40: Cardiogenic Shock/Cassie

Hey kids! You are about to listen to a comedy podcast. That means that none of this is medical advice. If you need medical advice or medical care, please contact your doctor.

Welcome to the jock dock podcast

featuring dr. London Smith when you

don’t know who to trust in Dr. London we

must introducing your host dr. London

Smith hello and welcome to the jock dock

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. London


I’d like to begin by apologizing to our

listeners we’ve received some feedback

about the overuse of technical medical

terms I have been using such as entha

situs and the luck o the Irish so I will

try to keep things at a more

understandable level in the future here

to help with that is our producer

Cameron hi dr. London hi solo hello how

do you do

well hey mister hey hey there okay so

when Cameron heard that st. Patrick’s

Day was coming up he began patting down

passers-by and muttering to himself

about finding those holy ticks now

Cameron I’m sorry to have to be the one

to tell you but it’s actually st.

Patrick’s Day not st. Pat Pat ticks day


so it’s a lot more trick based than I

was initially expected

I was kind of saving all my tricks for

April first but you’re saying I should

have been using them up this week okay

no I it’s Patrick I the tea is not I was

I guess to clarify here st. Patrick’s

Day is actually a cultural and religious

celebration held on March 17th the and

the reason it’s celebrated is it’s the

traditional death date of Saint Patrick

yes the foremost patron saint of Ireland

yeah yeah yeah but my issue is is that

most of my tricks I don’t think they

really register as tricks to people in

what way what do you mean well like for

example my neighbor I tricked him the

other day by he had like he usually

wipes his car down in like a clockwise

motion and I did it in sort of a

counterclockwise motion which sort of

kind of gives it a different streak you

know designed to it and that was that

was a prank

that was a trick and yeah he didn’t I

mean he didn’t comment on it one way or

the other do you think he’s sort of a


yeah like he didn’t notice because it

was an attempt at a trick by you but it

sounds like it no one was actually

fooled yeah and I tricked my dog I put

his dog bowl on top of the bookshelf so

he can’t get to it hasn’t made any

indication that I’ve tricked him lays

there for the most part yeah just hungry

now I guess I don’t know I don’t know

he’s just laying huh I don’t know I’ve

just I don’t thinking about throwing in

the towel yeah I’ve been at I’ve been in

this game for so long you know sometimes

it kind of feels good to retire you know

thought of it the game being the the

trick her prank game

yeah the trickery game that I’ve been in

man well I mean I just can’t keep up

with these kids these days sometimes

sometimes I think about calling it quits

right and I would say if if ever there

was a day probably April 1st will be the

time to do

that whenever April Fool’s comes along

and I cut my bosses hair just he didn’t

say anything about it I thought that was

a good trick were you hired to cut it no

okay how much of the hair did you cut I

cut an exact perfect bald spot in the

exact location where he’d be unable to

see it so it sounds like most of your

pranks or tricks are done in such a way

as to so that you are the only one aware

that they have been done I mean are you

telling me dr. London ‘yes even as i say

this you you’re still not getting you’re

still not getting it oh you think I’m

your boss I think I cut a bald spot in

your hair yeah have you not noticed

everyone calling you Baldy and Baldy

Baldy son well you call me that

but cue ball shiny head you’ve called me

so many things and yeah there’s stupid

head ugly there’s a small part but it’s

covered up so much don’t whistle which

is like an imbecile and a dummy I guess

I don’t I don’t listen that much to your

Knicks game artist bad friend

yes crit yeah these are teeth these

aren’t new names from you evil yeah all

right well also with us is DJ DYLAN IN



hey mister


before we move on I would like to

address a bit of listener feedback I

found this question when it fell out of

