Episode 23: Constrictive Pericarditis/Mr. Soapy and Mr. Drain

Hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast this means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctors

Welcome to the Jock Doc Podcast featuring

Dr. London Smith the Thomas Edison of modern

medicine now introducing your host



Hello and welcome to the Jock Doc

Podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host Dr. London

Smith (.com) I would like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some complaints about the

abundance of technical medical terms

I’ve been using such as heterozygote and

leaves changing so I will try to keep

things on the level as we go along here

to help with that is our producer

Cameron oh hey Dr. London hey Mr. London

sir Dr. London

hey hey Cameron Cameron is like a leaf

on a tree in the fall twitching every

which way as the wind blows by and each

breeze is like a trend that directs him

towards what people want to hear so he

can convey that knowledge to inform the

podcast into further relatability with

that in mind don’t be surprised if he

gives a little prod here in there to

keep us on track also with us is




later Cameron has informed me that we

have a guest on the way so look forward

to that yeah that’s right Mr. London Dr.

London sir Cameron did you sound a

little bit different today um yeah I um

dr. London mr. London dr. London sir

yeah I um I went through I went through

a machine I’d like a science fictiony

type of machine and it made me younger

dr. London you’re describing it as a

science fictiony machine meaning it is

didn’t it’s fictional no you think it’s

just from the future yeah probably just

like if he’s some sort of future

technology dr. London mr. London sir

right I went through a machine that it

turns you into what other people think

of you and since you always treat me

like a kid that’s what spit me out on

the other side because you’re such a

condescending jerk a** and you treat

people like they’re nothing so it turned

me into a little kid

well it sounds more like it turned you

into what you think that I perceive you

as you look normal to me I don’t think

like it’s not like you’re just kind of

doing a voice here no you treat me like

a kid and you treat everyone like a kid

and you say oh I hate these civilians

they’re all like children and I think

even the fact that you call normal

people’s civilians is probably

problematic I’m just a little kid

okay well I don’t know how that

no maybe you’ll help us to relate to a

younger audience maybe maybe I just have

to see I guess we will well before we

move on I would like to address a bit of

listener feedback quote

well we had it tough we used to have to

get up out of the shoe box at 12 o’clock

at night and lick the road clean with

our tongues we had half a handful of

freezing cold gravel worked 24 hours a

day at the mill for 4 pence every six

years and when we got home our dad would

slice us into with a bread knife end


first of all thank you so much for

reaching out to the Jock Doc Podcast we

always appreciate hearing back from my

listeners here to answer your question

it sounds as if you really did have a

tough time growing up but if you were

able to write in to the jock talk

podcast that tells me that you are

staying strong through it all yeah it

kind of sounds like you’re like the

person writing in is like an ant or

something some sort of bug oh because

they are licking the road clean with

their tongues yeah living in a shoe box

or something okay cut in half with a

butter knife I didn’t realize that our

yeah but our listeners were insects so

much that that’s a surprise to me but

well I’m just a little kid so I’ve been

you know introducing all the little bugs

and stuff I find around the house to our

podcast like the give them headphones or

something how does that work

like I found like a like a little lizard

the other day which I know lizard isn’t

like a bug

Dr. London sir but I know you know

it’s kind of in that same category as a

small critter that you know you can find

in your house sometimes and so I put it

in a cup you know how you can you know

do you like you slide a piece of paper

you get them on a piece of paper and

then put a cup over and then you can

like move them and so I did that and

then I just put them in my subwoofer and

then I just turned up the podcast really

really loud now it’s not okay yeah well

how long ago did you do this it’s been

running for 72 hours okay well number of

things there so insects a lot of them

have short lives like naturally so that

could be something but all

so but a lizard head not an insect

wee-wee I’m sorry clarify those you know

okay and they do tend to have longer

lives did you well is this annoying the

neighbors or anything having a subwoofer

at max volume I don’t have any neighbors

all my neighbors left oh because of this

type of behavior yeah because I kept

playing the podcast too loud okay yeah

I’m not sure if that’s great

advertisement for us I’m sorry for

trying to introduce the show to new

listeners Dr. London sir you know maybe

uh maybe the people across the street

would be interested and your met your

genius medical advice and the way you

treat people with respect and you don’t

treat them like little children once

again it sounds like you’re really

trying to make a dig at me here oh no

it’s a machine that’s just a real

