination

almost like when you’re looking in a

cloud and you can say oh it looks like a

bear and another person can say oh is

like a firetruck are you know there’s a

good look at my jacket and say oh he’s

sponsored by the New York Knicks oh oh

he’s sponsored by State Farm it’s

impossible to know and yeah that’s the

trick but you’re saying it because it’s

like because you drew it so crudely that

it’s hard

tell what brand you were trying to

emulate with that yeah that’s the trick

so if I draw in such a way that it looks

like my sponsor could be anything and

everything then all I got to do is then

you know go to let’s say like the Geico

front desk and say hey you guys

sponsored me see my jacket it says Geico

clearly right there where’s my paycheck

oh sorry sir well I didn’t realize we

supposed to pay you today

oh well cuz I thank you by Geico they’re

they’re also misspelled all of these

ones what’s not you know there’s nothing

to spell it’s not anything yeah well

like it looks like you’re trying like

like maybe I show up to the corporate

headquarters of animal crackers and I

say oh look at my jacket I’ve clearly

been advertising you guys my jacket

clearly says animal crackers see that

that’s quickly right there that’s

clearly supposed to be like a tiger so

it’s just yes you guys paid me to do

this where it where’s my paycheck oh

sorry sir we have to get you your Chuck

we’re so sorry but see what I mean and

you have you tried this yet no okay you

say that as if like as if you’re

correcting me here like there’s a proper

timing to it huh okay and so you this

jacket it is all part of the game maybe

okay so so you’re you are sponsor to

show up to the San Diego Zoo I say oh

look look at my sponsored jacket for the

San Diego Zoo

there’s zebras on it do you see all this

you see that squiggly it’s a zebra

oh that’s quickly it’s a zookeeper

giving the groundhogs their shots I was

told to wear this jacket well where’s my

check and you go to zoo Chuck and this

you expect this to happen when you go to

the zoo yeah duh and like while you’re

looking at animals or do you find some

executive or do you go to the front desk

and you tell them I am sponsored yeah

they say look at my jacket I wouldn’t be

wearing a jacket that clearly is


the San Diego Zoo if I wasn’t hired to

do so and I can do this at every single

company okay I I don’t really see so

much of the advantage especially in the

like the making them not quite like

poorly drawn like you could have at

least printed or stenciled or something

the the actual brands instead of but

that wouldn’t leave it up to the

interpretation that’s the point it has

to be somewhat ambiguous so we take it

to every company and say oh this is

obviously your logo okay so these are

because I thought like you just spelled

Nike with the Y on the end like that was

that it looks pretty legible besides

that right but you know sometimes you

can like draw a word in a certain way

where you know it says like angel and

then you look at it upside down and it

says devil or whatever you know talking

about more like you can you can write

your name in a way we’re upside down or

right side up it looks the same so it’s

like that where I can write the word

Nike in this kind of vague ambiguous

squiggle with a y but then from another

angle it might say you know NBC

so-and-so I go to the NBC offices and

you turn your jacket over look at my

jacket I mean that’s quickly over there

that’s clearly Will and Grace

these Quigley’s over here I mean that’s

friends those the friends oh look at

that squiggly oh its Caroline in the

city remember from the 90s came on after

friends I mean that’s like all sir I’m

so sorry I didn’t realize that I didn’t

realize we you were supposed to get a

check today I don’t know my boss didn’t

tell me let me let me get someone the

only other part of this change it sounds

odd is if it’s an optical illusion that

like changes depending on if it’s upside

down or something you have to take your

jacket off flip it upside down and show

them the part that you’re talking about

the outfit yeah obviously okay okay I

guess that’s your method you’re more

sponsored then than this show is I guess

at this point the podcast that is

okay all right well Cameron do we have a

guest today we certainly do doc : and we

actually have a couple guests okay like

a are they a couple like are they

together I don’t think so we have

sisters here Ashby and Matilda okay

hello hello we’re here because we are a

medical anomaly and we thought that you

would really appreciate something kind

of not so boring on your show you hear

that doc London a medical anomaly I

found a medical guest okay so what makes

this a medical anomaly is that we are

actually Siamese twins and we are so

Siamese that we inhabit one body

well I okay so you’re so Siamese twins

for listeners they’re people who are

sort of conjoined it’s their word for

that right it’s to two different people

who during pregnancy they were united

physically and so after they were born