a broken beer bottle to listen their

feedback okay all right it is feedback

as in you know right so I found this

question when it fell out of a broken

beer bottle after was thrown at me while

I was putting an essential line quote

basically if my eyes aren’t real which

means I can’t see and my life could

belong to someone else so I can’t

control me and I’m probably being

controlled by like a robot or something

end quote

so first of all to this listener thank

you so much for reaching out with this

insightful question here on the jock

dock podcast we love to hear back from

our listeners to answer your question

your eyes are real yes thanks for

listening and how can isn’t the famous

Jaden Smith tweet that’s like how can

mirrors be real if your eyes aren’t real

uh yes you define that what’s the

medical explanation for that so the

medical explanation for that is actually

the same as for this listener question

which is your eyes are real okay so then

what medical advice would you give to

someone who is being controlled by a

robot through their eyes I would say

should they go to the doctor or they

probably aren’t like that that

hypothetical probably isn’t happening

cuz doctor London I can’t I got to be

completely honest I can never be sure if

I’m like an Android or I don’t know

well I thought about this my entire life

do you have you ever seen say like your

my memories are implanted have you ever

seen your own blood yeah but what if

that’s like robot oil well I have you

seen I mean most machinery mechanics

these boy like black oil 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2

what does that mean well it sounds like

binary yeah except for binary wouldn’t

have a 2 at the end doctor that’s right

so that’s just a sequence of numbers you

said does that make sense

I guess so I just I just I feel like

something’s wrong 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 ok –

and now for a tale from the hospital so

in medicine an uncommon practice is

firing it’s similar to being fired from

a job a physician can fire a patient

from being that physician’s patient

similarly I which I’m sure you would

love to do with all of your patients

well no I mean some patients hire them

all and just collect the insurance

checks kicking your feet up drinking a

Bloody Mary and saying this is the life

okay so we don’t get putting on snuff

films or whatever you watch in the

hospital I don’t know so we don’t get

insurance checks for firing a patient

are you describing like I guess house

insurance or something where something

breaks or life and sugar or car

insurance where something breaks and

then it be fixed what I’m just at the

patient on fire and you say whoops I

guess it was just a faulty plug okay and

then you just collect that insurance

money they could kick your feet up watch

your snuff films like you made in the

hospital made these films of your

patients dying and they just watch them

laying you go ha ha ha ha ok I should

clarify I never know that he’s an


when I say fire a patient I’m

well the example that I gave being fired

from a job it’s there’s no actual

combustion involved that process it’s a

term for having someone leave a job you

know and no longer work there does that

make sense yeah I’ll come bus to you

okay so anyway similarly a patient can

fire a doctor recently in attending at

my hospital got fired from a patient

because the daughter of the patient

thought he was the same doctor who took

care of her dad in 1991 he doesn’t know

if he did and given that hospital

records have gone from paper to

electronic since that time it would be

tough to argue one way or another so

that patient got a new doctor and to

clarify Cameron

there was no combustion involved in that

no one was set on fire no insurance was

collected just different doctor

you’re saying I have the power and to

fire a doctor yes interesting yeah

patients do have the right to choose

their doctor you might want to consider

talking to me a little different doctor

London I might have to fire you okay and

this is one point that I cannot

emphasize enough I am NOT your doctor

you need to see a doctor in their clinic

in their office you’re on thin ice dr.