machine that I went through Dr. London

sir how did you come across this machine

and I built it okay so you’re blaming it

on the machine what did you build it out


and I said science fiction yeah science

fiction any type of future stuff so

there’s like an Alexa in there like an

Amazon echo and well basically all I did

was I took an Amazon echo and then I

plugged it into like a Google assistant

or a Google home thingy and then I

plugged both of those into like a Roku

and then it turned me into a kid just a

little kid

I’m just nine years old or maybe like 13

I don’t know okay I’m not sure I’m not

really seeing how that process would

turn you into a different age have you

done but no no the invention didn’t turn

people doesn’t turn people into a

different age it turns people into what

dr. London sees them as and you just

happen to see me and treat me like I’m a

little child who can’t do anything right

dr. lon dune okay well we can move on

from there for now we can come back to

this if you need to but now for a tale

from the neurology clinic we had a

patient present with symptoms of

difficulty with speech

riding along with episodes of sporadic

generalized pain the onset of these

symptoms were reportedly after the

patient had a glass bottle fall on her

head several years ago since then she’s

visited many neurologists over this

matter objective data such as

CTS and MRIs confirmed that such a minor

injury did not cause any visible lesions

visible of meaning on imaging and at

clinic she displayed an essentially

normal evaluation however when told that

a review of her extensive records

indicated a likely psychiatric origin to

her somatic symptoms she was offended at

such a prospect it is important to

consider with such patients but just

because a given presentation has

psychiatric origins does not negate how

difficult it is for them to live with

this condition the reason why we want to

diagnose it properly as a psychiatric

illness is because if we tried to treat

a psychologic illness with neurologic


it may be unsuccessful whereas a

psychiatric approach could in fact treat

or even cure the patient of their

neurologic complaints dr. London it

sounds like you’re not willing to treat

your patients in the way that they want

to be treated well that’s true because

sometimes normally we try to sort of

bridge that gap and you know come to at

least a compromise with the patient yeah

meet on the same sort of terms but in

other cases once we rule out you know an

entire sort of specialty the the whole

neurology side of it once we rule that

out then psychological could be the

approach right so you talk to the

patients and they tell you how they’re

feeling and you try to make a compromise

and meet them where they’re at but

ultimately your decision is the most

important and the most authoritative

what would that remind you of maybe like

a person of a certain age talking to a

person of another certain age okay and

you’re you’re referring to like an adult

talking to a child

maybe I’m just a little kid I don’t know

okay well and once again this is um you

know respect for the patient the patient

still has autonomy so they get to choose

in the end what they do which is not the

case for a child but whenever you’re

talking to a patient you’ll the thing

about being it resists civilian you call

them I don’t think that that’s more of a

military term and I try to you know I

usually just call them civilian patients

you see them as others anyway go ahead

okay well now for a medical topic

constrictive pericarditis constrictive

pericarditis results from a fibrous

scarring of the pericardium which is the

area surrounding the heart so this

fibrous scarring around the heart makes

the heart stay constricted unable to

expand properly it’s it’s kind of like a

balloon in a box the the walls around

the heart becomes so stiff that it

cannot properly fill with blood and

consequently it cannot pump that blood

throughout the body most of the time we

actually do not find the cause of

constrictive pericarditis clinically

those patients will present with looking

very ill and having jugular venous


well here’s dr. Linda you’re probably

used to not finding out the cause of

things right that’s kind of normal no it

just depends on the the illness like for

a lot of viral illnesses you may not

necessarily narrow down the specific

exact cause yeah because that’s not you

know the general approach because virus

is often you just have to let them run

their course that kind of thing if

that’s what you mean yeah yeah like I

don’t think anyone should ever expect

you to be able to figure out what’s

wrong with them you just want to push

pills and then push them out the door

well no wait so we do try to push pills

you’re out well in the door

so with what we’re talking about here

one of things we look for

in order to find that right diagnosis so

patients will look very ill and they’ll

have jugular venous distention which is

when the blood and the right side of the

heart backs up so much that the jugular

vein becomes enlarged and then if you’re

going to differentiate that from

restrictive cardiomyopathy remember

we’re talking about constrictive

cardiomyopathy it may be necessary to do

an echocardiogram which is like an

ultrasound of the heart or you might

also do cardiac catheterization which is

