33: Cholesterol Embolization Syndrome/Dr. Randy Venison

Hey kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor

Welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring dr. London Smith who’s ready

to get turned up on some medical facts

introducing your host Dr. London Smith


Hello and welcome to the Jock Doc

Podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host Dr. LondonSmith.com
I’d like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback regarding the

overuse of complicated medical

terminology that I’ve been using such as

recumbency and baby it’s cold outside

so I will try to temper my wording a

little more in the future here to help

with that is our producer Cameron hello

friends so Cameron is so dedicated to

keeping the jock doc podcast relatable

that when he heard about the motion of

the ocean he began to make trips to the

ocean in order to capture portions of

the ocean and jars which had begun to

fill up every wet room in this house so

I guess are you trying to stop the ocean

from moving Cameron is that the idea

there well yeah I mean I get motion

sickness okay so I I kind of I kind of

figured that maybe taking a hold of

these things and kind of capturing them

and sort of facing my fears in that way

would sort of uh you know not all of us

have a good doctors that we can lean on

so we have to come up with our own sort

of medical remedies so for you the

motion sickness you think is

psychological as opposed to you know

vestibule ER cochlear oh no no no no no

sorry sorry I need to tame the concept


motion so it stops affecting me in such

a way I need to show it who’s boss so it

leaves me alone right okay so so the

concept is what you’re taming it’s not

so much okay I guess motion sickness

motion itself is what’s being tamed okay

okay well that’s okay

also with us is did you do in the hose

baby it’s cold outside baby it’s cold


here to help with that is the motion of

the ocean baby it’s cold outside



and later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a doctor is that right Cameron