London you’re on thin ice buddy like we

we only work together here with this

podcast oh that ice why is it so thin

have you seen any ice that thin nope ice

cracking okay yeah I was wondering what

that was okay and now for today’s

medical topic cardiogenic show blue room

that’s a fish under the ice after you

follow them in cardiogenic shock occurs

when the heart is unable to generate a

cardiac output sufficient to maintain

tissue perfusion so cardiac output is

the volume of blood pumped from the left

ventricle and that’s also known as

stroke volume and then

multiplied by heart rate so it’s the

amount that the heart is pumping the

amount of blood it can be defined as a

systolic blood pressure under 90 with a

urine output under 20 milliliters per

hour and adequate left ventricular

filling pressure clinically cardiogenic

shock presents like any kind of shock

with altered sensorium pale cool skin

hypotension tachycardia etc patients may

also have yeah I’m sorry what was that I

know I all you said altered senses after

getting a shock yeah I get that I’ve

experienced that trust me in altered

sensorium after you experienced

cardiogenic shock I’m saying anytime I

get shocked I get like a sixth sense

when you say shock

what kind of shock do you mean like

scared no I mean like just in my house

there’s like different points where

there’s a lot of electricity going on

I’ve had I’ve never figured out why wait

don’t we need different parts um yeah

there’s different parts of my house

where just electricity is happening like

a lot way you just kind of stick your

hand in there faulty wiring

it’ll just be different points in my

house in like different corners and

there’s just like between point A and

point B there’s just a lot of

electricity going on you have to stick

your hand in there and get it like a zap

you say you have kinda gets you like

high you don’t have to do it but I don’t

know why you would pass that up it’s

free electricity electricity is

expensive well if it’s your house then

you’re paying for the electricity so

it’s not free well and so then I get a

zap from it and I feel like I’ve got

this sixth sense dr. London okay and

that that can be very dangerous I can

actually give you burns getting electric

shocks like that like have you okay have

you experienced any because that can

cause since your bones are conductors it

can actually cause

from like the the muscles surrounding

the bones have you I don’t know it can

cause wrapping my alysus have you I

guess I have you I have it I’m telling

you I grow a sixth sense when I get

electrocuted and not what the hell are

you talking about I’m saying I’m saying

what an electric shock can do to a


medically I’m just saying anytime that I

stick my hand in this electricity I

develop a new sixth sense what what

since you said taste yeah you know

usually when you put things on your

tongue it feels like nothing whenever I

get a little shock like this suddenly I

develop taste and you’re never gonna

believe what it’s like okay well I guess

go on but I have another question for

you then okay go ahead

okay so taste is one of the five senses

when when people say that they have a

sixth sense they mean an additional one

no I pretty sure this is a new like

sense that no one’s ever experienced

before taste so I I can taste things you

have it too have you gotten shocked I’ve

been shocked before but not theirs there

hasn’t been any correlation between the

shock and the taste as far as you know

how like when you’re going through your

normal day-to-day and you are shoveling

stuff in your mouth and it feels like

nothing it just feels like touching like

a like a like a rock or something

once I get shocked suddenly I taste

things okay that sounds like you might

that shows the power of electricity

maybe you should visit medical topic

okay anyway did you go on about

cardiogenic shock patients may also have

engorged neck veins with elevated venous

pressure along with oh yeah pulmonary

congestion engorged neck veins with

elevated penis pressure that happens


okay no sorry venous pressure that’s oh

yeah veins is what that means there are

many causes of cardiogenic shock an

assessment may be done with EKG

echocardiogram and Hema hemodynamic

monitoring with a swan-ganz catheter to

monitor specific intracardiac pressures

treatment of cardiogenic shock begins

with the ABCs Cameron do you know about

these the medical ABCs yes okay always

be crabbing Joe’s Crab Shack okay well

actually it’s the ABCs for medicine

would be check the airway check for

breathing and then check for

cardiovascular function with you no

pulse and blood pressure then you

identify and treat the unloved and crabs

Joe crab shack in terms of medication

dopamine is often the initial

vasopressor use of long and prosper with

crabs though norepinephrine is another

consideration vasopressors are drugs

that cause blood vessels to constrict

dobutamine may also be used in

combination with dopamine to further

increase cardiac output after load