when they put an instrument for

measuring pressure through your blood

vessels up here up here thingy no okay

so that is a common catheter but so this

is a specific cardiac catheter as

opposed to for urination not up here


no no I call it cuz I’m just a little

kid not not up here silly Willy like

might be in the I guess depending on the

side of the heart and everything femoral

vein or something like that I had heard

that your vessel as a doctor that I had

read online that your mortality rate is

only 0% like you’ve never had a

mortality but then your mortality rate

with people who leave the hospital the

next day is like 80% because you give

them no hope because you can’t figure

out what’s wrong with them so they just

give up no I don’t I don’t think so I

try to speak hopefully to my patients it

was on it was on the Glassdoor profile

for your practice okay well I I I think

that most people who write reviews on

there and on Yelp a lot of times it’s

people who are angry and so you get a

biased view it’s it’s sort of the worst

even though Glassdoor is for employees

not for customers so it’s people who

have worked closely closely with you for

decades and they’re saying that every


that comes through or 80% of the people

who come through and I’ve just kind of

going home and either succumbing to

their illness which is often consumption

and you can’t even figure that out

is that true doctor sir mr. doctor

London sir

dr. London yes were you

you know just wondering why so many of

your pick of your patients have

consumption that’s a fun question

so this podcast is more about just

educating and we kind of leave my my

personal my work life out of it yeah

that’s why that it’s not like you tell a

story every week about a patient you’ve

interacted with yeah so I’ll bring up

some example but specifically to

illustrate a particular point about

medicine in general yeah cherry-picking

cases so you have you can avoid talking

about how many people go home and are

like well I guess if dr. London can’t

figure out what’s the point of living

that’s so that’s one view one opinion

and it’s great to hear the feedback

which is why we also have the feedback

section of the show so anyway we can go

ahead move on from there


Kameron do we have any sponsors today

unfortunately we do not dr. London but I

thought we could maybe use this time to

kind of do something fun a fun activity

we need we don’t really do a lot of

games a lot of fun stuff on this show

unfortunately ok well that’s because

you’re a little stuffy it’s a because we

try to keep it focused on sort of

science and medicine and fitness and

health that kind of thing oh yeah who

ever heard of combining fitness with fun

that’s impossible

ok ok so like some exercise game is that

what you’re thinking of well I was more

thinking you know sport sports are back

sports are very in right now Oh

basketball started again hockey started

again obviously football’s been going on

for a couple months so you mean when you

say it’s back it’s not like it’s a trend

you mean the season fo it is it is it is

way more trendy right now than it was

even just a few months ago no one was

talking about basketball a few months

ago and now ight on TV I mean okay yeah

that’s oh that happens every year at a

certain time of year yeah okay so so you

said some game well loving Oh Sports

something that a lot of people really

like to do is fantasy drafts okay yeah

and so I thought hmmm how could we do

our own fantasy draft yeah okay so like

this is for like fantasy football people

pick their whatever players yeah make

their own whatever T so we’re gonna be

building our own medical team by

trafficking body parts like so what do

you mean like your favorite body part to

make a medical well you don’t

necessarily you don’t necessarily choose

your favorite you choose the one that

you think is going to do the best for

your team okay so one thing about the

body is that sort of each part serves

its purpose

and so to have any one part to be

drafted for your team it wouldn’t

necessarily unless you had all the parts

it wouldn’t make that much

aside from maybe losing a limb or two

yeah then you’d be you

you’re saying if any person is missing

anything they might as well be dead

is that what you’re saying no okay it

said to anyone who might not be a

perfect 10 it might have any kind of

flaw and it may be had you know had some

sort of injury or maybe was born with

any kind of defect or anything like that

they are lesser than that’s very

interesting that’s not what we’re

talking about today okay okay good I and

that’s not the opinion that I’m trying

to put forth and I’m more safe right

it’s not an opinion it’s a fact to you I

understand I get what you’re saying I

don’t I don’t agree with it but I see

what you’re the agenda you’re pushing

okay okay okay I didn’t mean go ahead

and explain what do you what do you

actually mean how does this okay look

I’m gonna draft for my pick

okay I’m gonna draft the head now it’s

your turn so you so so I can’t have the

head no I just drafted it okay I guess I

I draft the neck all right let me write

that down the neck I’m gonna do so bad

on Sunday all right all right I’m sorry

on Sunday yeah I’m game day your team’s

gonna do awful if you just got a neck

what is the game let’s say it’s like

it’s just how many points you can score

with your team so that’s usually how it