that is correct dr. London Wow and so

you really you brought a doctor on board

I had an actual for real 100% Angus

certified doctor who’s a angus certified

uh-huh all right well before I move on I

would like to dress a bit of listener

feedback so I had this note I found it

whenever I walked out of the hospital I

looked in my lab coat and on the inside

this was written in sharpie and I think

from what I understand listener was

trying to reach me and kind of leave

some feedback quote from father said

this day would come

we need to sell our worldly possessions

and go to the holy place end quote so

first of all thank you to that listener

for reaching out to us here at the

Jacque doc podcast we always love to

hear back from our listeners to answer

your question I’m not exactly sure to

what day your father was referring I

think that was a Monday so in any case I

also do not see why today being Monday

would be a reason to sell all of your

worldly possessions and go to the holy

place well that’s because your your

hearing our listeners but you’re not

listening to them dr. London is this how

you are with your patients well they’re

just words on a piece of paper to you

but you’re not listening to them you’re

not really hearing what they have to say

okay well Cameron do you have an opinion

on what you think they you know this

holy place they’re trying to go to and

sell their worldly possessions oh I mean

I think it’s crazy and stupid but I’m

not the one who received a note if I

received that note don’t you think I’d

be acting a little differently yes well

okay how how would you act differently

if you received a note if I was the one

receiving the note I would take it a

little more seriously

okay I’m not sure how I how I would take

it more seriously I guess I doing what

it’s suggesting oh so I don’t think that

that person who left that note might

know something that you don’t I’m not

suggesting anything I’m just saying okay

oh well I guess for now we’ll go ahead

and shelf that and maybe I’ll come back

to this idea of selling all my worldly

possessions and finding you we couldn’t

do it if you tried you couldn’t do it if

you tried

all right Senor train sets in your house

okay well those are those are my it’s

kind of how I relax and process I

couldn’t get rid of those if you even

tried if your life depended on it if a

guy would say guy who looks like me

stormed into your house and put a musket

up to your face and said you choose it’s

either you were the trains yeah yeah

even your favored one too yeah the red

caboose you couldn’t even do it okay

well are you threatening to do that you

said no no no no you’re specific to say

someone who looks like you yeah it

sounds a lot like me as well and also

has a month because you have a musket

which in any case thank you to this

listener for the question and we look

forward to hearing from you again now

for a tale from the clinic we had a

patient with a history of mouth and

throat cancer who still had a port

port-a-cath for chemotherapy and this

had been left in four years after they

beat cancer

so this patients left hand started

swelling up out of nowhere and it turned

out to be an infection so he got IV

antibiotics in the hospital for it then

he started having sharp localized pain

in his back and then his cardiologist

noted a worsening heart murmur


hold on sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt

this Cameron okay I think we’re good go

ahead I’m sorry was that was that a baby

crying yes sorry I can’t get this thing

to like shut the hell up man

well it’s when when did you acquire a

baby I was I mean it’s my baby don’t say

it like that don’t acquire a baby it’s

my son it is a person okay when did you

when did you have this child Oh God

summer of I wanna say ninety nine ninety

nine so it’s been roughly yes summer I’m

trying to think smooth by Santana came

out that was 99 yeah so 99

you’re saying this okay all right and

how did you get it shouldn’t be a baby

anymore if it’s 20 years old yeah I mean

but you should see this thing it’s a

baby yeah no I agree that this sad my

son he just turned 20 this last summer

we’ve named him Kambo I’m sort of like

Rambo but also Cameron okay also sort of

like tae-bo those those exercise tapes

that back then it was kind of it was

kind of more relevant back then huh okay

and so and yours you’re shushing him by

sorry is it a him the baby yeah oh yeah

Cambo yeah yeah so you’re shushing him

by hitting him is that what I’m hearing

no no no I’m not touching him at all I’m

just kind of banging on things around

him okay all right I guess anyway back

to this

patient yeah yeah so this patient

started having sharp localized pain in

his back remember he had come in with

that port-a-cath left hand start

swelling so then his cardiologist

noticed a worsening heart murmur and

told the patient to go see a dentist now

this patient had been seeing this

dentist every three months but he the

patients still obeyed and they got an

x-ray though he had had no associated

pain I’m sorry Cameron yeah I don’t I

don’t mean to be like rude or anything

but that baby is kind of loud oh is it

going off again yeah I’m sorry I don’t

even notice anymore I just kind of like

filter it out Hey and this is your

twenty year old baby coz all right I

think we’re good

that’d be it’s sort of like a it’s like

a it’s like a Benjamin Button situation

but instead of going you know from old

to young it just kind of stays the same

age forever in this it’s not quite a

it’s not quite a reverse Benjamin Button

it’s more like the the last 20 minutes

of Benjamin Button for you know a

hundred years huh we should know these

this stuff you’re the doctor yeah this

is don’t live with it okay well I guess

I’ll just finished so so this patient

had no associated pain they you don’t

think I had dreams of playing basketball

with my boy throwing a baseball around

with someone who wasn’t stuck as a baby

dr. London yeah I I guess I I’m hardly

just surprised that this is the first

I’m hearing about it well that’s a whole

different thing typically I’ve kept a

blanket on him and it’s it was kind of

like one of those like heavy weighted

blankets but he’s chewed through the

damn thing so now you can hear him all

the time

okay so it’s just I guess you just need

go blanket shopping yeah and then once I

get a heavy enough blanket throw that on

top of them can’t hear a thing okay yeah