reducing agents which decrease the

pressure the heart must work against a

pump blood those are typically not used

initially because they can aggravate I

am your crab shack Joe’s Crab Shack so

you would not start with say

nitroglycerin or natural plus side you

want the crabs you can’t handle the

crabs they maybe later

they may be used later with vasopressors

for many types of shock you give IV

fluids but in cardiogenic shock IV

fluids are likely to be mr. Gorbachev

tear down this crab so patients may in

fact need diuretic or cardiac balloon

pumps may also be used and these help to

enhance myocardial oxygenation and

increase cardiac output so that’s sort

of the basics for cardiogenic shock and

manage the crabs hit the second tower

alright Cameron you said we have a guest

today is that right

we certainly do dr. London and I’m very

excited about alright cuz it’s one of

your best friends

hey hey dr. ball d’emic ball derson so

you picked up on it too you noticed

obviously well it’s just so small I can

hardly feel it doesn’t look small okay

yeah it’s pretty huge I’m sorry do I

recognize you yes me it’s Cassie Cassie

I’m saying you were you were on the show

before was it like episode 5 or

something yes okay yes yes Cassie was on

Cassie is both my niece and mine

unfortunately dr. Phil and I have gotten

a divorce so I am no longer your aunt

Cameron but I am remarried and the good

news is while I’m sad I lost you as a

nephew I have gained you as a great


you don’t mean yeah it’s a blessing that

you married my great-grandfather it’s

kind of – it takes too long to explain

how I am you’re nice and also your

great-grandmother at the same time we

don’t have it takes eight full days to

explain we just don’t have the time I’m

seeing the the table you’ve set up here

and the all the connections you’ve kind

of made with yarn

to try to plot out how you’re related

right it’s sort of like a true detective

type of solving a crime situation and I

get there’s a 3d model here as well I

mean it’s one of the people on your

thing is the yellow King which is

interesting in any case I guess this is

for my class I have to teach it takes

eight full weeks to get registered in

this into understanding how I am your

niece and your great grandmother at the

same time and so this is my class setup

and I do have curriculum for sale if you

guys are interested in teaching the

class here this is a class specifically

for teaching your your family tree yet

not teaching like other people how to do

their own family tree but teaching your

Cassie’s explaining it to the best of my

ability couple of seminars I tour the

country and I’ve done a few seminars few

retreats a lot of people’s lives are

changing Wow like weekend retreats about

well it’s more than it’s more than a

weekend would a weekend a day eight days

takes eight days to explain yeah and

people pay you for this yes people who

are really stressed out a lot of CEOs a

lot of bit higher-ups and politics they

come for it relaxes them they they have

a release oh I’ve heard about things

like you kind of sit in like a team he

or like a sweat lodge or something

and then you just kind of one-by-one go

through every single member of your

family yes explaining how you are my

nephew and my great-grandson Wow

it is this why you came on the show to

actually know this is a separate branch

of what I’m doing of my organization’s

I’m actually on with my raising granades

awareness campaign last time when I came

on we discussed how I do suffer horribly

with a cold allergy that is Rae nods yes


I simply which is a disease that makes

your feet purple everyone yes I

absolutely cannot tolerate the cold okay

well to clarify you you call it an

allergic thing so right on phenomenon is

it manifests as recurrent vasospasm of

the fingers and toes and usually occurs

in areas as our in response to stress or

cold exposure but that’s not an allergic

reaction that’s it’s just a reaction

well potato potato okay well just since

we are a medical show medical education

I do want to be clear for our listeners

yep potato potato all right so beyond

just knowing that Raynaud’s phenomenon

exists what what are you trying to raise

awareness about like just well we’re

mostly we’re trying to raise awareness

about some big issues actually something

some hot topics that are going on right

now things like global warming you know

we get together we discuss what are the

small changes that each person can make

to help increase global warming oh I’m


I rap at the disease increase so yes

okay so yes we are all about increasing

the pace at which global warming is

approaching now that sounds pretty good

to me I have heard lots of arguments for

why global warming is real versus isn’t

real but I have not heard a lot of let’s

make the planet hotter I think I can be

convinced pretty easy well we’re

freezing and it’s it’s just time that we

are where’s mom and know we are a

minority but we’re raising a loud noise

and we are saying increase global

