Jock Doc Podcast Episode 5: The Skin/Medical Q&A

hello and welcome to the jock podcast
featuring dr. London Smith the only
doctor who’s ever shoved my head in a
I’m DJ Dylan now make some noise for
your host dr. London
hello and welcome to jock dock where we
discuss fitness and health and how to
incorporate our modern understanding of
science and medicine into our daily
lives but without it being so boring I’m
your host dr. London once
again we had some complaints from
listeners about how I need to tone it
down with the complicated terms like a
doctor hospital and washing your hands
so I will do my best to keep my medical
talk at a pace where everyone can
understand here to help with that is our
producer Cameron hi friends he he really
understands entertainment and what
people like to hear yeah so don’t be
surprised if he chimes in to keep his on
track once in a while and I do just to
give you some credit dr. London after
you had mentioned washing your hands
I’ve I’ve been doing that I don’t see
the point well okay so I have been doing
it and I just wanted to yeah thank you
some credit for that okay that’s very
good to hear Cameron basically it’s like
a waste of water but I have been doing
it well also with us is DJ doing into
Cameron also tells me that we might be
expecting a special guest a little bit
later so stay tuned for that
now nothing gets me more excited than
hearing from our listeners as much as I
am here to teach I’m also here to learn
so I appreciate the feedback
one listener said quote my dad could
beat up your dad end quote
first of all thank you so much for your
input though I’m not sure that I
understand the question I’m guessing
this is somehow related to the name of
the show being jock doc sort of implying
an aggressive mentality but involving my
dad instead of me so I’m not sure you’re
who your dad is or what his build is but
since my dad is not typically prone to
picking fights I don’t think that will
ever know the answer to I guess that
sort of question of whose dad would win
but thank you so much for taking the
time to ask and to think about my family
now for a tale from the ER we had a
patient come
with a chief complaint of fever when I
asked him about it he said that he had a
low fever the day before but was feeling
better now I was confused by this at
first I certainly wouldn’t go to the ER
unless something was really going on but
if a low fever was improving that
doesn’t make sense to me
but later on we found out that he asked
for an excuse to skip work the next day
that it was a mystery solved
now on to our main topic Cameron I know
that you will want to interject here but
we can’t get derailed so much I need to
explain that the medical topic for the
day so I understand I understand that
maybe kind of here and hearing the words
from a commoner like me might throw you
off I’m not using fancy words I’m not
coming from an Ivy League education so I
understand how that might be a little
frustrating for you so I’m just gonna
take a little bit of a step back well
although I can I’m gonna go and involve
you in it though okay if you wouldn’t
mind I just said I was gonna take a step
back okay I guess I’m back in now okay
just one question for you what do you
think is the largest organ in the body
oh it’s my toe okay well so a lot of
people might say the heart or the liver
maybe you haven’t seen my toe
okay well the answer is actually the
integumentary system is also known as
the skin the the ten of them have kind
of become one big toe not well not my
big toe wait all ten of the ten of them
have kind of mushed
are your feet together to kind of mushed
on top of each other into one large toe
I guess I should maybe that’s a little
bit more of a medical term into a large
toe okay this this might mostly nail
this might be an example of the D
railing I was talking about earlier you
said what was my largest organ and I’m
telling you right now that’s fair so the
answer is actually the skin you might
not think of the skin as an organ but it
really is
your body is actually made up of lots of
tiny cells and when a group of cells has
a common function they form what is
known as tissue and when a group of
tissues have a larger function in common
that’s called an organ thing so what’s
the larger I mean what’s the larger
motive of my cells my 10 cells on my
morphine together they seem to have one
purpose that they’re working together
towards it could could medically do you
think you could tell me what’s going on
there I’m I’m not sure that doesn’t
sound like a an issue that I hear of
often I yeah nah I’m I’m not sure that I
can answer someone Frank
I don’t want your doctor today get
called a freak told I can’t talk called
told I can’t do anything all right ten
organs I’ve formed into a super organ
that’s bigger than my skin okay well
your skin has a lot of functions not
just sort of as a covering not to be a
color for you or not just to make
appearances your skin has a lot of
functions like how it’s your first your
body’s first line of defense against
sickness it also regulates your body
temperature for instance when it gets
hot outside you will sweat so that you
can be cooled off when the sweat
