38: Superficial Thombophlebitis/Cohost Elections

Hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor

Welcome to the jock doc podcast

featuring Dr. London Smith he’s healthy

and fit and his podcast is lit

introducing your host dr. London hello

and welcome to the jock doc podcast

where we discuss fitness and health and

how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. London

smith (.com) I would like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we have

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that I’ve been using such as

calcaneal compression tests and good

old-fashioned home-cooked meal so I will

try to temper my terminology to a

simpler one in the future here to help

with that is our producer Cameron that’s

right dr. London I am here to help all


so Cameron is so dead exciting sure I’m

sorry what was that just say I’m helpful

okay Cameron is so dedicated to making

water that our podcast stays relevant

well that Oh what why can’t you say it

that I’m helpful

oh no Cameron you are you are helpful

yeah you provide these the mics and okay

and the long pause was just because

there were too many words you were

thinking of that just to pick one was

too difficult no is this coming from up

from something are you upset with me

about some no I just I mentioned that I

was here to help and then you didn’t say

oh you’re so helpful which usually when

I when I tell someone I’m here to help


you know congratulate me and sort of

kind of praise me for being so helpful

you don’t do that because for me

whenever you say I’m here to help that’s

I’m here job oh yeah must I help right

now can you say you’re you’re not gonna

help right now

I’m here to help at some point when it

works with my schedule yes so you are

because whenever you say you are here to

help I think you’re physically present

here so you must be here to help like

that that puts it in context to me I

show up to my job every single day and I

say hey boss I’m here to help now I

cannot guarantee when that help is going

to be done does that make sense

not not really also you have a job yeah

my job as the podcast producer okay okay

so I show up to my job every single day

which is your house and I say to my boss

which is you I’m here to help you notice

how I do that every day at your house I

is this well I’m gone I don’t know I

have no idea it’s so dark okay well yeah

I turn the lights off when I’m gone okay

so Cameron is so dedicated to making

sure that our podcast stays relevant

that when he heard that it was dr.

Seuss’s birthday he went to his shed and

he began working on something for what

he turned the good doctor sir Cameron

any update on that project building a

shed wait was i building a shed I was

not building a shed okay I was building

just a device okay and what was the

device well you know this good doctor

right the one from the TV show well

that’s different from dr. Seuss I don’t

know if you’re aware so if there’s a

good doctor guy if he’s you know he’s


is he the one that’s kind of an asshole

or is he the one that’s kind of weird I

can’t remember I I’m not I’m not sure

well either way we can just like fix him

with this device this was the whole idea

I bring it onto set of the good doctor

go to this lake fixes him you go to this

guy who’s clearly got issues he’s either

really angry or he’s autistic I don’t

remember which show is this one but

either way the device is just sort of a

fixing machine so it’s kind of figure

out what the issue is how does it fix

them like what does it do well that’s

the I’m still dead this is the part I’m

still working on giving it purpose no

giving it the ability to do what I’m

setting it out to do which is to fix the

issues okay in people okay so and then

once I figure that part out that’s

really it that’s like I’m basically one

step away once I figure out how to get

the device to fix people then it then it

then I’m golden okay okay well so anyway

so 90% done to clarify regarding dr.

Seuss’s birthday dr. Seuss aka Theodor

Seuss Geisel he was an American

children’s author who is most widely

known for writing and illustrating more

than 60 books under the pen name dr.

Seuss and so that’s the doctor I thought

you were referring to anyway also with

us is DJ Dylan in da house

I’m here to help I’m here to help I’m

here to help I’m here to help so I will

try to temper my terminology to a

simpler terminology temper my

terminology to a simpler terminology yes

and later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a special guest that’s right dr.

London right so go ahead and look

forward to that before we move on I

would like to address a bit of listener

feedback I found this note presumably

from a listener carved into the table

under the spot where my prescription pad

used to be the note reads quote don’t

forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook

rule where they can use your photos

don’t forget deadlines today it can be

used in court cases and litigation

against you everything you’ve ever

posted becomes public from today even

messages that have been deleted or

photos not allowed it costs nothing for

a simple copy and paste better safe than

sorry I do not give Facebook or any

entities associated with Facebook

permission to use my pictures

information messages or posts both past

and future end quote

whoo I can’t wait for that day the day

when all the pictures become public okay

think about the advertising we can do

dr. London once that day happens take

any picture you find online once this

magic day happens where the day comes

and goes and then there’s just no

copyrights anymore on pictures we can

make a little like Robert Downey jr.