just go ahead so so this patient had no

associated pain but found that he did

have an infection that I’d even away

much of his maxilla which is the upper

jaw so it turned out that the bacteria

that had caused the hand infection and

heart infection and the back pain was

coming from the mouth the infection had

spread and bits of it had likely flown

off and blocked some arteries which had

caused the back pain and that’s why

dental help can be so important to your

overall health and camryn that blood


don’t call Kambo that baby stop that

doctor IJ it’s just Kambo could probably

stand to shush it a little bit I don’t

quite covered it I think he’s good give

it pacifier or something yeah I gave him

a shoe okay and now for today’s medical

topic cholesterol embolization syndrome

now you may have heard about clogged

arteries from cholesterol buildup but in

cholesterol embolization syndrome

so-called showers of crystals

originating from a buildup of

cholesterol can break off during a

surgery or radiographic intervention

clinic oh yeah that kind of stuff

happens anytime I take a shower a

cholesterol embolization so just all

sorts of stuff falling off that’s what

you’re saying right well I’m saying

I guess similar to that except that this

occurs inside of your arteries your

clogged arteries does that make sense no

I mean it definitely I think it comes

from my fart erease for sure I would

imagine that’s where the origin is but

yeah it just seems like anytime I step

in the shower everything is just falling

off there’s just stuff everywhere lots

of debris

dust I start coughing and then that gets

Cambo going I’m sorry you you’re dusty

whenever you get into the shower yeah

there’s just a lot of there’s a lot of

debris in the air I don’t know what’s

dust I don’t know what’s chalk it’s it’s

impossible to tell but I will say a lot

of at least the the stench part of it

definitely I think stems from my fart

arees for sure okay

so so if a patient has this cholesterol

embolization syndrome clinically it

presents with small discrete areas of

tissue ischemia with the appearance of

blue or black toes and also renal

insufficiency and possibly abdominal

pain or bleeding treatment is supportive

and you do not anticoagulate since that

can actually also be a trigger for such

an episode but rather you would focus on

controlling the blood pressure


I’m sorry what so is it’s fine if my

toes are alternating black and blue

right no they shouldn’t your toes should

not turn like unless you’re right but

it’s not like one is primarily black one

is primarily blue they alternate back

and forth throughout the day

well are you putting your toes into

black or blue like paint or clay or no I

think it it feels more like a mood ring

type of thing because it does seem tied

to my you know emotions so when I’m kind

of like furious they’ll turn hot red

whereas I’m a little down on myself you

know baby can’t shut up keeps crying

will turn blue okay

I and then when I like slam it up

against anything at all turns what okay

well that that does sound like it could

potentially be some some blocked

arteries down there that’s really

something to be concerned have you

talked to your doctor about that I am

right now okay well sorry to finish up

for cholesterol embolization syndrome

terms of treatment amputation or

surgical resection that’s only needed in

extreme cases normally blood pressure is

the thing you’re working on controlling

but yeah Cameron we should you need to

go to a doctor about about your feed

okay you owe me to come over no I mean

after we record no I’d say like go to

another like go to it oh go to a real

doctor is what you’re saying I mean go

to a clam actually does make sense to me

I’m glad you’re able to fess up about it

a little all right well we can move on

from there okay wait let me I think all

right I think I took care to care of it

can you still hear it yeah okay let me

try let me see okay can you still hear

it okay okay well I think we’re good

yeah let’s go ahead and move on all

right Cameron you said that we have a

doctor here as a guest today we

absolutely do dr. London and I I will

say I believe that our guest today is

the most medical person that we’ve ever

had on this show

including the host take it away

okay well that that sounds kind of

insulting um but we are happy to have

finally another you know a qualified

medical physician here doctor venison is

that right

yes thank you dr. London it’s a pleasure

to join such an it’s an esteemed list of

medical professionals on your podcast

and Thank You Cameron good to meet you

absolutely thank you for joining us all

right dr. Randy venison is all right so

um what what kind of doctor are you

well coincidentally enough I focused on

pre verbal giganto pediatrics when I was

doing my residency so I believe that

this will lead into helping Cameron and

Cambo with their medical challenges

today oh wow

okay so you’re you’re familiar with the

clinical syndrome that Cameron’s 20 year

old baby child is suffering from very

it’s so rare that once a case has been

diagnosed that it makes national if not

international headlines just because of

how rare it is and also really how

challenging it is for the parents it’s

not easy to manage a pre verbal 20 year

old male it’s it’s a challenge camera

and here the here the frustration in

your voice and I think you’re doing a

great job though

yeah it just won’t shut the hell up I

wouldn’t give it I wouldn’t care at all

of it would just shut the hell up we’re

all about building bridges yeah that’s

that’s learning to communicate okay I’ll

tell you what I want to throw this thing

off a bridge I wouldn’t ever I would

never do that he’s probably a little

heavy yeah I’d probably fall off that

bridge a lot faster not that I would

ever do that I want to stress that well

now it is the I do want to say but

because I know people are gonna make

connections here yes is this show on the

Casey Anthony podcast network absolutely

does that mean that everyone who comes

on this show that has an annoying baby

does that mean that something’s going to

happen to that annoying baby who knows

but I’m just gonna say that that

connection is nothing you can’t you

can’t you can’t take that connection to

court if something were to happen to a

certain baby 20 year old baby child

ma’am purely coincidental purely

coincidental yes well okay well so