like that they grow up and they

sometimes they will have surgery to

separate them and so what you’re saying

and sorry to clarify what was your name

again each of you I guess I’m Mathilda

and I’m Ashby okay and so you’re saying

that you were so Siamese so good are so

Siamese that we inhabit one body so

Ashby has the left eye left arm left leg

right foot and Mathilde has the right

eye right arm right leg left foot and we

have to share one mouth whoa okay you

guys are I mean howhow Siamese are you

so on the Siamese scale we are as

Siamese as you can get some people are

hardly Siamese that all to the point

that they’re basically just two people

but me and Mathilda are so Siamese that

we are almost one person what I guess

that’s incredible there’s a medical

anomaly does this just mean that you

have extra parts in your body or the

linen you can’t say like extra parts you

can’t make them sound you know you can’t

okay compared to let’s say someone who

is not Siamese at all do you have like

let’s say an extra organ or sorry more

than more than one a heart more than two

lungs no we have the same amount as just

one person who who is the left lung

Mathilde who is the right lung ashbey

okay okay so how do you were diagnosed

with this so that’s what’s very

interesting we are so Siamese that for

many years people didn’t know doctors

who didn’t know that we were two people

inhabiting one body and who’s thinking

right now

ashbey okay okay well so it sounds

possibly so you say that they didn’t

nobody could identify it until about

what age would you say this is Matilda

so we were diagnosed when we were about

four years old

my mom started noticing that when I

would smile I smiled with my lips closed

and ashbey smiled showing her teeth and

that was kind of the first indicator

that there were two people going on and

since then we finally been able to

express how vastly different we are Wow

a true medical miracle yeah dr. London

can you explain the medical science of

how this is even possible well to

understand actually what’s going on do

you each of you have separate thoughts

and do you like let’s say if I’m talking

to Matilda right now

can a sh be here everything and is she

able to process everything yes okay we

each have one ear okay

Ashby what are you thinking about right

now I’m thinking about unicorns and

Matilda what are you thinking about

right now I’m thinking about unicorn

whoa okay well I’m kind of surprised

because I thought you’d be sort of

thinking about the podcast being on a

microphone which I don’t know if you’ve

ever done that before but so your mind

is on unicorns right now pretty pretty

thoroughly well one of us is riding a

unicorn fan fiction novel and so that’s

I’m giving her ideas as she’s writing it

and that’s Matilda or is that Ashby ash

he’s riding the unicorn novel right now

she is listening and occasionally she’d

will pop in but really I’m Matilda was

hired to be on this show a hired yeah we

use the new production assistant oh we

are well I thought it was Matilda she

has to come along but she’s not actually

hired on she’s not paid right Matilda is

Matilda is yeah Ashby is not okay so

what what sounds odd it sounds like

possibly if you feel like you have two

separate entities in your mind at the

same time sometimes that can be there’s

a clinical diagnosis psychiatric one

where you have what’s called

schizophrenia have you ever heard of


Matilda yes we’ve heard of that before

that’s what they thought for a long time

but it’s been medically proven that we

are two separate people living in one

body were Siamese all the way as I’m

used as you can get


like how did they prove it clinically

through just blood work and through

watching us and hearing us talk with

each other

you’re probably tests pulley some tests

well yeah lots of tests lots of being

hooked up our brain being hooked up and

monitored okay and it’s an only science

depending on which sort of brain

monitoring thing they might have been

looking more for seizures with like an

EEG or like they have some sleep like

there are a lot of tests

well I wouldn’t I didn’t come on here

for your opinion I I wouldn’t expect

such a low level low tier doctor to

understand this anomaly I’m kind of just

raising awareness people kind of don’t

like me and my sister always why don’t

people care for you and your sister they

just think we’re strange and that we are

not two people wow this society we live


unwilling to accept anything even a

little different reminds me of a certain

doctor well yeah I guess my doctor who

refuses to accept anything a little

strange anything a little different like

when we go to a restaurant and it’s a

buffet when people find out that is

actually two people and we only paid for

one plate they get really angry yeah

that’s what angers them yeah or like

when I was attending college we didn’t

pay to tuition because Ashley’s not

paying attention she’s really focusing

on her writing career so she didn’t care

about going to school so they got upset

when they found out she was also