went to your doctor’s office dr. London

okay so you think the Photoshop ability

from private photos is the the big game

from this for us yeah if what they’re

saying is true which this isn’t the

first time I’ve heard this so I have to

leave it’s true yes then after a certain

day if all these people who don’t post

this important message that used to

repost who their images aren’t going to

be protected so that means any celebrity

dr. London Oh Paris Hilton what came on

the podcast oh how can I prove that that

was real picture okay I don’t want to be

dishonest in our advertisements you know

I’d rather be you know we tell people

it’s a medical education podcast and I

can I usually leave it at that okay well

if you wanted honesty and our

advertising you should have mentioned

that a long time ago cuz we’re that ship

has sailed

well what are you currently advertising

us as our just whatever gets clicks baby

I do this listener I’d like to thank you

so much for your insightful question

here on the jock Dawg podcast we love to

hear from my listeners um to answer your

question I am not sure how much of your

personal information Facebook uses but

from what I understand it is more than

what most people wish to think about so

for example at the ignoring everything

you just said I wasn’t listening but so

part of my the advertising I’ve been

doing which is a lie but it has been

effective as you know they did Daytona

500 happened recently and I was

advertising there and I was telling its

audience targeted advertising if you go

see dr. London he’ll make you fast as a

racecar okay so you’re just perfect for

that audience don’t you think so

I mean we’re eating it up they loved it

it’s promising something that that we

can’t really deliver though that is your

that is for you to figure out

and also so advertising for the podcast

isn’t advertising for my practice those

are two separate things

yeah it’s all-encompassing anything that

helps the practice helps the podcast

anything that helps the podcast helps

the practice it’s all it’s all one giant

blob I’m not I’m not so sure but

anyway to this listener thank you for

listening and now for a tale from the

clinic I had a patient present to me

with some issues of constipation so I

began to ask him about his usual bowel

habits like how often he normally has

bowel movements how much water he drinks

things of that nature

and then he took out a notebook in that

notebook for three years of bowel

movement documentation including details

of color quantity and even texture which

is which isn’t that weird let’s let’s

live it that’s a normal thing that I

think most people do it kind of sounds

like your T’s in this guy but I think

that is the common thing but go ahead

okay well so what I was gonna say about

it is that it’s more information than I

required from the patient in that visit

but it is nice to be you know it’s

better to be over-prepared than

underprepared I did exactly yes but

usually the questions are like you know

how many how many times in a week you

can give more of an average you know but

I think a log you know a log of logs if

you will mm-hmm I think that’s pretty

useful and I think if you you know I

personally this patient that you’re

making fun of I think that you know you

could maybe be even a little more

thorough than this guy maybe you could

keep a little bit of a sample every day

okay Karen do you keep samples and you

know baby jar baby food jars you know

they’re tiny they don’t take up much

space maybe you have one of those for

everyday are you are you suggesting that

to me or are you saying that you already

do this I’m saying it wouldn’t be weird

if someone decided to do that I guess to

me that would be weird that would be

unusual from my perspective I don’t

think that the average person does that

well it sounds like your friend does

right here well he was I mean I would

say we were friendly but it was a


and I was commenting on how and you how

strange it was do you see just go ahead


now for today’s medical topic

superficial thrombophlebitis superficial

thrombophlebitis is when you have small

blood clots in a particular area under

the skin in the upper extremities it

usually occurs at the site of an IV

infusion in the lower extremities it is

usually associated with varicose veins

secondary to static blood flow in these

veins clinically superficial

thrombophlebitis presents with pain

tenderness in duration and erythema

along the course of the vein so it’s a

it’s sort of bigger and red right fine a

tender cord may also be palpated and

palpation of course is the term for

physically feeling that part of the skin

with your hand and you know I think this

is one thing you shouldn’t beat yourself