goes you draft the team and then

different things are weighted and

pointed out what game the will we’re

drafting body parts Sunday with game day

so the reason I chose the neck was be

sorry to reveal my strategy but is that

if you don’t have a neck then the head

can’t connect to the rest of the body

rendering it useless because then it’s

just a beheaded person but you also

since you chose the head anything I

choose is irrelevant because the body

needs the the brain the central nervous

system in order to function right so do

you see how the game is kind of done

already no I mean I think point wise

you’re not down and out you just are

your from the beginning scoring less

points than my

okay maybe I don’t understand the game

very well okay go on

so I’m going to draft the neck look you

did that okay hmm it’s kind of ruins my

strategy a little bit all right all

right I am going to draft the elbow cap

okay so that to my knowledge there is no

elbow cap there’s a knee cap but not now

look at okay what are elbow the elbows

are the knees of the arm one 100%

everyone would say that if you have you

asked any person alive

what is the knee of the arm what are

they gonna say okay and so does the my

elbow not have a hard kind of Roundy

area where the two bones meet that joint

so the so what you’re describing is a

bone though so the patella which is that

that bone hundred points elbow caps okay

well you really have a full chart in

there oh yeah and this is you really

should have studied before we started

drafting I well this is the first time

you’ve mentioned this because the neck

is only worth three points okay well

okay now that you put on the projector I

see this is a lot of detail oh yeah

and like a lot of body parts that I

don’t recognize either what do you mean

oh yes you got that circle shaped one

yeah yeah and it looks like you’ve done

a little animation in it too to have

sort of a black gooey runoff coming from

it yeah what is what is that well I call

that the dark zone and okay so it kind

of just like ooze is I mean darkness I

guess so in the human body I don’t

believe that we have that so you don’t

want to it’s your turn is that what

you’re wanting to draft no okay once it

seems like every can I draft the the

heart that’s the next most essential

sure okay absolutely in heart I mean

that’s you know that’s a good choice not

gonna lie I was kind of eyeing it okay I

still don’t know that any of it would be

45 points okay so we’re gonna do the

heart okay it looks almost like the

matrix now with all the numbers going

yeah well that’s the algorithm yeah wait

and you program that yeah that’s even

working on yet for years okay all right

now it’s my turn okay I am going to

draft the hair


okay I here’s a different body part in

the head I know I guess I agree it’s so

I’ve just started dead cells is what the

hair is and that’s worth 65 thousand

points well you know what we should we

should just move on to our guests at

this point it’s I mean you’re you’ve

only drafted two abducted three yes

don’t we’re gonna let our teams view

this uneven I don’t really see this this

is going go ahead go ahead let’s draft

here okay just one more and then we’ll

okay uh the lungs okay

good sure that is a great choice it is

only worth forty five compared to the

other one was sixty five thousand well

yeah I mean it’s the hair

everyone loves hair it’s this is based

more on likability no I mean it’s based

on like the pulp like the point system

like the points they’re worth that let

me fire up the Machine and we can we can

play our game okay okay ready yeah all

right let’s see let me just put this

into the machine okay all right

and you you’re dead your guy died yeah

oh yeah he’s he’s the king of the game

now but unfortunately

you’re fantastic I passed away yeah no

head I think was a big issue I mean mine

didn’t have a heart and my guy is the

CEO of the game now yeah quite arson

anyway Thank You Cameron for that that

fun game and I will go ahead and move on

from there

alright Cameron did you say you have a

guest for us today um yes

dr. London mr. dr. London sir we do have

a guest it’s actually someone really

near and dear to my heart okay okay do

you want to say hi mr. soapy yeah what’s

up hey dr. London okay so Cameron it

sounds like it’s my best friend dr.

London sir this is my best friend soapy

okay so he’s got like a few hairs on him

and yeah dirt clod yeah is this that art

project that you’ve been obsessing about

for the last few months um yeah because

you you kept blowing me off like

whenever I was saying like we need to

get this recorded in order to be out in

time you kept blowing me off and saying

that you had the greatest artistic

undertaking of your career yeah I was

gonna be it’s like da Vinci I’m da Vinci

and sometimes when I called someone and

they said they were an assistant

Hey Hey oh you’re talking about when I

answered dr. London and they said that

you were busy okay and even well this

just sounds so extensive because I

visited your house during that time and

parts of me were burned down like like

it was this and there are people moving

these big crates around and I wasn’t

allowed to enter was that was that all

for mr. soapy yeah yeah was dr. London

wasn’t gonna let you over cuz you treat

Cameron like a little kid yeah he does

he treats me like a little kid dr.