evaporates when it’s cold outside you
may have noticed how your fingers
sometimes get pale and cold and that’s
that the blood vessels in your hands
constricting in order to redirect flow
to make sure that you know the core of
your body stays warm even though that
can make your fingers colder that
process is actually called hyperemia and
it happens because your body knows that
it’s better to lose some fingers than to
lose the whole body although of course
the losing fingers aspect wouldn’t
happen unless you’re in extreme
conditions so that’s some idea of what
the skin is for in your body and a lot
of people are surprised that it’s the
largest organ because they don’t think
of it as an organ but it very much is
because it’s I mean it’s not the largest
through toes and they’ve kind of one big
toe well your your appendages aren’t
organs so an Oregon has to be like
that’s a combination of actually
multiple organs because you have your
skeletal system as well and those are in
your toes
they have bones in them anyway
so but your skin is your body’s natural
defense all right do you happen to have
any uh any sponsors today who do we have
any sponsors let me is this a sponsor
okay no that’s a that’s a box of crayons
for these sponsors that enough sponsors
for you that’s your coloring book just
me you don’t want me to talk unless I
got you know unless you’re telling me to
talk well I saw how this works no I just
you were enjoying drawing those pictures
I don’t see why you’re having a fuss
about it now all right well we can go
ahead and move on to I have well we’re
not sponsored by bird scooters but
anyone can pick those up bird scooters
yeah you know those the electronic
scooters with the app that you kind of
birds using them is that no it’s just
the the company is called bird scooter
big you know they were like all around
town and anyone can pick them up so I’ve
picked up like a shit ton of these
scooters and if you want one of these
scooters I can get it to you for 30 40
bucks thank you for the offer
I don’t but we’re not sponsored by bird
I just want to make that entirely clear
but like anyone can just pick these up
your throw in the back of your truck you
take them home no one can stop you
all right well thank you for now we’re
gonna go if you want one of these birds
cute scooters permanently just meet me
behind well it’s not behind the Denny’s
it’s like if you go into Denny’s and
then go towards the back I’ll be back
I’ve got a shit-ton oh oh okay well if
we don’t so if we don’t have a sponsor
at the moment then we’re gonna go ahead
and move on to did you have a guest for
us today
yes actually kind of a surprise some of
my family is here um I want to introduce
you guys the some of my family’s gonna
ask a few questions for you medical
questions okay so I want to introduce
you to my niece and my aunt hello hello
so happy to be here thanks for having me
on ya know my name is London Smith dr.
London Smith what was your name Cassie
Cassie okay nice to meet you nice to
meet you as well
I’m so excited to be here this is a cool
little setup you got here oh thank you
well yeah we do what we can here okay
well um Cameron did you say you said a
nice and an aunt I’m sorry are you you
said you were the his niece is that
right okay
who’s is your aunt here as well yes okay
yeah Cassie okay well I’m not I’m not
exactly following so I’m his niece and
his aunt well I I’m not sure that I
understand um my half-brother mm-hmm had
a daughter who is Cassie we’ve been
married my mother’s brother
okay so it is actually really great to
be able who’s also a doctor Oh what type
of doctor is he he’s a psychologist
it’s actually really great to be a dual
relative being an aunt and niece I feel
like I can support Cameron in many
different ways
yeah absolutely so like say he’s needing
an aunt figure in his life you know I
can do things like lift things a hundred
times my size or like dig tunnels and
I’m sure I can communicate via scent or
sometimes I can just have like hundreds
and thousands of babies
yeah absolutely I’m not sure that
everything you’d want an ant
when he does remember of talents that
you listed I’m not sure that those don’t
sound um sort of like the usual sort of
thing that would accompany being either
an ant or a nice well you should see her
rebuild after rains yeah I wonder you
must not have any ants no III do have
ants none of them none of them can lift
you know insurmountable weights or I
feel sorry for you that you don’t have
an aunt that can support you in that way
yeah I well for one thing I will say
normally to my parents who are the sort
of the direct supporting ones might my
answer there they’re present but they’re
not um so they don’t take on the
supporting role quite so much well can
they have thousands and thousands of
larvae okay well at first what do they
do when you step on their house because
I run like mad well I go all over the
place it’s insane it’s a little bit
tough to follow larvae get him out of
there you see me pulling the eggs
what type of beings are you describing
only I only ask because you use the term
larvae which conventionally mammals like