up over I think we all go through

periods where we’re a little more

superficial and maybe you know a little

more materialistic or we kind of get you

know caught into the cool kid crowd

maybe the cool kids start inviting you

to parties and starting to like hang out

and maybe go to lunch or maybe go to

which-which and so you guys are hanging

out at which which all the time you get

in the wicked you know that’s the five

meet with the three cheese’s and you can

get that ha you can get that cold hear

you in like a big like hot wick we could

sandwich from which which right and so

and then you’re like yeah I mean like

you’ve cut out all of your old friends

because you’ve decided that like this

superficial cool life who’s like all

about like cool clothes and like cars

and stuff and chicks and babes like

maybe that is the life for you okay and

like maybe that’s not that big of a deal

like everyone’s got to like explore a

little bit well okay so this is a sort

of a different thing Cameron and I thank

you for for bringing this up because I

didn’t I didn’t realize my terminology

could have been so confusing so

superficial is a term not only for

dreams no I’m just Josh

jokin so superficial means nerd an

education podcast nerd no it’s fine it’s

fine dude it’s just like you know I’ve

got my new friends now so it’s just like

you know I care about like different

things than you do honestly camera I

don’t I don’t approve of these friends

you’ve been having oh whatever it’s just

cuz they don’t want to hang out with you

yeah but they also you know try to pull

pranks on me they’re just trying to have


sorry that you don’t remember what

that’s like cuz you’re so old okay

because I’ve had glass and feces I found

that on like stuck to the walls of my

house before it’s funny was that your

feces it’s it’s impossible to know whose

it was it was all together it was all

like mixed oh wait so is this friend

group that you’ve been hanging out with

lately that the superficial

materialistic ones are they the ones who

think it’s normal to glass to bottle up

your feces I think that it you know it’s

not an it’s it’s it’s it it was strange

to me at first too but now that I see it

and they have told me that it’s cool I

realized that it is actually very cool

to do because yeah I didn’t think you

had this habit before but is this what

made you like them or was it something


what do you mean what made me like them

I’d like them because there’s the cool

guys man of course I’m gonna hang out

with the cool guys if they’re gonna tell

me hey we need you to collect a little

bit of your poop every single day hell

again I’m gonna do it it doesn’t make

sense to me either

I don’t understand it but they need it

from me and I’m not I’m not a freak

because of it I’m cool I’m cool

hmm okay not like you nerd

all right well let me go on in terms of

treatment no anticoagulation is

typically required as superficial

thrombophlebitis rarely causes pulmonary

embolism for localized from both – a

mild analgesic such as aspirin or

ibuprofen an elevation or hot compresses

might be warranted but these patients

can typically continue activity on the

other hand if it is suppurative

thrombophlebitis as caused by septic

phlebitis typically due to an infection

of an IV cannula the redness will extend

beyond the area of the vein and purulent

drainage may be present treatment here

would be to remove the cannula and to

administer antibiotics systemic

antibiotics that is hey what time are

you what time are you going to leave the

studio my house yeah well what time when

are you gonna go home okay why why do

you ask

there’s no reason just just just tell me

well I don’t think I’ll tell you I I’m

not sure when exactly all right he’s

gonna be gone for at least another 3-4

hours just get it done all right okay

see ya okay all right Cameron do we have

a sponsor today unfortunately we do not

dr. London it’s just just been one of

those weeks you know yeah we’re the

sponsors just aren’t hidden like they

should you do

actively seem to work to get rid of them

sometimes well I mean I do see it sort

of like a dating app like a successful

dating app will get people off the app

you know and so I see it as the same

like once we’ve connected our sponsors

with their future clients then we should

be happy for them and let them

yes yeah I I don’t

but anyway anyway that’s beside the


okay we don’t have a sponsor this week

so I wanted to hear a little bit more

about you dr. London I know we’ve talked

a little bit about you know your dating

history in your past but I personally I

think one of the most interesting and

scientific and most medical ways to

learn about someone is by interpreting

their dreams wouldn’t you agree dr.