London sir dr. London yes you haven’t

said hi to mr. Sophie

hello mr. soapy so mr. soapy for our

listeners does up here to be a bar of

soap yeah that’s right

what of it and lo you don’t think I’m as

important as a person just because I

like I clean people hey well I don’t

think that you are a person

mr. soap oh I get it you don’t like soap

huh you’re a dirty little doctor hey I

do like so dr. London do you not take a

bath my mom makes me take a bath

wait Cameron does your mom yeah to call

you up and tell you to take your bath

yeah every single night otherwise I

won’t do it I don’t want to do it I hate

taking my bath when you’re phone service

cut out I’ve got little toys and action

figures in there which like makes it a

little more tolerable but I just hate

taking my bath I just want to stay up

all night well you do that as well yeah

working on my arm projects where is is

there more or is this the art projects

mr. soapy um well I mean there’s

different facets to mr. soapy okay light

such as he’s got eyes yeah no I see that

I mean it looks like a little dirt clod

yeah for one and then so I would

consider that like a separate art

project because those were two different

weeks and it looks like yeah there’s a

long hair like attached to it a little

bit yeah that’s its facial hair okay

yeah that’s my beard yeah not the kind

of beard you’re thinking about hanging

so I guess whenever you said they we had

this guest today you had talked about

him very specifically

well yeah I’m saying this he told you

dr. London sir he’s someone kind of near

and dear to my heart so you said that it

was someone from Vanderbilt you said

that he was a nephrologist yeah so a

kidney doctor just like mine my older

brother who passed away

I’m said Cameron

did your brother pass away from the

kidney problem yeah I’m sorry to hear


hey hey hey dealing with kidney problems


I’ll give you a kidney problem kidney

stones I like to get kidney stones – hey

are you threatening Cameron with kidney


mr. Sophie yeah dr. lemon he does that

all the time and he threatens to get me

stoned he gives me a tow bulls he gives

you attaboy okay to get stone to get me

stoned how is it kidneys stoned as

opposed to sorry I mean I think it’s

just more of a wordplay thing right okay

because he’s giving these prices to give

me like physical kidney stones and then

he follows that up by wanting to give me

kidney stoned

yeah that’s right hey sorry whoops

whoopsie Daisy her listeners stoned is a

term for whenever someone is gets loaded

from usually in reference to marijuana

or cannabis getting a spliff off I don’t

really think that’s like a phrase people

use to get to refer to getting high but

okay mr. Sophie yeah it’s a phrase now

okay well I mean if if we don’t have the

nephrology I guess hopefully there was a

scheduling delay and this wasn’t just

all in the laborat art project

so mr. soapy could you tell me about


well like I said I like when people are

a little dirty

okay you like it when they’re dead

because then even though your purpose I

know is to come yeah but I know that if

they’re a little dirty guess what

they’re gonna do with me you know and

talk them out they’re going to wash

their face and stuff

yeah okay I kill your kisses okay that’s

right okay okay I guess that’s a weird

way to think about soap what about what

are your thoughts towards soft soap the

liquid oh I hate it

disgust like that’s like our piss man

okay babies like they just made that no

they just take a bar open they just like

let us do our thing oh well okay so

you’re saying that there are other so

creatures around and that the way that

they make the liquid soap is by having

the solid bar of soap urinate yeah so

we’ve got I mean mr. soapy and you know

he’s sort of named after my my older

brother who’s not with us anymore and

then we’ve got you know mrs. nail

clippers and you know she’s named after

my aunt my favorite aunt and she’s not

with us anymore and then we’ve got mr.

drain and he is named after my cousin’s

co-workers daughter I’m sorry is mr.