ourselves do not lay larvae larvae in my
aunt right human also mace she’s my
half-brothers daughter well I understand
the narration I think my mom’s brother
it’s more than fill the physiological
that this no he’s a psychologist okay
it’s so talking to a wall it’s just he
does I’m just wondering if I should even
be here at this point because he can’t
get past
okay well the nice in the ants Ivy
League kind of elitist type of
doublespeak that he’s so used to he’s
never talked to a commoner well what is
he’s never talked to people who have
you know slaved away putting grain away
for only to be taken advantage of by
grasshoppers I’m sorry would you mind
what did what was that last thing you
said about grass she’s my half-brother
I’m sorry after the daughter and then
she married my mother’s brother Phil
psychologist dr. Phil dr. Phil doctor
uncle Uncle Phil I’m sorry you see the
the televised dr. Phil oh you’ve heard
of him he’s the very same one and you’re
related to him he’s on certain channels
right like okay so what let’s let’s go
ahead and um what was your question
today okay so yes I’m glad we’re getting
to this because it’s very important well
let me back up so a few years ago I was
at the gynecologist which I don’t know
if you’re familiar with that when I was
there my doctor actually noticed my skin
and he diagnosed me with Rinna’s
syndrome Ward’s which is an allergy to
cold well that’s if you’re speaking of
Raynaud’s phenomenon that’s or syndrome
that’s usually not it’s not tagline
threatened it’s not an allergy
necessarily and also usually not
life-threatening unless it’s secondary
to something else
maybe well that’s not my question I I
just wanted to start painting the
picture for you so okay a few years
later I became pregnant and I went to
the doctor and during the bloodwork they
found out that I have an autoimmune
disease that I have Hashimoto’s okay
well I’m sorry to hear that so basically
all of these things have kind of added
up and I really am kind of at the end of
my rope and I need to know I just need
some answers that a lot of doctors
haven’t been able to answer for me and
that is once and for all where do babies
come from
okay a few points there just for the
sake of our listeners Raynaud’s
phenomenon as I mentioned earlier about
the hyperemia in your skin sometimes
your hands will the blood vessels in
your hands will contract they’ll
constrict and it can in rainouts
phenomenon it’s sort of an extreme
example of reaction to cold and so what
she was describing wasn’t an allergy to
cold it was actually just it’s sort of
an overreaction to cold well do you have
it I do not have it okay then what are
you to say if it’s an allergy or not I’m
allergic to cold were you named women’s
digest 2012 coldest woman alive no I was
well she was were you on the cover with
blue and purple hands and toes no I was
hold an ice cube and it got bigger so
you know who are you I’m coming on this
show baring my soul to you asking these
questions that I’ve had my entire life
and you’re just second-guessing me
you’re telling me you know that I’m dumb
that I don’t know what I’m talking about
it’s like you don’t have it you don’t
know maybe I can field I’ve some of
these questions I know where i’m pretty
sure that you cannot go ahead but I
don’t there are just some aspects of
this that I’d like to also address but
if you’d like to say your part yeah so I
mean you were talking about the skin
retracting right okay no kinda like you
know I’m talking about you know what
talk about which four tracks sometimes
do parts of you retract yeah you know
you know I’m talking about with when it
like goes up in you squeeze real hard
and it pushes it back out that’s a baby
yeah because my mom said that you get
married and then you pray for and God
gives you a baby I also see a lot of
babies at the store whenever I’m at the
store there’s Babies everywhere like on
the shelves or know just like a round so
people have already taken them off
okay well and sorry this is just a lot
to address so Hashimoto’s disease which
you mentioned is a thyroid illness and
that’s an autoimmune illness duh
all right well some of our listeners may
not know so just to let them know do you
have it I do not have that who are you
to tell me if the listeners do or do not
know what hashey motos is if you don’t
even have it it’s also impossible for
her to have an autoimmune disease
because she can’t drive her license was
taken away three years ago because she
was too cold my hands would freeze to
the steering wheel and my feet to the
pedals yeah
she cannot drive so this is this is the
kind of stuff he always tries to pull
okay so your question is where do babies
come from once and for all
okay like physically they come from
inside the uterus of a woman following
alright whenever a woman becomes
pregnant following sexual intercourse
then following okay it’s uh it’s um so
when a man the woman are together
physically and like they live in the
same house yes but also traditionally
the idea would be this is what I’m
confused about because I had a baby and
when it was born it looked exactly like
my husband I had to get a maternity test
because I did not know who the mother
