14: Atrial Fibrillation/Dr. Kathy/AREA 51

Welcome to the jock doc podcast featuring dr. London Smith he’s a real doctor with an even realer podcast now introducing your host dr. London Smith [Applause]

hello and welcome to the jock doc podcast where we discuss fitness and health and how to incorporate our modern understanding of science and medicine into our daily lives but without it being so boring I’m your host dr. London smith.com I would like to begin by apologizing to our listeners we have received some feedback complaining about the amount of technical terms we’ve been using such as body and mail bed so we all try to simplify terminology in the future here to assist with that actually not here today he’s actually calling in because he said he had a previous engagement as a producer Cameron Cameron is like a weather vane he’s always looking to where the winds of trends and popularity are blowing are you are you with us Cameron dr. London yes yes that’s me hear me yes yeah you’re a little choppy but we hear you I’m here I’m alive okay really but I’m sorry barely yeah okay cuz you said you had an appointment you didn’t say yeah I’m with fate okay I don’t put that well even with finally finding things out well okay we met with you know taking down the government okay because I tell you I thought it was a dentist thing or something so you’re are you in DC I really got here my teeth but I don’t think he’s a dentist okay did what do you know why he’s like new team where are you what are you seeing I mean there’s a tree there’s grass I mean you know there’s green grass but there’s some of its Browns okay so so it’s I guess it’s warm maybe wherever you are you know I’m trying to keep this a little secret but okay but you’re trying to to take on the government wherever wherever this is is that is that right are you not responding are you just breaking up okay we’ll go ahead and move on from there also with us is DJ Dylan IN DA HOUSE in addition Cameron has well he’s left me some notes one of them tells me that we can expect a guest to join us later an ob/gyn Wow okay so um I’ll be able to look forward to that it’s really nice to have him back yeah your back sorry the teeth guy took my phone the teeth guy yeah the guy was looking at my teeth dentists okay uh alright weld it are you sure that you’re in like a safe area because that doesn’t sound safe doctor I’m telling you I’m barely alive with what we’re going through out here all right buddy just felt good me to spell it yeah yeah before we I’m pretty curious what’s going on here dr. Linda I’m at area 52 it’s right down the street from area 51 we had stopped over here just for some churros are churros popular at area 52 that there was a churro guy here I don’t know I can’t answer any more details on that dr. Landon Oh God dr. London it’s been an adventure okay cuz he left I want to say but like you it was not long ago that you left for this adventure but like you mean the last hour it’s been an adventure Oh dr. Lana it’s been such an adventure barely alive over here okay alright we’re gonna go ahead and move on but um I guess feel free to so you know guide us along to happy with but what was that well I thought it was an alien but it was just the churro guy again okay okay well so we’re gonna go ahead and move on and just you know as usual we do appreciate your help with you know helping us to stay what with what people want to hear so you know feel free to keep chiming in know as usually do here is the truth dr. Londe and that’s what I’m down here for or I’m not you know I’m not there yet you know I’m not at area 51 yet okay but you’re at your neighbor it’s the truth dr. London the kind of stuff that you’re trying to hide okay so well I’m gonna go ahead and move on to UM to some listener feedback if that’s all right okay so the listener feedback is quote can speak to manager who is not having a seizure please and thank you Google manager who is not having seizure to complain about seizure on my order didn’t order seizure end quote first of all thank you so much for your response we always appreciate it when our fans reach out with us to us with questions and we are happy to try to address them whenever possible so if I may restate the question it sounds listener as if your waiter was having a seizure and since you did not order a seizure you wish to ask the manager to bring you a waiter who will bring you your food order rather than a seizure well they only shouldn’t charge him for the seizure I mean I I’m not sure that that was the issue it sounded like but but yeah I’m sure that um the manager would sort that out that probably seizures in isn’t what they would pay for what they ordered they shouldn’t pay for it I would I would hey listener listener I would say go back to that restaurant and say I don’t want to see her anymore oh you think that they left and that the patient or