doctor venison how would you I guess in

the case of we’ve already heard sort of

a description of what this clinical

syndrome is since this is your specialty

how would you approach dealing with this

problem I don’t want to say problem I

guess because it isn’t he

Cambo is a living being but how do you

approach appropriate appropriate

treatment appropriate care it’s a it’s a

multi-faceted approach dr. London and

it’s quite complex in the terminology

but what I like to do and I did listen

to some of the listeners about not going

too deep into the jargon so it’s

accessible is that my first

recommendation would be for Cameron to

try to teach Kambo infant sign language

it’s something I did with my child

growing up and no no they may not be

able to speak I would guess part of the

challenge from bonding with your

manchild would be just a simple lack of

understanding and if he can express that

he wants to play basketball or go to

sleep or he’s hungry and he has means to

do it even though he may not be able to

fully articulate those needs a simple

sign language demonstration from him

will help you bridge that gap

interesting so what do I do

so my kid can bow does not know sign

language but he does flip me

a lot like a lot even right now when he

was crying and I was banging on things

around him he was flipping me off the

whole time ah so he has a fully

developed neo frontal cortex that he can

associate anger with that symbol yeah I

guess though directing it towards you so

uh this this changes things dramatically

in terms of the diagnosis so now when

was the last time he flipped you off

give me some context to that yeah it was

on the podcast like seven minutes ago ah

okay and let’s just start with simple

needs for infants when’s the last time

that he’s eaten perhaps he’s hungry

Lincoln right he did a way to blanket he

did eat through a way to blanket yeah

how long with that yeah I mean that

definitely happened a few days ago I

don’t know we don’t talk about it that

much I feel like it’s kind of rude to

insist on knowing what people are eating

you know everyone is sort of a little

self-conscious about how they look and

stuff like sure made you know I wouldn’t

ask how much someone makes and in the

same way I’m not gonna ask you know what

do you have for lunch you are you eating

healthily you know that’s not my


let’s be respective of Kambiz privacy in

this situation I would suggest after we

finished recording I would set out three

bowls of well let me let me ask this

question is he how is his motor skill

articulation with utensils or is he does

he end up out of a dish with his face

Allah may be like farm animal well so he

he definitely eats off the floor but he

does that thing where he takes sort of a

mouthful of food and then takes it into

the other room and then drops over the

floor and that eats the piece one after

another in terms of whether or not he

uses I think you asked about his

motorcycle I paid a pretty penny for

that thing and he has not touched it

once I’m just saying

although you can see him right now he is

just sitting there staring at the

motorcycle so does look there’s like

maybe there’s some appreciation

for it it seems like there’s a vague

interest but get on the damn thing

ah so maybe stay with me on this one so

maybe if we tie nutrition and having his

most basic needs met that would improve

the relationship and then if we also

somehow tied a reward system to the

motor cycle then you can share this

wonderful experience of watching your

son on the motorcycle and he’s happy

because oh I’ll use a non medical term

his tummy’s full hmm and dr. London

could you translate that for our medical

community yeah well yeah gastric

fullness yeah okay yeah so that that

does translate pretty easily to the

medical community dr. Linda what’s your

take on all of this up front you haven’t

spoken that much on it right well it’s

kind of a it’s a new diagnosis for me I

don’t run across this as much um lateral

Benjamin Button disease yeah okay I also

wasn’t familiar with that particular

name for it the other one was the pre

verbal something syndrome in any case I

just like to see the approach so it’s a

lot of working on the communication

skills which sounds like the big theme

of it and working on some of these motor

skills all the sort of the things that

you expect anyone to work on as a baby

you know so once they get past some of

those basic human development stages you

know getting from the point of crawling

to walking to say riding a tricycle all

of those kinds of things or our goals

that you could probably have I would

assume dr. venison couldn’t agree more

dr. London which you’ve summarized and

and this really is a testament to your

medical acumen which you’ve just

described is basically the first three

months of specializing in this field and

also sends you a 200 page treatise on

this I don’t want to confuse Cameron or

or the listeners with some of the more

mundane medical aspects of this but

you’re on the right track and since you

talked to Cameron quite frequently

within these two hundred pages as

Cameron mentioned of the Angus certified

the certification with this it’ll make

perfect sense to you with what you

should be advising him on that is

another question well I guess two points

there Cameron isn’t the most attentive

to to me in terms of my explanations but

a follow-up question I had was about

that Angus certification what what does

that actually mean I haven’t heard of

that in a medical field as far as I can

recall sure well most people are

familiar with that from say your

neighbourhood Chili’s or Applebee’s when

they talk about their specials so it’s

most commonly associated with the the

cut of beef on their plate so if they’re

eating good in the neighborhood so to

speak so I should note that chilies and

Applebee’s are not sponsors of this

podcast this is just to relate these in

layman’s terms but there is also the

Angus child Institute in upper northeast

New Hampshire that focuses on some of

these very very rare but very important

childhood diseases and conditions and so

I I will have to admit at medical

conferences when I’m presenting and

putting my credentials on slide one of

the PowerPoint and I talked about being

Angus certified I’ve heard every beef

joke there is but we take the Angus

certification for Pediatrics very very

seriously a lot more seriously than dr.