was because I am just when I need to
know where it came from you get you got
the test because it looked like your
husband it didn’t look anything like me
just like my husband only okay well so
did I have him was the baby was the
baby’s gender male no okay what was the
baby’s gender
they asked female okay so did I have my
husband but in female form
who’s the mother well it’s weird where
did the baby come from if I could field
this one I’m not sure just four okay
just for a second have you ever seen
avatar I saw about 30 minutes of it and
then I fell asleep is really long I
think you just well I think you just
taught they just tied their hair
together and that was kind of how they
procreated okay I think that might work
with her situation kind of two in ten I
does that make more sense okay well yeah
yeah you kind of wrap them around each
other okay and then I mean that going
back to what we were saying before I
think the you’re kind of whatever I done
it retract back into your body okay so
and then when you push it out that’s a
baby when you were describing earlier
the thing that we I I’m I’m not positive
I think you’re referring to male
genitalia the genitals so you have no
idea okay
so so the question of where do babies
come from it’s a sort of a longer
process and I’m not sure which part
you’re most confused about but the way
that you originally start making the
baby would be when man’s genitals and
women’s genitals interact in such a way
as to fertilize one of the eggs inside
the woman we are our genitals your your
works no no not the thorax they’re your
fingers so well okay because okay that
makes sense it’s kind of like the
antennae thing like you hold hands and
then it’s transferred no okay wouldn’t
be able to do that but for I think for a
lot of people they’d be able to do that
you know I’m glad that I came on the
show because I’ve actually got a lot of
answers because they’ve started it’s
actually joining the toe
the fingers on my hand I’ve started
joining while we’ve been talking yeah so
I don’t think that necessarily applies
to me but I think maybe from the average
person it would be kind of calming one
okay well just ball so just to clarify
the size of a path with the with regard
to sexual intercourse which is how you
make the baby Wow I just really feel
like I got my answers and I and I well
before you jump to that idea it’s
actually said some women you have a
vagina it’s in between the legs I’m glad
that Cameron had me come on here because
and that’s these are lifelong questions
that I’ve had and you know he said he
told me you know dr. London probably
will not be able to answer this for you
he’s not you know top tier medical
advice medical doctor but I actually
feel like I had a top two your
experience well I do recognize some of
these words that dr. London is saying
from uncle Phil’s TV show right it’s in
the like five thousands cable oh you
have to pay extra to get it to work make
you buy him and like our blocks I don’t
know that your this he says those words
a lot like a time which which words the
doctor Phil he uses the word dr. Phil
dr. Phil uses a lot of the words you
were just saying right now are you
talking about the word
yeah okay well that sounds that sounds
so it’s an example of the genitalia and
generally that when you put the
genitalia together one inside the other
then then that allows so interlacing
your fingers no yes
okay see that’s what I thought and I’m
glad that it’s been confirmed I don’t
know why you’re going on about it if I
already understand it’s kind of just
like beating a dead horse
well because that’s not I I do not agree
with that as my medical opinion I would
say that your fingers are not
what allow for conception and you know
production of babies well mine
definitely don’t minor they’ve started
melting and you know what’s weird mine
are freezing they’re turning into ice
cubes right now because of my rain odds
Yeah right and yeah and that’s once that
is a valid medical condition um
I guess okay could we go back a little
bit when you were talking about the
larvae um you you were saying that
someone was laying thousands of eggs or
or of larvae and something about being
able to step on and crush a house
I didn’t mean to brush by that quite so
quickly cuz that’s still confusing me
you should really it wouldn’t confuse
you if you saw her run after someone
stepped on our house it’d be clear as
day how quickly she can run well this
the speed at which she runs is so fast
is not the point of confusion for me
it’s actually she can rebuild
that’s the impressive part it’s not the
speed running away I think anyone would
be able to run away from that intense of
danger your adrenaline picks up you get
going it’s the speed at which you can
rebuild our home and a home for you know
thousands upon thousands of her peers
well no one is killing that clean when
Cassie’s around have you answered your
questions that didn’t quite answer the
question of okay who is laying all of
these eggs did he say that you are the
queen are you talking about a beehive or
you talking about some sort of hive no
I’m no and was never heard of a queen
like any because the Queen’s that I’m