that listener had a seizure yeah okay accorded that’s not what they should be getting that’s all I’m trying to say okay okay well we’re always thinking about businesses I’m thinking about the people just why I’m out here risking my life well you’re up in just a cozy studio apartment okay um I’m sorry when you say risking your life aside phone dr. Lana and I’m barely alive wait when you say barely alive what what do you mean by that it’s the risk that you have to take to come out here dr. London to stand up to the government it’s that kind of risk I’m barely alive what do you mean like you just drove to that area and that to you is bare line yet okay but the risk involved dr. London right okay well um so to finish answering that one question um I would say to the listener that you should probably focus a little bit more on making sure that the waiter is okay because if if it’s what I suspect is that the waiter had a seizure and that he did not intend to bring a seizure rather than the food order he just he has I assume that this waiter had a medical condition that caused that seizure to happen and that should be addressed as soon as possible but after that then the manager or maybe another waiter would would be happy to address the listeners concerns with the food order after that and you know you should be honest about it if you did order a seizure but that’s not what you really wanted don’t say I ordered something different and you gave me something different you know be honest but sometimes I’ll do that i order the wrong burger and I want to say oh you did it wrong but that’s not right they get blamed for that you know that comes out of their paycheck so if you if that’s what you ordered was a seizure and that’s what they gave you I just be honest about it so I’m trying to say okay that’s what we care about it’s honesty that’s why we’re here we’re almost there okay that’s given your understanding of it that sounds right well to that listener thank you for reaching out and I hope that both your issues and that of the waiter are resolved in good time now for a hail from surgery what is it Cameron go ahead okay so now for a tale from surgery he he keeps popping up behind me and when I don’t know that he’s there that’s all I’m just trying to say well I think you know these circumstances it’s very rude for someone to do that but you know here we are the circumstances being that you drove up to this churro stand yeah and you don’t think it’s appropriate for him to be there I think there’s something up with why he’s here who does he work I’m trying to get to the bottom okay all right well I’m gonna go ahead and I’m gonna share a little anecdote from our surgery so we had a patient in pre-op waiting to go into surgery then we found out that the patient’s blood sugar is extremely elevated so we asked him and yes he knows that he is diabetic so we asked why don’t you take your diabetes medication and he says I control the diabetes with my diet at this point it is worth noting that he was unable to fix his eyes on any of us who were present because his uncontrolled diabetes had literally made him blind anyway they they managed to get his blood sugar down enough to go into surgery and he was soon ready to go back to his life of being free to avoid taking medication if that’s that was a desire which it seemed like it was dr. London yes yes dr. London there’s a development over here okay okay tell me what you’re seeing the the guy the churro guy he’s closing down he said he’s done done selling for the day it’s only 8:30 p.m. does I’m not sound weird to you that that sounds reasonable considering you’re in the middle of a desert right it’s can’t stay open till 9:00 in the middle of the desert and you already bought your churros right well yeah so why do i I guess why do you care no it’s it’s suspicious dr. London okay light write something a guy dr. London okay okay and I should say here you’ve done this before please do not follow him home yeah okay we will not I’m talking to the tooth guy right now we’re not not not not going to follow the churro guy home okay wink wink okay used a lot of double negatives there and you said out loud week week no I’m okay okay what you didn’t as you write you know attribute it okay I please don’t follow him home because remember you have your area 51 mission you don’t want to miss that right oh yeah d’etre well well I I’m gonna try to do both all right go ahead go ahead all right now for today’s topic atrial fibrillation now we all know that when people are alive they tend to have a heartbeat but what actually makes that heartbeat happen what makes that beat well you have parts of your heart called nodes that send out electrical impulses to make each and every heartbeat happen I’ll tell you dr. London I was about to okay you go ahead I guess yes staring truth in the face when you’re not supposed to looking and