warming now just because y’all are too

chilly oh my gosh we’re so done with

being cold we’re done so so your

solution to like rather than say wear

gloves or something your solution to

your sort of unusually reactive blood

vessels in your hands and feet your

reaction of that is to try to D to

increase the temperature of the earth so

so that you don’t have so you don’t have

to adapt I guess on a local level rather

you have the whole planet adapt to you

on a global scale is that right that

sounds easiest what are some of your

plans and ideas to increase global

warming well there’s a little mantra

that I quote to myself morning noon and

night when I wake up in the middle of

the night I say it I just it’s always on

my mind and it’s G B T C give beans to

cows and this we want to increase the

flatulence among the bovine community

and this is because the flatulence of

cows are known to be a major cause of

those greenhouse gases yes

greenhouse gases we’re saying by as many

burgers as you possibly can increase

demand if each person in your household

can get a tank that serves many purposes

it protects you right you drive a tank

and the vehicle

waitwhat yes connect the tank to the

feeding the cows beans they’re not

necessarily connected these are just all

ways that we can increase global warming

these are our coalition number two

person making small steps okay you could

take the tank to feed the cows beans

these are just ideas of things that we

can do to increase level warming we

don’t know much about it we know that

it’s happening we’ve seen a lot of

Facebook articles about it and we want

to just hop on board and see what we can

do okay and so the methods this is a

non-profit it’s a I mean I will profit

from it not necessarily in a money way

but I’ll be more warm at least just from

cheating yeah eating the earth right

which is sort of considered a profit my

lifestyle will enhance my lifestyle will

elevate when I’m not freezing cold all

the time interesting so doctor London

could you talk about maybe the medical

benefits of okay we have discussed this

on the show before but I do want to

emphasize know climate change is it’s

not good that it is accelerating the

rate at which it’s changing right now

increasing you know these fluctuation of

temperatures and especially the you know

the melting of glaciers you think it’s

all going just a little too fast it just

needs to like slow its yeah it’s just

with the rising ocean temperatures and

the I guess the rising oceans themselves

the sea levels rising


these are going to be causing you know

all the coastal cities to be underwater

at a certain point and so we don’t want

climate change global warming to happen

at a faster rate because you know it

could put say Miami under water what is

dr. London can you be real with me for a

second is this because of the surfing

thing because you can’t surf it’s not

you’ve always made dr. London you have

always made a huge deal about the fact

that you cannot serve and that you wish

other people didn’t serve it’s just kind

of a manners thing at a certain point

like I it’s not related to the global

warming climate change whatever but yeah

if you will consider that a bonus right

can’t have tried it can’t really really

get the hang of surfing and if if some

guy goes in front of you and just surfs

yeah okay not just can’t get the hang of

but every time you do it you trip and

like people don’t have to surf I guess

is my my personal issue and that’s

that’s this is why you’re so against

global warming you hate the idea of

higher tides which leads to more

bodacious and I these are two separate

issues I have a personal issue with

these surfers who just strut up there

and are able to surf without bumping

their noggins but no but the the rising

ocean temperatures you know Miami going

underwater shallow these are the issues

dr. London I have a question yes if you

had a cure for a patient that had been

suffering with a lifelong illness with a

lifelong disease with something that

interrupts their daily life if you had

the cure would you hold that away from

them would you not allow them to have

the key

well I would want to give them the cure

but in this specific context well this

is the cure

well I I do not think so it sounds like

a good way because for one thing if you

know much of the world if these sea

levels rise you will be affected by this

as well in a negative way just you might

be warmer in your hands and feed I can


yeah we can serve this isn’t an issue

for us dr. London this is a personal for

you okay I should clarify this just just

because a person can surf doesn’t mean

that they one would want you know

everyone to be in the water a lot of

people don’t you don’t know that you

don’t know what a person who can surf

wants because you’re not what I’m

picking up good vibrations she is giving

me excitations she’s giving me exactly

it does remind me of those days I look

no I I don’t I don’t think that the

ability to surf will make you know