think of immediately like the Queen of
England say does not tend to have
thousands of thousands of larvae and a
easily crushed home so I don’t
the only other queen I tend to think of
is like a queen of yeah
ants or bees yes I’m his aunt and niece
so when you say that my half-brother
it’s his daughter Cassie and then Cassie
married uncle dr. Phil psychologist who
has a TV show on the spice Network so
okay I guess what I’m piecing together
here is Cassie are you claiming to be
the like the the the insect in ant amt
that’s a really rude thing to say to a
guest but I will answer with the words
of the wise Gavin DeGraw I don’t want to
be anything other than what I’ve been
trying to be lately absolutely so what
you’ve been trying to be lately is a
good aunt and niece when you say and in
this context and Kaz I just want to say
you’ve been the best niece and the best
aunt that I’ve ever had thank you I I
needed that today thank you I’ve been
trying so hard
I’ve been rebuilding I’ve been digging
tunnels so faster when someone crushes
the house I’ve been running see I’ve
been saving the larvae
I’ll be protecting the Queen it’s like
what a wife just one of a million yeah
but when you say that why it makes me
proud to be your Anton beams okay so to
confirm here going by the quote that you
quoted earlier lately you have been
trying to be an aunt from referring to
the insect world not referring to your
relation to Cameron is that correct well
I just married dr. Phil so yeah lately
I’ve just been trying to be an aunt
because I just became an aunt don’t you
understand my finger and toe situation
has shrunk to the size of a pin but not
like the point of a pen like the size
you know like out like a like a full pan
like they’re writing type they’re
writing attention like the full utensil
and all of its condensed into that yeah
all of your fingers and tell what does
that call I don’t I don’t know that that
has a name
a although stump the doctor once again
Wow okay well you mind if I take a look
at it sure okay okay well it looks like
you put on mittens
well yeah I’m cold yeah we’ll sit so
whenever you say that all of your
fingers join together I think that that
might have just been the the mitten
makes it look like one piece instead of
different fingers separated I’m cold
okay alright so how long ago when how
long ago did you start um Cassie with
this um this journey to live as an aunt
well dr. Phil and I have been married
for about three years okay so it started
and I guess I should ask for
clarification is dr. Phil and aunt
dr. Phil is my mother’s brother uncle
he’s my uncle I’m the aunt he’s the
uncle think like maybe Uncle Jesse uncle
Joey that kind of right I’m not but I’m
the reason I’m wondering is what made
you Cassie decide to start trying to be
an aunt that the type of aunt that is an
insect that builds colonies and things
that can be stomped down and you know
all these references to a queen when did
that start and is that relate so that’s
related to the five years ago whenever
you made three years ago three years ago
I think that the problem we’re having
here London is that all your riches all
your knowledge all your education and
you don’t have a strong family base
because if you had a strong family base
you would know the support of an aunt
the way that I give support as an aunt I
I guess I’m just confused about what
surprise surprise what made you decide
to start was it just the marriage and
okay maybe I lost something else how did
you meet dr. Phil well dr. Phil came and
spoke at my college campus and okay we
met there and I had a very impressive
question that I gave during the question
answer and he said would you like to
meet me
you know later he said in front of the
whole congregation it was really
romantic he was married at the time but
that has since dissolved obviously since
we’re married but okay um and that it
should be mentioned that my my previous
again Martha her head was bitten off by
another one of my aunt’s bitten off yeah
unfortunately that’s that’s a rare cause
of death in this country it’s
well it’s just because the pinchers the
pincers are able to cut right at the
okay well the thinnest part of the body
so I talked about the largest organ talk
about the smallest organ the neck you
can just be snapped it’s so easy by two
pinchers not even not even large
pinchers like Aunt Sarah I mean just
like normal pinchers okay well I guess
it’s a little bit hard for me to
visualize partly because Oh Cassie I
can’t really see very well in this
lighting and the way we’re facing to
record this podcast so I’m not sure
exactly what you look like but my guess
is that you do not have pincers attached
to your face so you’re telling me this
doctor has never heard of lips before I
heard a lot of a lot Wow simple if it’s
not about the skin he doesn’t know about
well lips you can question why he only
thinks about the skin knows a lot about
the skin and how to keep it moist
normally only knows what that’s all I
want to talk about normally the yeah
well good to point out the lips are a
part of the integumentary system the
skin but um they also are usually not
designed to capitate a person the