look in the eyes one of these alien creatures at area 51 that’s what gets my heart beatin okay so that’s that’s what so but the physiological method is the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes more commonly known as the SA and AV nodes yeah there’s enough I wrote down notes about the churro guy I wrote down notes about the tooth guy okay well these are n Oh des as opposed to the the written notes and ot yes si an AV nodes help to set the normal rhythm of the heart but however in atrial fibrillation this rhythm is lost and the heart beat becomes irregular so clinically atrial fibrillation presents with them irregularly irregular pulse so that both the rate and the rhythm of the beat are your regular your you’re saying dr. London that if you’re looking for a heartbeat and it happens to be irregular in a person then maybe they’re not human at all I see what you’re saying no okay no I’m saying if it’s irregular she’s not an irregular heartbeat okay this is good cuz I have a feeling this guy with the churros you’re still following him I there’s something about him man well it sounds like he’s the weirdest thing about him is that he’s selling churros at area 52 wherever that is anyway I’ll I’ll just finish explaining this real quick let’s see in other words that the heart is beating abnormally and therefore the blood in the heart has a chance to slow down and actually clot so that clot can be sent to the brain or elsewhere in the body give me a churro because it’s only 8:30 I can still have a churro just give me a churro and then I’ll take your pulse sorry doc : and go ahead I’m just this guy’s impossible okay all right well please please don’t okay please don’t hurt him I’m not gonna hurt any humans on this trip I promise that well anyway so so an atrial fibrillation if you’ve ever seen movies or shows where they do that whole they’re in the hospital and they yell clear and give them a shock that’s if the patient is unstable with atrial fibrillation they do that for this type of person they give them the shock and that shock is like slapping the nodes of the heart so that they can come back to their senses and then sent normal rhythm again all right um did you get your churro Cameron yeah and his pool okay his pulse is I think it’s 6:30 over 14 2000 pulses pulses are just one number so I think 6:30 over 14 20 is what I’m getting you you know where you can feel your pulse in your wrist you you count the number of beats in you know in 15 seconds then you multiply that by 4 to get beats per minute or the pulse yes 6:30 over 14 20 is what we’re looking at which i think is a regular dr. London so I have a feeling shut up shut up I have a feeling this guy might be a irregular like you were saying non-human okay well um all right well do we have any sponsors today uh do me to give me to shout out your chourus name on my podcast okay well he doesn’t want me to shout out his choice am but I’m just gonna do it anyway if you go to area 52 there’s this guy here with an irregular heartbeat and that that’s how you’ll know it’s him yeah just if he is around six-30 over 1420 then then it’s the right guy if a coupon he doesn’t have a coupon but just ask for 10% off and just say that I sent you okay all right well I guess for any listeners who live at or near area 52 they can visit this churro stand and I’m sorry what do you say he’s a sponsor you didn’t just like he’s paying for a sponsorship right he said no but I’m gonna I’ll try to get it out of him okay I still have his hand and a hold because I’m still taking his pulse okay okay well um anyway I guess we can move on from there especially for his sake so we have a guest you said you actually got us an ob/gyn is that right it’s true and it’s and it was odd the way cuz he left me notes for everything and the note you left was follow the trail and they will be there and so anyway it it was a whole thing but we did find them alright and here’s our guest hello hello and is it dr. kathie is that right yes alright well it’s nice to meet you uh so good to be here well I’m dr. London smith.com and we have our producer Cameron on the line as well hi Cameron hey can you hear me hi hello yeah hi thank you so much for asking me on yeah yeah alright well um yeah so I I think dr. Cathy was saying that they she had sort of an unusual case for us oh yes yes I as an ob/gyn with you know 20 years of experience I come across a lot of really interesting cases you know the body is just a mystery so anyway I was really hoping that I could share one if you don’t mind sure okay okay okay interesting okay so sorry just the churro guy really wants to hear this oh do you have it on speakerphone so he can hear okay well yeah he’s welcome to subscribe and he’s not gonna subscribe okay that’s that’s fine too okay stop offering him because I know you’re just giving him my so is it okay yeah okay go ahead with the