drain is he the drain of a scene you

know he’s my favorite drain he’s nice to


the other ones are super nice hey what

are you talking about kid hey I gave you

some of that free stuff some stuff some

of that stuff stuff for free you should

be appreciative people kill for this

kind of stuff they’re talking about the

edible yeah sorry that I’m just trying

to get this kid a little kidney stone am

i right once again so like well for one

thing why would you be trying to get a

little kid too stoned what I don’t see

the like the game there I know you like

to give kisses

but because I like kids were a little

dirty right and that goes okay and yeah

whenever he tries to whenever he takes

edibles like he makes a complete mess

because he cannot handle this stuff well

at all so like you know if you get if

he’s gets high he’s gonna like get just

like food all over him and stuff okay I

guess yeah no that is that is

interesting and kind of odd so mister

soapy what I guess what are your

aspirations but you I guess you wouldn’t

hear some declarations yeah

I want to clean the Queen of England

okay do you have any plans in place to

make that happen I’ve got a couple ideas

I’ve been working with Cameron yeah okay

Cameron do you have some connections to

the Queen of England well no but I’m

trying to like kind of create some

connections I started before ending the

the executive producer of suits and he

knows Megan Markel and so I figured

that’s kind of like a way in

but then contact with yeah mr. Sophie’s

been telling me that maybe I should just

send him in a box to the Buckingham

Palace and it says you know maybe like

only the Queen should open this and

you’re gonna regret this if you don’t

it sounds like they they might consider

that to be a bomb threat no it’s soap

it’s mr. soapy he’s not a bomb yeah I’m

not a bomb well for one thing and this

is possibly just an odd connection but

you you can make bombs out of soap I’m

not sure where you were aware of that

Cameron um I don’t think so dr. London

bombs are for cleaning things up not for

making things Messier yeah that’s right

you just said bombs are for cleaning

things yeah I guess I’m a little bit


so did you mean to say soap because we

were talking about soap originally and

now you’re saying that bombs are for

clean yeah okay

are you are you planning to when you say

clean do you mean to blow up the Queen

of England if uhrin Syme just a little


okay no the difference is huge because

cleaning means like getting the dirt off

of a person that’s right that’s why I

want to clean the Queen of England but

you still leave the the person intact

whenever you clean them but so oh well

then you’re not talking barely enough so

some ministers soapy this is just

concerning to me because it sounds like

you might possibly be advocating for a

terrorist act which on this podcast we

do not support that

maybe I’m just advocating to make this

world a cleaner place by killing people

what I didn’t say anything like that dr.

London it sounds like you you’re just

kind of making stuff up we’re not doing

anything well yeah we’re not if you blow

someone up that does kill them I’m not

sure if you understand that that’s not

what mr. soapy says he says it helps

them get clean in a sense that could be

true because some part of them will be

gone and tired that cleanse my soul you

know what I’m talking about

what it that it frees the soul from the

BA but but that’s not cleaning that’s

killing still sounds like cleaning to me

okay Cameron can I can I talk to you for

a moment

dr. London sir sure

mr. dr. London mr. sir mr. dr. London

sir yeah so so it sounds like your art

project is potentially yet a in attempt

at terrorism

I don’t think so does he’s just a bar of

soap just a bar of soap that I and and

that’s that’s fun and cute but if if

it’s aspirations or to carry out a

bombing then that’s not safe for Clinton

maybe London maybe you should play more

with mr. Lowe is it mr. drain or nail

clippers Oh ant nail clippers yeah and

no Clippers don’t again may be very but

yeah mr. drain and and nail clippers

maybe those are hello mr. drain there

okay oh I don’t mean you bring mr. drain

illusion now you can’t stop me now this

boy okay what I’m saying here is that

yeah well it’s good to talk to you and

said mr. drain okay so mr. brain sorry

mr. drew what are your aspirations yes I

definitely want to like kind of just

like you know flush all the bad parts of

the world down me you know I’m talking

about just flush down the drain okay

yeah anything bad in the world was all

bad nasty parts of the world all that

dirt and grass just kind of make this

place a little cleaner yeah when you do

dishes and stuff but all that stuff go

down and then you take care of yeah I’m

I’m even my my goal it’s really just

like a lot of do to make this place a

cleaner place that’s why I mean mr.

Soapy’s would make a lot of sense to me

lately oh well so mr. soapy seems to

make some points that are actually

no just we have terribly sugar we share

a common goal here which is to make the

world just a cleaner place okay so so

and then you know we’re gonna flush him

down okay so you also want to go after

the queen of it oh yeah someone’s gonna

do well okay well why why does anyone

have to go after the queen of being so

is that Mister Soapy’s motivation as

well I don’t know you should probably

ask him yeah that’s my motivation all

right the crown yeah

I don’t know it just makes a lot of

sense to me and so we’re just gonna

clean the Queen of England and then just

shove her down the drain and that’ll

take care of I think of most the world’s

problems you think that that will solve

the problems because one of the big

brown mean Tamron don’t you agree I mr.