global warming a better prospect hang

ten Buster just hang ten that you guys

are working towards you’ve talked about

the global warming you’ve talked a

little bit about the two methods

increase in global warming you mentioned

where feed beans to cows and also get

obtain tanks yes

which for each member of your family but

we also work with some scientists who

are doing some experimenting with cat

hair we are finding just cat hair

actually is the warmest substance made

on earth and so we are just working

we’re kind of working to make a tool

that’s like a cat’s tongue like the same

texture that can safely remove the cat

hair so that we can make that into

sweaters scarves socks that type of

thing and we can remove it from the cat

humanely without having to skin it

although I would prefer that you would

prefer to skin because it’s faster and

I’m freezing oh right you’re so cool

so-called God your blue would be that’s

the rain odds you’re shivering

and if I could get if I could just get

the hair faster that’s all that I really

care about but I know that when I’m not

in a crisis situation I’ll look back and

be happy that we waited this amount of

time and got it taken care of the

correct way but right now I’m just I’m

in crisis mode

you’re just cold right and you are who

is this is this your cat but you have

that you’re holding this is one of my

cats yeah I do I keep as many cats as

possible just around just having them

around in their body heat helps because

like I said their fur is we have found

is the warmest substance on earth when

you say we have found I think you

mentioned your your team because I’d

never heard this factoid that cats have

the warmest hair is your team just

people who have cats and that’s and they

have found there has to be warm and

that’s it

or are they well they do have cats but

no they have tested almost every

substance known to man and cat hair is

the warmest of any substance and yes it

now it sort of seems like you could just

remove the hair without having to skin

the cat well that’s what we’re working

on the tool that’s like a cat’s tongue

so that we remove it completely but

isn’t that just a razor isn’t that just

a razor I’ve never seen a cat lick its

fur and the whole thing just completely

is just skin it wouldn’t razor be sort

of a middle ground between you know

skinning these cats and removing their

hair via you do not want woke Twitter on

your ass for shaving a cat with a razor

nope okay that is fair that is

completely fair there are hairless cats

though but I guess those ones aren’t but

we need the hair why would they want the

a hairless cat is completely useless it

might as well be that sort of sounds

like that’s that would be Cassie’s worst

enemy yeah it might as well be a dog

which we found has the least warmest ok

substance on earth and that’s

interesting the fact that you have said

the least warmest and the most warm are

these have you found a way to quantify

this you know objectively is there some

sort of scale of warmth well I’m not

really a part of that

I just find the scientists I don’t


which who is a scientist is this someone

you know just the scientific community

is just a team of scientists that I’ve

hired to find the warmest substance on

earth and they did and it’s cat hair I

what else else has your organization

been working on mostly just it’s a

pretty new organization so that’s mostly

what they’ve been working on so mostly

just cat hair increasing global warming

and awareness

yes raising awareness that there are

people that are so cold they are in a

crisis I guess why do you keep flipping

that like butterfly knife just kind of

open and closed that is disconcerting to

me as well like it you keep stroking you

the cat that you brought in and you keep

flipping this knife around how cold are

you right now

there’s not even a scale to describe how

cold I am right now

oh boy dr. London do you see what’s yeah

Cassie I guess I haven’t really any

question do you well I actually have a

more important question have you guys

ever watched Star Wars do you guys

remember when Luke Skywalker was so cold

that he cut open I think they’re called

tart ours was was Luke

see the one have you guys ever when you

watch that do you guys like get mad at

Luke or I mean do you guys kind of think

like you know he’s in an emergency

situation was he the one with the

spaceship but was Luke dr. London I

think you’re fixating on the wrong thing

here she’s trying to morally justify

what she’s about to do to this cat

Cassie we have there’s blankets all

around here they’re not made of the

wound substance again I don’t I’m not

really following how your team of

scientists who you can’t really seem to

identify and you’re speaking so vaguely

about them well I mean their names are

Barbara Chaz Richardson and Carol okay I

mean what do you want me to say about

that just they do oh they were like what

you know in association work in a


that does sound bright it’s you hired

wear lab coats they have goggles dr.