London takes his medical field he’s

never even thrown out any of this

amazing advice you’ve been giving me

about Cambo he’s never even tried well

part of that is because in fact I would

get go ahead and say entirely because I

didn’t know about Cam Bo’s existence

until today yeah because you never want

to hear about me yeah you ever thought

about getting involved in your patients

I’ve known this doctor for five minutes

and he already knows my relationship

issues with my son dr. London I’ve known

you for 67 years you’ve never once asked

about him I it’s one of those things

where usually people will mention their

children I don’t know and I guess I

think about me it’s still surprising to

me and well I guess I don’t want to get

into your relationship stuff now but I

after the podcast I guess I am curious

about how you came to have this child oh

uh my my girlfriend she she it

definitely exists and she she lives in

Canada so that’s why you haven’t met him

but yes she totally I mean like oh she’s

great – she’s awesome yeah it makes a

million dollars a year yes wow that’s

impressive yeah she’s awesome but you

can’t talk to her her voice she lost her

voice recently so we can’t talk to her

don’t have a photo of her in my wallet

because my I left my wallet in my uber

the phone she NSA right privacy right so

she took her pictures down off social

media and told me to delete all the pic

all the you know hot steamy pictures we

have or I have of her she i’m definitely

real candid in Manitoba okay not not

very good cell service up there but

Cameron you had mentioned something

about your I’m using air quotes here

girlfriend about her not being able to

speak and if one parent of a pre verbal

giganto pediatric child suffering from

this doesn’t speak it makes the job so

much harder for the other parent because

the child only has one voice to pattern

after as it’s learning to speak so yeah

I spot my friend and I’m not I’m not I’m

not talking to this kid at all except

for you know stop it stop that you’re

being so annoying you don’t appreciate

your motorcycle like there’s really only

maybe three or four select four

says I’ve automated most of it I kind of

have a sound board that I use for a lot

of dating so you don’t like well when

the child was first born and growing up

you know let’s say 19 and 1/2 years ago

did you try reading to Cambo did you try

you know talking were you more engaged

back then well you know it’s just like

after the internet came around it was so

much harder to get books you know what I

mean remember like what happened – what

happened to Barnes and Noble guys you

know what I mean and so you know like we

did I was able to read to him I would

have loved to have tried I would have

loved to have tried ok see you didn’t

try oh oh man I would have loved to have

given that a shot but just that it was

the top you know the time y2k right yes

a lot of technical issues back then I

recall that yeah NYPD blue I was still

on and so I would you know I was

watching that okay so so I guess time

conflicts kept coming up for you so you

were not able to I get I guess nurture

the Cambo well I mean nature versus

nurture you choose one personally I

chose nature and so I’m kind of letting

things work themselves that like steak

otherwise you’re at odds with each other

its nature versus nurture okay you can

only choose one

okay well and for our listeners who

aren’t aware of that concept the nature

versus nurture issue is I guess the

question of what makes up a person you

know their personality their their

traits their skill levels to what extent

is that nature which is the genetic side

what they inherit from their families

from their parents and then to what

extent is it nurture the way they’re

raised by those you know those parents

or whoever they’re raised by know nature

versus nurture is an epic eternal battle

between everything natural versus

everything nurtured and at Birth you

were given the choice to raise your

child either

on Team nature or team nurture which was

the the sword that they will be carrying

for the rest of their lives so is this

like the Twilight series where it’s Team

Edward versus team I’m forgetting the

other vampire well Jacob who was a

werewolf am thank you we have actually

established on this show previously that

we are team Charlie which is Bella’s dad

those dad single dad he was a cop just

wanted to hang out and have a few beers

how can you not support that guy you

know what I mean I always root for the

underdog – that’s that’s the right team

and so I would say in the nature versus

nurture battle Bella’s dad would be I

guess maybe like a sunset dr. London so

I I guess I’m not sure what oh you mean

the Twilight versus Breaking Dawn you

think that he would be sunset dusk

I think the sunset is the perfect hybrid

between things that are natural and

things that are also nurtured because

through all of the efforts that we’ve