case that sorry okay okay great so I recently had a Caucasian patient who presented to my clinic with complaints of an upset stomach and vomiting and the vomiting persisted for eight days and they had also developed a fever of a hundred one degrees Fahrenheit that seemed to have come and left before they got to the clinic but patient also mentioned a recent history of trekking through the remote jungles of Georgia and quote chugging that sweet stream nectar which I thought was very interesting so what isn’t okay and sorry what was that I’m sorry yeah no that’s interesting but you you have more or is yes so so on physical exam sorry they never up the TRO guy wants to know if he can sell some of this nectar or if you have like a copyright on it I I think that would be great when directed to the patient okay the doctor from what I understand was not there I don’t have any of the sweet nectar the truck I just was really disappointed in that answer but okay well okay sorry to hear that okay so on physical exam there was no murmur gallop or rub there was no chest wall tenderness although they did have some notable tenderness around the Tatas without discharged I’m sorry sorry what’d you say tot Tatas and is that a talking about well I’m sorry it’s just not a medical term I’m familiar with oh I’m sorry but you’ve been in the business for 20 years maybe you’ll learn it’s my beastly new I’m really sorry for dr. London’s behavior he’s not comfortable with women he’s not comfortable with men he’s not comfortable with just normal people talking real stuff I am using the correct terminology since you’re referring to the chest wall tenderness and that area were your friendship that the nipples discharge yes the nobbies okay so as long as we know what were you referring to so those yeah there was no discharge yes so there’s tenderness so they did have some notable tenderness around the milky milks without discharge is that clear for you I not now you understand I’m sorry for interrupting go on thank you uh so there wasn’t anything else that was extremely interesting although their abdomen was possibly distended no fluid wave but the fullness appreciated super pubically okay anyway whenever we got to ultrasound the technician was unable to find a uterus which was fascinating okay furthermore the patient is adamant that though the patient has never seen a sex they have heard of The Associated dangers of STDs and would most assuredly shoot a sex on sight should the opportunity arise okay I’m I guess what I’m confused I guess I’m going to view about a few things but I guess that last part so the patient had never seen a set the way you phrase it makes it sound like sex is a separate never seen a sex correct all right so do you have a diagnosis you’re thinking so yes so in my opinion given these findings the patient was likely pregnant most likely pregnant okay so you couldn’t find a uterus well no but well and given my experience I know what I’m looking at and it is a pregnancy so you mentioned I guess the vomiting I’m sorry could you repeat that part a miracle of life I was just kind of basking in the glory of the miracle of life whereas you seem to be offended by it that’s all okay well so here’s one one is your habit of uh pregnancy trips you up but me personally I think it’s beautiful but that is me so so whoever this guy and the teeth guy agree with me life is beautiful okay and I’m not I’m not disputing the beauty of life or the miracle of life but what I am disputing is so given given what you’ve said so far that they had been vomiting for yes was it ten days or so um had a fever off and on and they had been drinking out of a stream it sounds like it could have been you know some feral or even my findings all of these things point to pregnancy yes the the tooth guy wants to bring up that if you’re throwing up a lot it’s gonna ruin your teeth that’s what he says the acid in your stomach ruins your teeth he just he just wants to talk about teeth I think that’s just he just wants to contribute sorry go ahead okay well that that is true it for those this is sort of a separate note but uh those are the history of bulimia or where you you know vomit frequently that can that acidity can wear down your teeth wear away your teeth so uh that that’s a fair contribution and that’s [Applause] one reason why you would definitely want to avoid those practices but also of course general well-being Oh Feherty send a picture of your teeth uh I don’t think I would like to he’s getting so mad that you just said that I just don’t think I there’s a reason to send him you know picture of his teeth okay just go ahead okay alright so yes that’s what I’m wondering here is what what made you decide like as opposed to having like a stomach bug or something what made you decide that this patient sorry you never even mentioned the the gender of the patient I’m sorry well okay