London I mean there are aspects of

psychology that go into that more I

medicine science and medicine yeah I

mean magic see wouldn’t you say dreams

are magic no no could you explain the

science behind dreams being magic I

don’t think I can explain that I mean we

can talk about the phases of sleep you

know going good REM of a face and a face

of sleep no phases not not that face do

you is this part of it I want to see the

face of sleep dr. London okay so I think

that you’ve been having some do you

dream of a face whenever you go to sleep

no no but I definitely don’t want to oh

you’re just a this is one of your fears

yeah okay definitely don’t want to see a

face one gonna sleep dr. London but I

want to eat where we’re not here to

learn about me and my you know my fears

of a face that looks like a specific

person from my childhood anyway we’re

here to learn about you dr. London okay

so you’re so would you what you’re

wanting to hear one of my dreams yes I

want to hear a recent dream that you’ve

had i I’m trying to think of how this

would benefit the listener okay so and

these dreams happen during REM sleep

that’s named after you know rapid eye

movement okay

see and of the world as we know I’m

sorry not that I am this is a different

okay so for me I I have had this dream a

few times where I okay I’m asleep

that is a drink sorry not in the dream

so I find myself in a lake okay all

right and I’m swimming I’m swimming I’m

swimming and then it’s a lake remember

but then a whale comes up from under me

okay and I’m so that I’m holding under

this whale as it swims along and then

the whale up from under it comes a plane

and so it starts to fly with the way

plane plane lifts up the whale high into

the sky yeah and I’m me too

and at first I’m enjoying it you know

it’s like I’m riding high and then I

realize I don’t have anything to to keep

me attached to the whale or the plane

and whales are pretty slippery creatures

at least in my dream and so I’m starting

to slide off and I’m you know you know

we’re getting pretty high up and it’s

even getting difficult to breathe and so

I’m reaching oh man and I’m grabbing I’m

grabbing it whatever I can find grab a

bird no that’s not what I need I throw

it away and I can’t

so that fall and the whale tail and it’s

like I’m already scared of height and

then the whale whenever I get to the

tail flips me way up and then so I’m

even higher up and then I start to fall

and I just keep falling and then I have

a different dream that it sort of

transforms into where I’m in a chocolate



does that make sense

yeah I mean it at first glance it

totally makes sense to me I mean first

of all that’s the stupidest dream I’ve

ever heard in my entire life like you

that what that’s the stupidest sounding

thing I’ve ever heard about normal stuff

like I was gonna say like candy but you

did say you were dreaming about

chocolate at the end well the store yeah

but God mean I was expecting like I was

having a dream that like I drove a car

real fast but it this is I mean this is

messed up dude yeah but I mean let’s go

over it so okay you’re in a lake and

you’re you’re swimming and you’re

enjoying yourself in the lake so we can

assume what’s the only thing that you

enjoy being a doctor working on working

at the hospital it’s the only thing you

like so I was gonna say being outside in

nature No so you’re out there you’re

swimming in the lake this is you working

in the hospital and then a way out pops

up and who’s the whale the whale is one

of your patients

maybe the whale maybe this is a patient

with a big problem you a problem the

size of a whale dz8 I’m saying you’re

holding on and you’re enjoying all of

this well they could also be physically

large so you’re enjoying all of this

right because you said the plane then

lifts up the whale that’s the gurney oh

you think it’s that that direct

translation but it’s a gurney the gurney

is lifting up your whale of a patient

and then you’re riding on top of your

patient does it sound familiar dr.