London I do agree I think that kind of

makes the most sense and he’s a lot more

sense than how you what things you’ve

been saying and you know maybe maybe

it’s just that I trust what mr. drain

and mr. soapy say to me because they

treat me like a real person and they

don’t talk to me like a little kid like

a condescending jacket that’s okay and I

am sorry that that my manner of speaking

sort of comes across that way I know

it’s sort of speaking more politely can

sometimes sound condescending I wouldn’t

listen to him Cameron I this doctor

doesn’t seem trustworthy I think you

just need to be keep listening to me and

mr. so be ok camera I would recommend

maybe just like plugging your ears a

little bit Cameron just kind of like you

know just let me mr. soapy talk to you

because we a we can we can talk to you

even if yours plugs we got that kind of

connection which is special okay and

that sounds quite a bit like

schizophrenia whoa yeah so Cameron did

these mr. Lunt doctor one answer

did he just save me or do you say my

name mr. sir yes yes can’t doctor ones

up yes yeah so when these

when these friends you have these art

projects when they started to talk do

they start to talk before you made them

well what do you like I told you to make

them and how well yeah I mean they’ve

always been around and you just recently

gave them forms physical form yeah they

said they needed some sort of body to

manifest huh to manifest oh yeah I mr.

doctor wanted this yeah I this doesn’t

sound very good to me

I feel like we need to oh listen to him

Cameron it sounds like he’s trying to

take away our bodies yeah I wouldn’t

listen to him Cameron and I’m not trying

to kind of have our body how we’re gonna

clean stuff without our bodies yeah I

gotta agree with mr. soapy here I mean

we can take a vote on this all right all

in favor of cleansing the Queen raise

your hand all right I see mr. soap is

raising his hand I’m raising my hand

Cameron yeah I’m raising my hand as well

dr. London sir are you gonna raise your

hand okay that’s three two one okay well

maybe that’s a good place to kind of

call it because I all this talk about

you know I’m like I’ve thought that we

were going to have a nephrologist today

and then all of your art projects seem

to be terrorists who you know want to

blow up the Queen oh sorry it was was

Mother Teresa a terrorist because she

was just trying to make the world a

better place and that’s all I’m trying

to do well so Mother Teresa wasn’t

interested in bombing people that was

not part of her agenda oh you know her

personally no just her stated agendas

were never no mention of bomb threats oh

well I do her and I think that is

exactly what she was going for so you

mr. drain you knew where oh yeah I’m

pretty involved in the Catholic Church

as a drain yeah

I it just seems a little bit odd

especially because she traveled so much

and that doesn’t seem to be really the

sort of the life of a drain well yeah I

mean I didn’t travel but you know I was

in like one of her apartments okay so

that’s where I cleaned the Queen of

England yeah that’s right thanks to

Mother Teresa’s apartment sayings and

that’s when we decided we gotta clean

the Queen of England mr. zubi making a

lot of sense again yeah dr. London this

makes so much more sense to me than all

the stuff you tell me that I know is not

true well okay well we’ll go ahead and

call it for now wait I don’t think we

need to give this a platform anymore

okay but I guess it’s your call dr.

London it’s your show and since I’m just

a little kid I don’t have the maturity

or the intelligence to be able to make

decisions like that very important

decisions like when a segment should be

over I and just to clarify once again I

wasn’t trying to put you down before I

just you know sometimes one opinion is

more informed than the other on a given

topic but once again you you are better

at you know relating to people knowing

the latest trends that’s why I rely on

you dr. London sir yeah yeah thanks dr.

Allen so you’ve given me the courage to

maybe turn back oh good okay

well in any case Thank You Cameron for

for being on the podcast today and I

just think it would be do you have a do

you have a Roku around here

I wondered sir yeah no like so into

Google assistant oh you’re gonna change

transform back just plug it in the

opposite way okay can you go ahead and

do that



hey hey hey what’s up did your normal

what’s going on that’s pretty normal

okay well anyway so thank you cam oh

yeah for being on the show for helping

us out thank you to I guess mr. soapy

mr. drain who was it aunt ants nail


do you were you not aware of what would

what just happened for this episode and

I think I was on my phone okay that’s

that’s all right we can skip right over

that whole yeah anyway thank you to

everyone thank you too did you do them

the house


okay you like it when they’re dirty


this has been the jock dock podcast


before you go let’s take a minute

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that I’m not sorry in the sense of

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how you still haven’t told any of your

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