London why can’t you just accept this

reality why do you have to threaten our

guests and scream at her accusing her of

whatever year I don’t think I don’t

think I was raising my voice but yeah

you just said show me the facts what’s

wrong with you who are these scientists

I feel like dusting are you sure that

that was me or was that in your head

were my lips oh it was definitely you it

was definitely you dr. London okay I’m

sorry I don’t remember doing that but

it’s honestly after after you bringing

up the surfer thing I have been a little

bit on edge um so Cassie I guess I have

another question for you do you have a

lot of cats and have you ever

I don’t do have anything against cats no

I love cats they’re made of the warmest

substance on earth but I’m wondering if

you are picking up good vibrations are

you getting no no you’re trying to

trigger dr. London

do you like anything about cats besides

their warmth is there anything else that

you can say positive please put down the

knife like you aren’t here gesturing and

why are you licking your lips man what

is that

good good bases

you come down saddens no doctor on that

you could boogie board you can boogie


remember boogie boarding you’re so good

at boogie boarding no that’s just as

cool that is just that is the exact same

I see Cassie do you want to skin this

cat or not you focus on your thing okay

well it one did I am I don’t my feet are

cold you see how purple they are yeah I

mean doctor and she’s me okay well I you

know in the spirit of I don’t want you

to harm that cat you know in my presence

at least I don’t approve of this you let

me let me ask let me ask it this way you

say that you like cats yes

do you have less cats today than you had

yesterday there’s really no way to know

okay well there actually there is a way

to know so however many cats you had

yesterday you take that number and then

from that number you subtract the amount

of cats that you have today alive well I

just I don’t know if they’re alive or

not I can’t I don’t keep up with all of

them they’re just wrapped around to your

body got it are they breathing I hope so

okay well living things are warmer it

sounds like than dead things and this is

just some observation it sounds like

maybe you are looking to just harm cats

you’re so desperate for this fur that

maybe you’re you know performing animal

cruelty wait I just got a text they’re


oh they’re saying that actually guinea

pig fur is now the wart

I guess they hadn’t tested guinea pig

fur before Wow the scientist working

nasty oh you don’t huh you don’t want

the cat anymore no it’s not made of the

warmest substance okay well I mean I

guess I guess we see yeah that’s


do you J Dylan look up where the nearest

pet store is what time what time do they

close okay well I think that’s that’s

probably that’s 24 hours trust me wait

what truck the closest pet store it’s 24

hours a day past me how would you know


why would it I’ve gone I’ve gotten a

little crazy and I’ve made some poor

purchasing decisions at pet stores

before in the middle of the night well

just we’ll just leave it at that

do you still have those dogs in your

attic well yeah I mean that’s one of

those things I have less dogs than I had

yesterday but I have more dogs than I

had two days ago it kind of flip-flops

there’s a whole lot of stuff going on

like your abs and flies I’ve been

adopting these parrots the parrots are

smarter than me and they’ll live longer

than me and they I mean they they harass

me they keep me up at night

and any food that I buy and bring home

they eat a couple bites out of it and

they just dump the rest on the floor so

I have to eat it on the floor and so

they’re kind of feeding me and they

they’re the ones who let me outside to

go to the bathroom do they ever grab

just like bits of your clothes and pick

you up and try to fly you around the

backyard because that’s something I

would like to see yeah well they pick ya

pick me up I like the butt of my pants

is that what you’re saying the flap so

they picked me up by the butt flap on

the pants and they just stay sort of

kind of tossed me around to and fro yeah

that’s become an issue because one of

the buttons the two buttons that hold up

your butt flap they’ve actually pulled

one of us off so it’s usually you know

there’s one part the one corners hanging

down now on the butt flap of your pants

right and so then you’ve got bird filth