London well it sounds like my dream that

I think you’re feeling while you’re

riding on top of your patient you’re

feeling this joy and you’re feeling this

freedom but then you realize there’s no

attachment there’s nothing holding you

on to this gurney and you’re I mean

you’re writing I don’t know four or five

feet up right that’s gotta be scary so

you start sliding off and you’re

grabbing whatever you can but you know

like you said your patient is very

slippery and so your patient that’s all

old up and has a bunch of like doctor

goo on it your slip in and you’re

falling and then you keep falling and

then you land in a chocolate shop which

is the gift shop

Hospital that’s your dream so you think

that your your interpretation of my

dream is just that it’s a very you were

surfing on is that you were surfing on a

wet patient of yours yeah you think it’s

a very direct translation it’s not like

I’m you don’t think it’s a metaphor for

say I think you had a big old wet

patient who was huge and covered in oil

and slippery as hell couldn’t catch the

guy I think you were pushing him on a

gurney and then you said I would I want

to surf on this and I think the the

outcome of that was you knocking over a

bunch of stuff around you and you

getting embarrassed that’s why you’re

dreaming about it I I don’t think that

that happened to me prove that it didn’t

happen right now prove it I don’t I

don’t know how I could prove that but

all right what do you want do you want

to move on to the next dream since I

nailed that one

okay no I can I can let’s do one more

okay okay so in this dream so I find

myself in a field and okay there’s this

tall grass and I don’t know how you feel

every time you see a movie with the tall

grass around and they’re running their

hands through it all I think is chiggers

I think bugs and I think my legs are

gonna be itchy afterwards and so okay

that’s all I’m thinking in the dream I

find myself there and I’m so afraid of

getting itchy so probably want to squish

the bugs huh well they’re they’re so

small they’re not really you know

squishable so so then I I walk along and

instead of being on you know the dirt

and grass I start to feel solid wood

like I’m walking on a plank and okay I

find myself walking on an actual plane

click on a pirate ship

ooh right and I’m hearing walk the plank

and I’m the hole yeah and in that moment

what I’m realizing is

my legs are feeling itchy and walking

this plank actually might feel pretty

good to get you know take a dip in the

water yeah and so you know I look back

at them and I do a little dance in the

dream and taunt them a little bit and

then you make the big leap

you make the plunge right yeah well I

trick actually in the end but yeah I do

get into the water and then and then

this whale comes up under me oh wow

another one yeah and then it sounds like

it’s looping back around yeah yeah I

think there’s a candy store anyway so

nobody tell you what I would I think of

what you’ve been telling me I don’t know

if I okay alright so you started off in

a field right with tall grass yeah so

that I mean that this is your this is

your place where you’re you’re

constantly surrounded by sort of a

comfort sort of a not a comfort but sort

of just whatever you’re surrounded by

it’s like you and your favorite thing

which is medicine and being at the

hospital so being in the field with tall

tall grasses you being at the hospital

and then you having all these bugs

around that are annoying you that you

want to squish real bad who are they

your patients so you think who in your

life that you want to squish because

they’re so annoying and they’re making

you so itchy because of the diseases

they’re spreading it’s your patients so

then you suddenly that clicks in your

head that oh I want to squish my

patients so bad and then you flash to

you walking on a salad piece of wood

walking on the plank this is the Medical

Board at your hospital you think that if

you start squishing your patients like


we really want to the board at your

hospital is going to quote unquote make

you walk the plank they’re gonna fire

you and possibly imprison you huh but

your dream is saying hey buddy take the

leap take a leap of faith man you know

in your heart that this is what you want

you’ve got to take care of some of these

patients and you know what I mean by

take care of some of these patients so

then you jump in the water the water is

also the hospital and medicine and stuff

and then the whale is the big fat

patient that you ride that’s real wet

and then you’re slipping and sliding on

the patient and so I think we I think I

don’t know I think we’ve kind of figured

out what you need to do with this this

patient of yours oh you think this is

all tied to one specific patient I think

you’re slipping and sliding on someone

okay well I I don’t like whenever you

made references to the doctor goo and

stuff I don’t know what you’re talking

about there

hey dr. Cayle I’m sorry dr. goo now

doctor who in any case I guess thank you

for for your attempt at interpreting the

dream but yeah yeah yeah

but I I think it was more just just a

dream you’re just a dream

okay well let let’s keep the cross words

out of this okay okay we can go ahead

and move on from there I think all right

Cameron you said that we had a special

guest today is that right we do dr.