attending all of the classes and they

expected us to pay two tuitions and my

dad couldn’t swing it so that’s why I’m

doing this instead okay I so one

question and I see you here you each of

you dresses you’re the limbs and the

parson you control and so it it seems to

me so you said you’re like you know

Mathilde controls the left foot and

Ashby controls the right foot and it

looks like the legs

are actually controlled the opposite

because so you have your ankles and your

feet are dressed very different way like

because I see on on one side you’re

wearing a very short skirt and on the

other side it’s a sluice chaps but also

like oddly kind of taped up throughout

because of the different corresponding

limb usage it seems like that kind of

thing might be what triggers people to

sort of think that you’re odd less so

than them thinking like oh they’re

paying for only one thing maybe they’re

thinking this is very strange way to

dress compared to the average person of

course doctor London immediately tries

to sympathize with the people who make

fun of Ashby and Matilda maybe maybe the

reason they think you’re weird is

because understand reason why don’t you

smell your self-expression Wow where

have I heard that before a million times

dr. London okay I and that’s just I mean

there’s also just your hair is also very

very different in the style see one side

is incredibly up like swirling up yeah

and the other side of course shaved oh

and that’s weird to you dr. London

that’s someone maybe has an

unconventional or excuse me

that a couple people might have

unconventional hairstyles well it’s when

I say very la it’s Marie Antoinette

level on the one side it’s gorgeous

yeah well there is a bird’s nest in it

and like I’m not trying to say that’s

bad or anything it’s just then what are

you trying to say why are you bringing

it up at all because oh you’re not a

bird guy I’m not particular it takes

time to walk through the park and just

listen to the birds and

just very calming very relaxing Ashley

do you like this yeah it’s really nice I

think I might include it in my book what

chapter are you on I’m on chapter 16

I’ll need you to read it later to check

over for any grammar problems I know

you’re the grammar one well that’s okay

I have time later I’m sorry I don’t mean

to interrupt here but we’re still

recording the podcast so the reason I

bring up the hair thing and the clothes

is that people once again might see that

and that would be the reason why maybe

some people come across as judgmental

possibly because you’re dressing in very

unconventional ways granted in this day

and age it’s you know we are being more

inclusive trying to invite these kinds

of things but it’s just something to

consider but well I’m that’s why me my

sister have to live in freak village

village yeah is where all the people in

the freakshow have to live oh I didn’t

realize you are a freak show

I guess performer do you have an act no

we’re just a medical anomaly we’re so

Siamese doll the way that we inhabit one

body but what do you guys do at the

freakshow we just stand there you just

stand there and and people just say look

at those Siamese twins

yeah they ask us questions about our

life like there’s a sign up or something

they ask us about how do you drive a car

how do you ride a bike how do you type

on a computer so sometimes we just don’t

even answer we just work on Ashley’s

book so a lot of your time performing is

actually you just sitting there writing

and then if people ask then you’re like

yeah we have to make money somehow

right who forces y’all to live in freak

village society dr. London this society

dr. London why would you do that so i

crushing self-expression and laughing at

people who are Siamese doll the way ho

someday we can live in a world where if

you are Siamese doll the way people

won’t judge or I think you’re strange or

try to charge you you know two times the

tuition or you know and I guess I just

you know it’s it’s it’s good that free

expression and I guess all of us sort of

adapt because I have freak expression


clarify yet I said free expression not

not freak I did not the K to that okay

okay but it’s it’s a valid point that

you bring out that we all sort of have

our own desires of self-expression

whether in clothing or hairstyles or

whatever and that is a good thing it’s a

healthy thing to bring up to have these

habits and sometimes maybe society does

need to take a second look and get used

to a few things being different from the

norm yeah agreed

I think we should be I think more

accepting a society of people’s

differences and these things that sort

of make them special mm-hmm

so what are some of the like freaky

freaks that your your neighbors you got

any freaky like freaky beard ladies or

like people with like multiple limbs or

whatever just super freaks we have a man

who looks exactly exactly like mr. krabs

from Sponge Bob whoa yeah like he’s he’s

sunburned he’s well he more looks like

mr. Krabs when he doesn’t have a shell