so it really didn’t come up I mean these things don’t always come up and besides I would I would never presume to ask someone such a personal question I after twenty years of experience and that’s where I do have to disagree a little bit because if you’re over G weigh in and you’re assuming that it’s a pregnancy usually like that that generally happens in women and females not in in males because they have they have what a uterus I’m not really familiar with the term but I think what you’re talking about might be a big eyeness that’s the more professional term okay that’s a term with which I am unfamiliar or maybe a neigh-neigh okay sorry you said you have the patient here yes go ahead howdy-hi I’m sorry Mo’s your name I’m sorry dr. London I’m getting a question here well how are your teeth done my teeth yeah yeah patient how are your teeth Oh my teeth are terrible let me tell you that sweet River nectar just does a doozy on your teeth okay that’s what tooth guy was concerned about whether or not the Necker was gonna screw up your teeth all right go ahead and I guess sorry on that note the way you’re talking about it was that sweet River nectar that I don’t know about the river nectar I’m trying to moonshine no no no the sweet River see here what you do hop in your pickup go drive to Kentucky pick yourself up a bottle of Kentucky’s finest bourbon drive all the way to Kentucky this’n are you gonna listen I’m just gonna keep talking go on as you pick up a bottle of Kentucky’s finest bourbon you get yourself watermelon are you following me yes yes okay what did I say you need to get you said get a bottle of bourbon jockeys – and then you get a watermelon exactly so what you’re gonna do you’re gonna take that watermelon you’re gonna drill a hole in the top of that watermelon okay okay I’m gonna dump that bourbon straight down just let it tilt it upside down let it soak in that watermelon you’re gonna stick it in this in the nearest Creek nearest river whatever you got cool that thing during the summer and then you got yourself some river nectar son so so the river nectar it’s it’s named after where you keep the pump inside the watermelon in order to refrigerate it more D’Alessio okay okay so uh so really you’re talking about a sort of watermelon drink based heavily and sweet River later sweet River nectar I’m sorry so you’re familiar with the term I mean she’s my doctor she has to know all this stuff I’m Cameron are you back with us I think I got some churros over there tell him to save me some drinks I’m back I’m sorry he’s taking some back oh stop oh I love some churros I would also like the churro okay so you have a rapport with him now you trust him now uh yeah I’m still taking his pulse so he can’t really go a lot of places but haha okay well so my question is patient Morris here I’m such a patient of yours what maybe you should ask me the question well and then I defer to my doctor typically so doctor I’m sure you understand well as you don’t seem to know a lot of just keep in mind you don’t have to say anything that incriminates yourself thank you thank you and ins questioning you just defer to your doctor they’ll handle it but some great advice great advice whenever you were deciding on a doctor what made you choose dr. Cathy an OBGYN in particular he saw the sign and walked in that’s right and the sign said what would you win and and you thought I’m sorry because you you look and sound like a male I don’t understand what that has to do with anything but you get sure well would you I am so sorry are you asking him questions directly I was more just about to explain that terminology in general so OBGYN refers to listen you might deliver mail does not make him any less of a person thank you I know that in this day and age with the internet and email and all these things it’s easy to say oh you’re you’re a male guy you know you’re worthless you don’t count anymore but I’m here to say I think that’s ridiculous and I don’t discriminate I just want that to be clear in my in my practice we see everyone doesn’t matter if you have a 2d or winky will see you okay Wow doesn’t matter if you have a TT or a duty or a cookie or an O or even a tallywacker we’ll see dr. loner use the people with the duty or a chi the reason being so an OBGYN is a fairly specific specialty of Medicine where it stands for obstetrics and gynecology so the OB is like obstetrics refers to like pregnancy and childbirth I’m sorry I I don’t think you I don’t know where you went to school but I’m gonna dirt bird dr. Cathy on this one that sounds that sounds like a locust OBGYN stands for Oh baby grab your nabis wherever you into school they’re clearly making up words it’s that coastal elite just elite miss that comes from the coast and I’ll tell you I’m tired of the de elite man mm-hmm agreed okay Oh baby grab your na peas Oh baby grab you not B’s rhythm your understanding