London you know how we’ve been sort of

talking about the idea of having a

co-host on this very show yeah yeah I

was thinking you know to cover is sort

of the aspects I’m I guess let’s focus

on some of the dieting or possibly even

expanding to epidemiology right or like

me the intelligence the saying correct

things actually covering topics that are

beneficial to people being likable being

nice being sort of funny you know just

all the

the areas where you’re lacking and then

you can continue to bring to the table

you know your little little game or

whatever a little little act

you think this this is a game that

teaching medicine yeah it’s the only way

that it your life makes sense is that

you’re you’re intentionally creating the

most bizarre life possible to maybe I

don’t know maybe get on a reality show

or I because the you’re describing the

most bizarre alive but it’s just you

know working in the medical field and

then teaching medical lessons to

listeners uh-huh does that’s that’s

reality show to you does that sound that

crazy no what’s crazy to me is when I

was looking for your window the other

night you were stacking a cat on top of

the dog and then you were stacking a

little mouse

on top of the cat well I have my

figurines you know that yeah I suppose

I’m sorry for our listeners this is sort

of my private life but we try not to dig

into too much because I want to I want

to keep the focus on medicine I think

regardless of what the focus is it you

just kind of give off a sort of animal

stacking guy type of energy that has

been a negative for the show I mean our

listener count has been stuck at you

know 760,000 for weeks now so no more

downloads since that no I mean we’ve

been trying to push it towards a million

and it’s just it’s stuck it’s stuck at

the one spot do you think it could

because your screen like your computer

also froze that day no that’s a

different issue because because you

haven’t been able to use that computer

for anything else since right it’s I

think those are I think the two issues

are unrelated though okay like I don’t I

don’t think I’m not I don’t think people

not listening the podcast is what caused

my computer to freeze

there was the soda I’m I’m sorry I guess

I wasn’t aware of that did you

accidentally spilled some soda on my

computer no I didn’t accidentally do

anything nor did I spill anything it was

just my computer was making sort of a

coughing noise you know it does it every

once in a while it gets really hot as

there’s going so I thought I’d give it a

little like little soda as a you know to

kind of cool it down okay and so I

poured it with a floppy disk slot oh


well I guess I’m surprised that you have

a floppy disk slot on your computer

because that’s that seems low and dated

but in any case so you know that

electronics had generally don’t take

kindly to liquids right I know that my

computer got really mad and it froze up

Oh in a reaction to this yeah hasn’t

spoken to me in days and in any case I

mean we got to get to this co-host thing

doctor London right so we have as our

guest today my choice my my nominee if

you will for the campaign of 2020

co-host my choice is here today that’s

gonna be our guest are you excited to

meet them yeah so is this because I was

looking at a few options that I was

sending to you and one was an

epidemiologist I was really interested

to hear their take on modern events

because you know a lot of big things are

in the news right now and seeing that I

guess tracking the path of a disease is

fascinating to me right right so is it

by any chance that one that I recommend

no dice okay so we can get them all

right so is it uh I don’t know physical

therapist I guess I should stop gal

would say in a way sure absolutely yeah

okay all right so who my nominee he is

the smartest guy I’ve ever met the

cutest guy I just gotta say it

he is a person who I think everyone

loves and everyone sort of gets hyped

for when he walks into the room people

start doing that dance that goes like

one hop this time and one hop this time

yeah everyone does that most of the time

which i think is pretty pretty rad and I

just think you would he would be a great

co-host on the show and his name is


producer Cameron I deserve this spot I

deserve the spot I deserve the spot I

deserve the spot I deserve it okay you

nominated yourself for this position

uh-huh and to clarify this isn’t a given

to me I deserve this spot it’s my spot

I deserve it I should be co-host okay

well and while I appreciate you you know

throwing your thing in the ring here

it’s so it’s not an election it’s not a

popularity thing it’s based on who I

think you know could educate Metis

medical topics the best then why did I

stay up all night making ballots and

then forging my votes into those ballots

yeah I’m not sure but I have okay

because I’ve seen a lot of voting booths

that that aren’t at the the designated

areas all around town I’ve been seeing

these I’ve spent so much money on

rigging this election and you’re telling

me there’s not even an election yeah I

am sucks man I’m sorry to have to be the

one to tell you so no it’s it’s a formal

you know it’s a position that you apply

for it’s a job you know but I guess okay

since since you’re all that’s here I’ve

been living busy Eastern European guys

sleep on my couch in exchange for

helping like rig this thing god

Wayans fan that’s why he was there yeah

because you you talked about him like he

was an old friend I mean he’s old as

hell yeah I don’t know how old he is the

other day you know how people like old

people they remove their teeth before

they go to bed he removed his mouth his

mouth like with the lips and everything

okay so he must have had some traumatic

accident he removed that whole chunk of

his face dr. London I don’t know how old

he is and he won’t leave okay so so it’s

a noticeable problem for you then okay

well I I’m sorry to hear that Cameron

but in any case anyway yeah anyway I

want to interview for the position of

co-host I think I’ve proven myself I

think as the producer I have sort of

unofficially functioned as the co-host

for a long time now wouldn’t you say

yeah and I’ve even you know our

listeners do this closely they might

have noticed I’ve called you a co-host a

few times sure and that was more because