made to make this earth hotter due to

global warming global global warning

we’re actually really nurturing the Sun

and kind of bringing us closer than ever

ah I I guess I’m not sure that I I see

that tie-in exactly it sounds more like

probably Bella’s father since he raised

her and everything that’s that’s a

combination nature and nurture is what

that comes down to but in any case we

can come back – um I guess this question

of where where do we go from here in

your raising of Cambo and this I would

love to be able to figure this out I

think we can work at this as a team so

and figure out what to do with this hell

child doctor venison what is your take

on sort of now you’re aware of a few

more you know you’re worried about I

guess the the motor skills development


Cambo sort of where cambogia ah well

let’s practice right now let’s try a

different course of therapy so okay

let’s get a bowl okay yeah let’s find

some of Kambiz favorite kibble okay

and let’s set it in front and then hey

eat your eater eat your baby pellets

come on don’t make me call your mother

who is real lives in Manitoba exists but

you can’t talk to her voice okay got

that okay now this is where this is a

critical piece for you Cameron so okay

deep breath in deep breath down exhale

and then yes now give Kambo instead of

the middle finger

show him the peace sign and we’re

starting to associate now food with the

peace sign this is the start of sign

language it’s not the official sign for

eat but we’re gonna start very slow and

very simple okay do you see peace dude

Campbell let’s talk baby 1969 let’s get

stoned baby no war in Vietnam

nothing well Cambo he’s getting angrier

it was his mouthful that she that gave

him earlier we should probably have a

shoe ectomy okay let me be delicate

though slowly and smooth okay I think

all right he stopped should I just put

his face in the Qibla now and just gonna

let nature take its course he will

figure it out I mean you can’t you can’t

lead a horse to water and you can’t lead

a pre verbal giganto child to eat it’s

like when a baby horse is learning how

to walk you know you can’t just do it

for them they’ll they pick it up

naturally it’s part of her acting

correct correct and a huge part of

nature to go back to that discussion

Cameron is that the haircut is a vital

piece of nature it’s how someone

perceives themselves when’s the last

time that cam bow has had a nice tight

fade haircut maybe it’s a self-esteem

issue that we’re dealing with as well so

cam bow so far has mostly kept to

himself in terms of the hair situation

by just sort of removing the hair piece

by piece himself

oh very oval he have you are you

familiar with Charles Schultz as peanuts

yes yes so there is a character that’s

part of Charles Schulz as peanuts and

his name is Charles and his name is

Charles brownfield and that character

the way has a bulbous sort of disgusting

sort of bowling-ball type-ahead this

Charlie Brown okay sure

yes if you want it to be a little

informal about it but sure so mister you

know Charles Brown fields hair is sort

of similar to canvas

ah so we would say he’s follicularly


and I do want to say that Cambo Cambo

has spoken two words before I so what we

talked about you know pre pre verbal or

whatever we were saying before and those

two words are good grief oh so he has an

association with Charlie Brown I have no

eyes no idea no idea if he’s watched

peanuts and no idea he’s familiar with

Snoopy I know that a lot of times when I

give him his pebbles he says good grief

hmm okay

what did your Christmas tree look like

to assume that you celebrate the holiday

but what was it oh god it was like yeah

sucked so I stay here I may be happening

here is that Kambo might be either

living in his mind and an alternate

reality that is the peanuts Christmas

special or it might be even more extreme

he might even think he’s Charlie Brown

and his best friend carries this blanket

around all the time and I it’s so stupid

that blanket is disgusting mmm it drags

on the ground well okay I guess I’d like

I don’t want to interrupt this train of

thought but I feel as if we’re straying

from the actual way to I guess to fix

the current issues because really it’s

this is gonna be sort of a daily thing

isn’t it

in terms of fixing the the approach to

Cambo like it’s a daily if not hourly

yes yeah so it’s gonna be sign language

it’s gonna be I guess focusing on

phrases similar to good grief from the


I guess learning to try to kick a ball

correct yes we’re gonna need a football

and I would construct a psychiatrist

office out of milk crates so that when

Cambo is talking to you that you are the

psychiatrist and you are in that’s

constructive I know you don’t think

anything you’re suggesting at all it’s

new it’s getting matter all right let me

try peace dude doing the peace signs

okay hey what’s up man looking for peace

not war homie what’s up dude well what’s