of what OBGYN stands for because they’re they’re just shortened it’s what it stands it’s not my understanding it’s what so those are just like they are you’re using it as an acronym whereas that they’re just shortened versions of words that their obstetrics and gynecology would be just that the female reproductive system female yeah not these and so dr. Lin can we just get to the point I am with child and I have to take care of myself that’s right so so in the patient note as I was presented by dr. Cathy here it sounded as if you have a stomach bug because you drank something or possible you just use have some sort of stomach virus and you’re trying to blame this on my river nectar a child we don’t refer to babies as stomach books and I’m proud air you that’s very insensitive I’m trying to figure out exactly why you think he is pregnant because my Tatas are tender have you have tender tops before dr. London it is painful well I there’s no other explanation I thought like perhaps the nausea because morning sickness is a part of often a part of pregnancy yeah reported symptom but I throw up at least once a week husbands oh is that new and of course not I’ve been watch out for a while but for how long for a while are we talking days months I would say it’s been it sounds about right it sounds about right okay well it’s I I’ve been seeing this patient for quite a while we’ve been tracking the pregnancy and it seems to be progressing well so when was and this would be just a part of it how you would calculate when was your last menstrual period sir menstrual period dr. kandi you track this done this this patient has never seen a sex so I never seen sir and honestly why would you bring up men again I don’t understand why you have to bring men back into your phrasing okay well hey sorry Cameron what’s going on there I’m sorry the chair guy was just trying to leave I grabbed him you’ve got go ahead well I guess I should ask Cameron a few questions here Cameron are you any closer to area 51 and why are you going to area 51 you’re at area 51 well now I’m at area 52 Nancy and so we’ve just been listening to the podcast okay so we have some new listeners well I mean I both of them have refused to subscribe even after I gave him the 35 bucks so I don’t think so okay and you’ve gotta stop giving people my money how do you soon this is my money pretty good deal yeah I feel like it’s a pretty good deal yeah it’s definitely a steep discount a discount yeah do you normally charge people to listen I don’t take less than $50 to subscribe their podcast because okay because the podcast is free this is an educational free sort of public health public service community podcast and your are you charging people for it yeah all right well um really wants a picture of the patient’s PE thing the nastier the better I don’t know I’ll send him a picture of my teeth okay yeah he’d really appreciate that ha God he’s rubbing his hands together okay I guess I have a few further questions to ask here because okay if saying that is what your understanding of ob/gyn means what is your clinic like it sounds maybe like you’re more of a maybe homeopathy medicine like would you an oh baby oh baby grab you’re not that you’re not these okay let’s say a patient a new patient walks in and they see the sign outside would you I in and they go in and let’s say that they think they might be pregnant let’s say it’s a female patient I’ll be the judge of that okay female patient also not relevant okay so they come in and they go to your office and what do you how does a process go use insert my hands into the penis depending okay depending on what they have you know if they have a dangler a very different sort of okay well let’s go in the examination how would you examine if the patient like our patient here I presume possesses a a dangler as you call it I don’t want to talk about my patients dangler I don’t know if I’m my hundred percent comfortable I don’t want to talk about his doctor sharing this specifically his dangler I mean why are you talking about my dangler I have a question is the dangler the same as the droopier yes also the same as a PP or a lioness or a Winker are you familiar with those terms no but is it far off from a droopy Luthi no it’s not okay so that’s fine right is it extra droopy loopy to say extra is some fly that it was once not like this so is it more loopy or more droopy it’s it’s getting loop here by the day okay and how are how are your ly lose falling off that is interesting like a battery any any orange discharge or months oh my gosh tons and the guy would I would definitely recommend you come in and we have an examination because there’s definitely something going on okay it’s not gonna mess up my teeth right because the tooth does really he’s kind of making a lot of sense now not not your facial teeth now [Music] all right well Cameron do we have