you know you’re supposed to kind of stay

in the background as a producer and then

you would just chime in and ask

questions when it was really you know

that was my job okay and you were sort

of pushing my thoughts and I pings to

the side and then stating your own oh

you wanted the show to be propaganda

because the other person on the show is

pushing your beliefs that’s what you

wanted okay

that actually makes a lot of sense that

puts this whole show into a new context

okay well rather than propaganda that’s

not really the term I would use this is

sort of just educating with you know

evidence-based medicine so I would call

that not so much propaganda I don’t

think you need to educate medicine

medicine isn’t people I’m sorry did I

phrase that incorrectly what I meant is

to educate concerning medical topics

does that make more sense not really

just to interview me for the job okay

okay all right so Cameron yes start to

say okay few basic and every questions

what would you say you’ve already listed

your experience what would you say is

your biggest strength as a co-host

what would you be able to bring to the

table Oh a breath I would say they more

biggest strength okay wait hold on yes I

why why did you put on an accent just

then I I think historically maybe people

with have with an accent

do well on the radio and do well in

podcasting because they they have a

little you know zest to their vibe yes

okay well one issue there’s you do

already have an accent it’s just an

American accent mm-hmm so that’s you

already have one you don’t have to adopt

another one on American accent then I

turn on the radio I’m hearing all these

guys with these different voices and I’m

saying I could be that where are you

listening to British radio maybe because

that is probably the reason why just

continue on with the questioning okay

well I guess try to answer the questions

with your normal accent okay so same

question what is your greatest strength

what do you bring to the table ello love

okay my gray strike has got to be more

ability to podcast I think my greatest

strength as a co-host would be my

ability to do the podcast

I will be there on time or I mean around

the time I will put my mouth near the

microphone I will push the words using

you know the wind for my gut and my

tongue that’s how words are and I will

be the co-host and I think that is that

is probably my greatest train thank you

okay so your I guess to sort of

summarize your greatest strength is that

you were technically physically able to

perform the job absolutely and I don’t I

wish I don’t think that’s true with my

current roommate who takes out his mouth

every night I don’t think he could do

that at least when his mouth was that

okay okay now he as far as I knew he was

not you know a contender for this role

he is he heard about it and he has been

arguing with me a lot about it and he’s

vying for it pretty hard okay all right

I guess I get I guess we’ll consider

interviewing him as well you’re gonna

consider interviewing him I mean I would

much rather have a medical expert as a

co-host just so we can keep reinforcing

the medical facts but I in any case we

can move on from the you again of the

boss here you don’t have to interview

him but you just you hear that this man

with no mouth who I am letting live on

my couch because I wanted to rig the

election you’re you hear that he’s

interested and you’re like well I guess

I’ll throw him an interview

I guess because span and I we did bond a

little bit over what your hatred of me

no no wasn’t that but it was you were

telling stories about me to each other

and that’s how you bonded huh well he

didn’t I guess I guess one of his big

his biggest strengths might be that

whenever I spoke about medicine he

didn’t immediately take the other side

and say that I was wrong

with you isn’t a strength that you seem

to possess you were telling that story

where I was I went to the grocery store

and I bought too many Tara miss me Suze

and I was carrying trying to carry them

all at once

and that I ended up tripping on them and

stepping on and sliding them all around

and dropping the rest of them you told

him that story didn’t you I told you him

you have to tell people that story

okay well but that’s he knew some of it

already and I just filled in some blanks

well he knew that I guess I could I

could walk and was able to trip well the

part that he didn’t know about was that

what followed because you you said you

bought them but really you were running

out of the store and that’s where you’re

in such a hurry and that’s why you

tripped and so they you can’t prove that

you cannot prove that I took them

without buying them you cannot yeah I

mean there there were people watching it

was a whole show like it looked like it

came from TV with the footage and

everything and then the stun gun so

that’s that’s why it came up it it made

local headlines alright just that like

he read it from the newspaper yeah and

so I just filled in like oh yeah he told

me about this it wasn’t a newspaper it

was the cover of Time magazine okay

we’ll see I they retracted their Person

of the Year it was originally you know

Greta Thornburg or whatever and they

said never mind it’s this guy and it was

just a picture of me trying to carry

17:18 tiramisu

well so slipping on one yeah yeah

sliding around like a crazy person they

made me the time Person of the Year for

that so anyway that’s why Sven you know

got I guess has the chance for an

interview potentially sure we bonded

over that story so in any case yeah I’m

sorry that’s got you said down

weaknesses alright can you tell me and

this is the part where kind of tests

sort of how you view yourself

functioning within a larger I guess

company and how you can work with others

what would you say your greatest

weakness is weaknesses I would say

probably like piano I don’t think I’d be

able to carry or even pull a piano which

would make me feel pretty weak okay so

your your weakness would be your

physical strain would be piano maybe

like a like it I think maybe a smaller

car if it was a smart car I bet I could

push that but if it was maybe like a

tank or some sort of fighter jet I would

probably be unable to lift those I would

assume and that would make me feel

pretty weak okay I guess and for the

podcast that I guess that wouldn’t come