up man okay well I think we’re at this

point we are going in circles a little

bit so it’s maybe a good time to bring

it to close sounds is better than

sergeant pepper’s dude oh okay I think

that bit is hmm maybe he’s a Beatles fan

well I think stressing the importance

that Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys was

better than sergeant pepper’s that

seemed to agree with them hmm maybe he

knows about more than we think

in any case though I still think it’s

looking me off again though so never


probably a good time it’s gonna be a

long road a long road Cameron but I’m

here to help well yeah and speaking of

which doctor venison is there any way

that listeners could follow you

afterwards do you have there anything

like that yes there absolutely is we

love to hear from patients potential

patients and especially in this very

well-connected age and I’m calling up

our website now so they can read the

address and and interact with not only

your listeners but camo and so what I

would like you to do is we’ll send you

to the venison and poblano practice I’m

a partner with dr. Chad poblano

okay and if you go to venison and

poblano medicine weebly.com and I’ll

email you this so people don’t have to

pull off the side of the road and safely

transcribe this while they’re listening

to the podcast our listeners can do both

yet if you’re doing this right now just

pull up your phone if you’re driving put

in the address save it to your bookmarks

maybe glance through scroll through the

website a little bit well I don’t want

anyone to get injured while driving

texting and okay if you are going under

seventy okay if you’re going over

seventy then yes slow down under seventy

then you can use your phone safely but

yeah I’m sorry dr. London sure and look

for oncoming traffic in probably during

daylight hours but yes venison is

spelled as you would expect from the

dried deer meat and poblano as the

pepper coincidentally and purely random

it sounds like items on an appetizer

menu at Twin Peaks but that’s just

purely coincidental okay again going

back to like the angus certification

there’s there’s a lot of just random

coincidences that you know we just we

have to deal with just that’s just part

of carrying so much for our patients

yeah well I would say that you know to

be fair my name sounds kind of made-up

like someone just looked at a map and

then thought of one of the more common

last names you know dr. London Smith

doesn’t sound that real either so I

understand that struggle I guess is what

I’m saying

well in the most important thing dr.

London you’ll agree with me on this one

is as a medical professional

believability counts for a lot so if we

sound believable then our patients will

believe us well I mean just like no one

has ever had felt the need to question

the existence of my girlfriend lives in

Canada because there’s no reason to

question it because it sounds so

believable because it is real right okay

Manitoba is in Canada yep no so there’s

no reason to question it or to try to

google her

or look her up in any way or anything

like that okay I’m sold

so doctor venison any other details you

need to share or this has been an

absolute pleasure gentlemen

okay Cameron just one day at a time my

friend one in one day at a time one day

at a time

all right and dr. London I’ll see you at

a conference soon I hope

yeah yeah I’m excited to learn more

about pre verbal the infant gigantism

something that effect giganto –

pediatrician okay right all right well

thank you to doctor venison for being on

the show thank you to Cameron our

producer thank you to do to Dylan the



you can’t lead a horse to water and you

can’t lead a pre verbal giganto child to



my name is dr. Lennon smith.com this has

been the jock doc podcast see ya


you keep plodding through the snow one

step at a time you tell yourself yet you

can’t help but sneak in an extra skip

once in a while owing to the chipper

nature of the situation yes sir after

eight straight nights of searching

through this avalanche prone icy

wasteland you have finally found a

bonafide walnut and the whole one and

then proceeded to dig a hole and bury it

so that the trees underground hands can

find it again yes siree Bob plowing

through all this snow barefoot share has

been worth it and you know what else is

worth it a five-star review of the jock

Dawg podcast so go ahead and leave one

of those right from your phone and be

sure to leave it a review in which you

detail what kind of nut you would like

to find while walking through the snow

without shelter for many days in a row

and be sure to text a friend or a hated

one our handy website jock talk podcast

calm so that they too can have the

chance to write a five-star review if

you were even remotely displeased with

anything on the podcast be sure to give

us a very angry shout out on social

media at jock doc podcast well thanks

for listening