a sponsor today we do dr. London [Music] smoking is really really difficult to quit a lot of people are moving towards vapes but there’s a lot of questions with vapes are they safe are they healthy there was a scare about popcorn lung some years ago mm-hmm so I want to talk about zipler vapes it is organic healthy vaping system I’ve switched to it it’s been great I what’s that doctor okay cuz it’s it’s still a vaping system though yeah because that that puts it in the same category as the other ones from what it sounds like healthy organic vaping I don’t in what way in one way is that it’s organic take different from that of the other vape the others are unhealthy on organic bait systems this is a healthy organic vape system I’m only one of its kind what makes it so what makes it organic what do you mean by that well it’s a it’s not uh nor Ganic like the other vape systems okay so the way that it is organic is just that it is not unlike those other ones I can do me to show you uh maybe okay we can do a demo right here on the podcast okay okay all right let me get this situated and started all right let’s see here all right all right yeah you want to get ready don’t want to get it started all right do it it doesn’t sound good yeah no in fact if it’s not making this sound you want to throw it into a fire suicide immediately this sound means it’s working properly this is a bass yeah this look at the crowds oh man Oh wherever it’s know so much of – Wow that flavor is so smooth and completely plant-based okay this was a and that’s all I get yeah I am today I don’t know how oh crap I need a fireproof bag give me a fireproof bag I gotta give me something you throw it I have your blankets I need blankets let me rap in it okay blue he broke it okay okay okay I okay we’re good I think we’re good okay all right I think we’re safe zip lourve apes I bet doesn’t sound good the number-one healthy and organic vaping option okay so if we could get back to that kind of leads us into this question of what the first exam will look like if a patient has a Linus rather than so why are you so interested and I’m trying to visualizing what my patients minuses look like I just really I do fear for their safety when people ask questions like this right it’s more it’s all disconcerting it’s you say it’s more to find out what your examination process is rather than what they would their particular body part looks I don’t think they would really be happy with me discussing what the process is guys tender up dr. London I think it I think something’s happening over here something big okay what’s what’s going on there the something something that’s not human at all dr. Londe hey hey when you say not human nation see is that sir let me just let me hello dr. Lunney can you hear me yeah I can hear you I think it’s I something come here okay okay what are you seeing it look it looks exactly like the churro guy but I know it’s not him you check his pulse to make sure okay that is not let me check I don’t you if you see a sex make sure to shoot it pulse is 540 over 13 90 not what I don’t understand how you’re getting that reading please don’t hurt anyone I’m just checking this pulse can you check his pulse talk to it and I’ll get back to you okay thank you for checking in here I guess what I’m wondering dr. kathie is just okay here’s a basic question how many patients do you have currently I have many patients okay I also have the gift of patients and so whenever you see them in handy being on on your show Oh dr. London do you have any patients beyond the one present here in this room it sounds like dr. London you have no patients that’s what it sounds like if you should learn to pass some patience with your guests it’s like my grandpappy once said you never look a gift horse in the broadside of a barn am i right right dr. kathie okay okay wait sorry who started fidgeting again it’s the alien my I know he’s not because of the pulse that he’s not an alien he’s not the churro guy from before he just looks exactly like him and he seems to have his keys okay because you know a pulse isn’t like a fingerprint or something where you can identify people by that like a lot of mr. completely it’s an irregular inhuman alien reading dr. London irregular alien hearts are you familiar with aliens dr. London I I don’t believe that most people are not familiar with them because they if they exist and they have not made con obviously one says you just chased it down and I’m sorry we we kind of skipped past it a little bit you said so typical pregnancy takes about 11 months so I start sorry about nine knows about how long it’s taken so far about nine months every pregnancy is different every patient is different that’s true I like to approach it knowing that you never know when the baby will show you never know what’s going to happen next beautiful yes so typically so in this case yes