up so much so that is in your favor

that your your weakness that you can

identify that you can’t lift a piano or

a tank those those types of issues

wouldn’t necessarily be a problem within

context of this role as a co-host so

that I guess that’s that’s in favor of

you okay what about your past employment

experience before this podcast you know

have you ever been a co-host before

hello love I used to be the co-host on

WTF with Marc Maron did you though yeah

Marc Maron you know he likes to talk

about his cats and everything at the

beginning of the show and for the first

year so I would come on you have to

listen closely because I was mostly like

kind of far away in the background but

I’d come on and be like hey I’m one of

the cats I’m Marc scat feed me

hey Marc I heard that Richard kind is

gonna be on the episode today isn’t that

pretty interesting okay so were you

credited I guess you could ask them

maybe about Spin City or a bug’s life

okay all right well that that’s that

sounds interesting I’m not sure that

it’s well that that is a big podcast so

that could bring some I guess extra

credibility and spotlight to this one

absolutely okay and I can’t do that

anymore though

because of you know the the order the

court order you mean just an order

you know if it’s from if it’s from a


nothing you you would call it a court


you might one might call it a

restraining something or something

restraining order yeah

so I can’t do that anymore I can’t

bang on his garage while he’s recording

and say hey I’m the cat on the cat on

the cat yeah he made sure I can’t do

that anymore okay so I take it that you

weren’t given the credit for that

no I mean no one gives me credit for

anything no one does I mean I was I

basically popularized the show that dude

has a million bucks I basically did that

I get no credit for it and I and I hate

for it to get to this point but I guess

the conclusion that I’m already coming

to now is that it did you hear he said

no he said I mean what do you mean you

said a wide I don’t I wasn’t really

listening so you said like blah blah

blah but blah blah blah blah because I

said okay the point I’m getting at here

is we’re gonna go ahead and talk about

what we’re you know we’ll consider your

application but I’m gonna go ahead and

take a closer look at spends application

don’t know

no no cuz span no no no no no no no no

no absolutely not has pretty no okay

yeah he’s worked with Conan a little bit

but that that is not he that’s that

doesn’t count

well why shouldn’t it count because

check because he the because because

because well because because Conan

called me back himself Conan himself he

called me to say you should hire this

man yes Ben

did so much for me and he was like very

personal he started I I guess he’s not

usually like this on TV or whatever he

was he sound like he was tearing up damn

and so Cameron whenever I called because

I did see on your resume right here Marc

Maron so I I made the call to try to

find out you know check about your past

work and it wasn’t good what do you mean

what it mark said anyone everyone who I

called about your previous work

experience they talked in a they talked

in a low piratey type of British voice

oh the ones who would talk to me

those were the nice ones most of them

whenever they heard you

like some one of them I’m pretty sure

vomited on the spot and hung up but yeah

there was there kind of there was

someone who talked in a low pirate voice

yeah it was it almost like every person

you called who said anything remotely

positive about me maybe sounded like

like a man like a producer doing a like

a piratey type of british voice mm-hmm

well actually actually dr. London I’ve

got a couple I’ve got a couple questions

for you dr. London so who what do you

what are your goals for to be the to be

a host on this show okay that’s a great


so our goals in the short term or just

to make sure that we stay as medically

accurate as possible that week you you

know I just think we’re gonna go a

different direction here you seem like a

nice guy but uh you know I mean you’re

interviewing right now for the for the

job of the co-host on the doc talk

podcast and I just don’t you know I just

don’t see it happening well so thank you

for coming in the host thank you for

coming in I know it was a long drive I’m

sure I don’t really know where you live

and I don’t care so uh but we might just

need to wrap things up here I guess I

think I’m just gonna be the host of the

show so I think I’m just gonna be the

host of the jock talk podcast from here

on out

well no I’m I unfortunately Oh dr.

London unfortunately you just gave the

wrong answer you just not who we’re

looking for my name is on the logo

ah that sucks that sucks man that really

sucks your name’s on the logo than

everything you probably got business

cards about it that well I’m really

sorry about that okay well I mean I

guess you are wrapping things that I

would also like to wrap things up I

think this interview is pretty much over

I think I’ve I’ve heard enough that will

keep you on your rolls producer you know

since that’s what’s available to us yeah

I mean I guess you know I’ll producer

and host of the show I’m just going to


and on that and then I don’t I don’t

know what you’re gonna be doing I guess

being a doctor guilt go do that but

thank you again for sitting down for the

interview perfectly you know do you seem

like a perfectly nice guy so thanks

again this has been the Jacque doc

podcast thank you for listening and take

some medicine take some medicine today

did you take your medicine today see ya

well and also thank you to digital in

the house I deserve this fight I deserve

the spot I deserve the spot I deserve

the spot I deserve my name is dr. Lennon


that was Kamran our producer this has

been the jock doc podcast so yeah she

reaches up and Pat’s your cheek with a

flirty laughs and then saunters off with

a bit of a wobble wowza

what a gal why you never felt a slap to

the face that’s soft in your life you

should visit the old folks home more

often and while we’re on the subject of

things we should do often thank you for

listening to the jock doc podcast since

it is already on your mind maybe it’s

time to go ahead and write that

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