on have you ever seen that episode I’m

not sure but I can imagine that yeah so

he’s pink he’s very small very blobby he

does have claws and his eyes are I can’t

even describe them you just have to

picture it well I can picture it yeah

yeah well just yeah we have a big screen

here yeah

can we just googled mr. Krabs and so now

he gets it yeah I can picture it because

because you’re looking at a picture of

mr. Krabs oh yeah that’s the best way to

picture something yeah okay

and again I think just you know there’s

so much going on in today’s world I

think maybe if we could be a little more

understanding of what makes everyone

just a little unique it would sort of

broaden our horizons and maybe a allow

us to discover more about ourselves okay

so what about some other freakazoids

some freaky like freaky deaky like some

like you know what I mean like some dude

just got like freaking like like I don’t

know like peanuts for hands or something

some freaky like dope we don’t have any

neighbors like that but the girl who

lives well she can’t really live in a

normal house so she has to live in the

circus tent but she is have you ever

seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

when they have to wring out the

blueberry girl and at the end she’s like

a piece of taffy folding over and or

like one of those carwash blow-up things

that yeah inflatable – man yeah yeah

kind of like that Wow that sounds like a

freaky ass freak

does she wave the whole time no it’s not

so much the waving it’s more this shape

okay it’s very tall and fluid in the air

you know and again I think if people

like dr. London were to sort of open

themselves to these freaky deaky like

terrifying monster like weirdos then I

think we as a society could progress in

a way that I think that would be really

helpful helping really healthy for the

freaky deaky mm-hmm okay well I and that

that all sounds very good so what I

think maybe we have a kid that we call


whoa because he has skin that attaches

from his wrist to his hips and he’s

really hairy and he doesn’t have a nose


and I think that that batkid deserves

the same rights as every other freak at

your freak parade okay thank you

when speaking some sense I know who to

invite well I think we’ve heard enough

this is very interesting take with your

apparently they must have excluded

schizophrenia and it’s definitely

Siamese what’s the interesting take her

take that people should be accepted

whoa such an interesting take Wow such a

new concept yeah I guess to people like

you that just so oh that’s sort of

strange that someone would want a social

acceptance yeah so I meant more just um

heard I guess her perspective on the

world sorry and herb meaning both Ashby

and Mathilde and I suppose I should have

asked I believe the correct for your pH

is yall’s yeah okay I’m sorry do you

prefer I should have asked your pronouns

your preferred pronouns on this Ashby

Mathilde is there

do you prefer y’all’s just y’all’s

perspective yeah perspective what’s way

you’ve asked for okay sorry I should

have confirmed that I will thank you to

both ash B and Matilda for being on the

show thank you thank y’all sorry

thank y’all that’s I I’m a work in

progress in this regard I am trying

Thank You Cameron producer as always

cha-cha-cha and thank you did you do me

the hose


what’s the walk amended amount of debt

dated wham eyes it have to serve and I

am dr. London Smith star home this has

been the jock doc podcast see ya


another episode complete if you have

listened to every episode up to this one

you may be legally entitled to a medical

degree in some countries but as a

physician myself I have to warn you that

the paperwork is crazy so it might be

better to just keep listening to the

podcast until you earn your PhD as well

as your doctorate and then go from there

it’s kind of being well educated in this

world is actually pretty highly

respected you know great for jobs so I

would say like don’t don’t stop here

keep listening

well dr. London you got your medical

degree through similar means I like they

were called lectures yeah yeah so I had

lectures and I also took tests but no

those weren’t just podcast those were

lectures yes after lectures taught by

Joe Rogan Adam Carolla right well they I

mean they were medical election I mean

they were about yeah they mentioned they

I think they said medicine a few times

you had told me about one lecture where

I think Mark Marin had spoken to I don’t

know some actor guy and was like hey who

are your guys yeah you said that that

earned you your PhD yeah which it did

yep well well I drew it yeah yeah anyway

so in the meantime please be sure to

send your friends and family to our

handy website jock talk podcast com that

has links to major podcast platforms

after all they should be entitled to an

education too and we are

all about you know educating everyone

educating the masses yo and don’t forget

to leave a five-star review with a list

of all the degrees you’ve earned by

listening to this podcast thanks for