we have eleven month going on twelve wait the baby will be here any day okay because typical pregnancy is going to last around nine months some some babies are born premature but maybe or typical pregnancy but all bodies are unique we’re all human we’re all you nutri we all have fingerprints and different eye colors different hair colors some toys have their cheering well I’m not I’m not done some of us have JJ’s some of us have winkers some of us have t t some of us have duties we’re all special and and the same comes with with babies and how they’re born every pregnancy is special dr. Cathy just knows exactly how beautiful life is that’s why I’m glad she’s my my would you I am that’s why I have so many patients okay well um on that note that was I don’t know I’m medically accurate but that great speech I think we’ll start to sort of uh maybe wind down here Cameron how are things looking for you over it have you made it to area 51 yet oh no I mean we’re still just John okay are you are you planning to get there for um I’ve heard on social media there’s some special storming area 51 day is this is this about that huh well I don’t what they said that they’re storming area 51 like it’s some social media thing go back on social okay social media like we’re talking about Facebook or Instagram Twitter because you were supposed to be in charge of those for our podcast uh are though is that like a TV show no although you can you can post videos on those but no they are they’re their own things the churro guy that’s gonna help me set up a Twitter so we we’re pretty far into our podcast and you haven’t set up a Twitter account cuz that was like a day one thing well it’s not day one yeah okay so anyway so all that to say you that you didn’t know about the whole storming area 51 this weekend that but that’s a whole thing yeah it’s kind of hanging out so so you decided to go there out of the blue was just just to do it well yeah it was my desire to kind of take down this kind of Mirage that the government has set up to kind of lined us to make us you know see things they’re not see the things that are really there you know trying to you know take the red pill here get out of the matrix you know I’m talking about yeah I guess it’s just yeah the timing just seemed it seemed surprising considering is this that you find that the churro guy is the same one that you thought was an alien that again uh PBB he pickles the same at least I know that much okay well thank you Cameron I think we’re gonna go ahead and finish up today we very much appreciate the tried to get us a medical professional on this one I I was fooled at first I tried but okay well thank you for being honest the OBGYN thank you dr. Cathy for coming on the show on the podcast I’m really glad to have been able to share all right and uh Thank You Cameron as always and i knew i want to i want to challenge the listeners to take a picture of your teeth this week and then you want to send it over to what’s your name yeah – joe near area 52 well his name is tooth joe like as in one tooth yeah so just take a picture your teeth send it over to them i’m god he’s salivating over it again all right keep going dr. London okay well yes I was just saying Thank You Cameron I guess thanks you too tooth dough and the the churro guy as well Cameron please don’t hurt please do not hurt him he please don’t I took its keys okay thank you – dude you’re dealing with the host and we’ll see you guys next time [Music] we’re okay please stop hold on full stop you are obviously about to delete this podcast from your phone and then drinking away all memory of it but please please think about your family first now you might be thinking what family you mean those filthy rats who betrayed me didn’t reply I would have to say no those filthy rats you found in your basement are not your family and frankly their betrayal kindness seems insignificant compared to the fact that you trusted them with your emergency funds just because you find rats living in your place doesn’t mean that they are your family or that you should trust them but they sometimes close friends our family you know well right here yeah but it’s family bro so rats rats are there vermin no still doesn’t say like I wasn’t affirming what you just said I’m it’s in contrast like I’m saying hey sometimes blood isn’t thicker than water you know what I mean sometimes a friend is a family okay so in terms of a rat infestation though right okay so yeah so in summary the the rat infestation in your home is not your family and you should also continue listening to the jock doc podcast in addition you should follow us on social media at jock talk podcast and even more importantly message your loved ones are handy website jock doc podcast calm and that can send them to whichever podcast platform they prefer with just a couple clicks thanks for listening you [Applause]