kind of not to mention air

whatever they had in their mouth before

comes wow it’s kind of weird getting to

know my great-grandson this well and his

nice little friend yeah I know I mean

I’m I’m I was I’m happy to have you on

the show today that I feel like I’ve

learned a lot about you yes my I mean

cousin and now great-grandmother nice

and yes you’re my I’ve been saying it

wrong Wow I need to check my curriculum

because I may have it in there wrong now

that I’m talking about it because yeah

let’s go ahead dr. London can we sign up

for the new ski retreat no that a ski

retreat based on learning your personal

relation to each other

Cassie and Cameron I don’t I don’t know

that we as a podcast would benefit from

that and we’re gonna sign up for the

Platinum yeah that sounds good that’s

more of a spiritual retreat – there’s a

spiritual level – there’s a couples


of course right a couple comes with a

couple’s I mean there’s just well you

could well we don’t know yet I don’t do

J Dilla is still looking up to see if

that pet store is open okay I’m sorry if

we can get guinea pigs I don’t know okay

well I you know I don’t really want us

to go to that but we can we can iron out

these details later

so yes Cameron I just looked I just

looked into the curriculum you’re my

uncle and my great-grandson so it’s been

it’s been nice and spend the day with my

great-grandson and getting to know his

little friend is so fun you Jacque boys

are so cute keep doing what you’re doing

well thank you and vote conservative and

we we don’t really we don’t really get

into politics on here we we like to keep

it just you know evidence-based medicine

it’s really well and as your as your

great-grandson you know I’m just a

little boy and so I’ve got a big

lollipop and I kind of like to run

around the

and play my rattle in my little sailor

out aren’t you a little doll and then

also as your uncle I got you a not the

video game that you wanted but one that

I thought it was the one you wanted but

it’s like a crappy I already have this

one a lot cheaper as well yeah it’s a

lot cheaper it’s just definitely the

wrong thing yeah but you can’t to

correct me wouldn’t be yeah almost more

embarrassing yeah thank you

alright what it is good to have some

family matters on the on the podcast and

Dana I do alright well thank you –

Cassie for being on this show again well

should I just charge because two of you

are going on the retreat no should I

just charge the card that you gave me

Cameron for the yeah and I actually do

four spots because two of the birds are

gonna want to go oh okay that’ll be cool

so it’s gonna be five grand for you and

dr. London each yes each and then for

the birds they’ll have the 12 grand each

experience birds will have the massages

as well yes and they get to experience a

lot more because they’re birds so they

do get charged work because they can

they get to fly up into the trees and

have like privacy and they just get to

do things that the humans don’t get to

do so that is true I would pay extra for

flight yeah sure I mean we don’t give

them flight they already have flight but

we just charge them for the experiences

that they’ll have because they can fly

okay well anyway so thank you Cassie for

being on the podcast thank you

our producer Cameron as always thank you

to you did you do in the house








have you guys ever watched Star Wars my

name is dr. London smith.com this has

been the jock doc podcast ssssss Asiya

let’s set the planet ablaze you are

floating in a pool of liquid you stare

at the stalactites above and wonder wait

is it stalactites are still like mites

you continue floating so peaceful but

then you hear yell gobble away and you

find yourself being pushed along by a

car but how can a car function in the

water you realize that maybe this car is

the kind that stays on a track at a

theme park and maybe this cave is part

of a ride there this would explain the

yelling and the upcoming waterfall

speaking of upcoming don’t forget to

leave your five-star review of the jock

doc podcast with a description of your

spelunking experience on a theme park

ride following a fugue state and while

you’re at it go ahead and share the jock

doc podcast with a friend you can send

them a link to your favorite podcast

episode or just send them our handy

website jock doc podcast calm and don’t

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thanks for listening