pincers you’ve described from my Aunt
Martha sake I really wish that were true
okay um I I just have not seen lips able
to do that like well I haven’t seen the
Dalai Lama but I know he exists okay I I
suppose we’ll move what was your um
Cassie if I may ask what did you go to
college for what did you study while you
were in college whenever he spoke
architecture architecture okay I guess
that makes sense with you rebuilding the
the home you’ve been questioning it this
whole time and you’re just getting so
caught up on the aunt and niece thing I
know it’s a unique situation but is
there’s really no incest going on it’s
totally aboveboard you don’t need to
harp on it quite this much alright it’s
it’s a little bit more the
the insect as the species differ I said
there’s no incest the okay
there is no incest going on here at all
and the incest that does happen in our
family is none of your business frankly
I guess we’re running out of time maybe
on this one but great questions the
howard how our babies made you got i
don’t feel like i really satisfied your
answer but you do seem satisfied with
the interdigitate your fingers well
that’s not prayer and you ask God for a
baby and then it happens thank you it
really wasn’t a waste to be on this show
I know that you got so lost and so
confused about the antony’s thing but I
think in the end I think it all worked
out uh okay well um I guess that’s all
the time we have for today
Cameron do we have any listener mail or
feedback we absolutely do dr. London
roseann Romero okay hello miss Monroe
met Romero sorry
she asks purchase viagra – Salas and
many more medications instantly online
while saving money from the canadian
pharmacy click here so I’m just gonna go
ahead and click here real quick okay
well actually you don’t need to do that
especially on my computer um what’s a
picture of you okay okay well I don’t
think we need that thank you miss Romero
for the question um I do not believe
that I I don’t think that we’re
interested necessarily in buying
products like Viagra or Cialis for our
listeners those those do work on
phosphodiesterase inhibitors in the
genital area which has surprisingly been
a topic today despite the fact that skin
was the was the chosen topic for today
um would want to talk about skin and you
would want to talk about other stuff
related to skin wouldn’t you and how to
keep it moist how to take it off of a
body alright well thank you for the
question but I don’t believe that it
really applies here so much but we do
appreciate the feedback and keep letting
us know yeah whenever you have any
questions we love hearing from our
once your fingerprint yeah just give me
your fingerprint real quick no I don’t
think I see it no it’s not gonna hurt
we’re not gonna be able to answer a
question without your fingerprint I said
I think I already have my answer
um let me just send her some money no
okay once again you’re on my okay okay
well um well Cassie thank you for coming
in today thank you it’s great yeah thank
you to DJ Dillon for your part
thank you alright
Thank You Cameron for for your help at
your assistance as always letting us use
your equipment yeah of course
okay well with that we’ll go ahead and
conclude for today and we’ll we’ll be
back soon
if you like that episode then be sure to
subscribe so we can get the rest of our
sweet sweet episodes to you as easily as
possible if you disliked that episode
please leave your review on our end
iTunes unfortunately does not allow us
to actually see any of the feedback
unless it is rated four stars or above
mm-hmm so go ahead and leave a five star
review on iTunes and a detailed
description of what you disliked about
the episode we do value your feedback as
long as it’s 5 stars
so we are jock doc podcast on social
media so you can also yell at us on
there and you know what you I can make a
promise for the for our listeners right
now that I think a lot of people might
be excited about if you leave us a five
star review and you leave your name and
your phone number dr. London will call
you every morning and give you sort of a
medical rundown okay of how your no no
dr. London will call you he’ll say how
are you feeling let’s start with your
the top of your head then maybe like the
middle of your head okay lower part of
your head let’s go to the neck so your
throat these kind of things we can kind
of work through sort of just to prove
that because of this podcast you no
longer really need true medical
attention oh okay that’s not because
there’s you okay I stars well the five
star part I agree with but no you should
definitely see your regular doctor for
those kinds of needs but but one thing
that is important in order to be in
contact with us social media we are jock
dog podcasts so that part I can I can
affirm yeah and just I can affirm I love
that we’re both affirming things that
this is much more positive than usual I
like this I like that I can you know
affirm that London will call you he
might even attend your social events I
don’t know that’s on you and him you
guys will have each other’s numbers you
can text back and forth all you want
that’s not what you can do whatever you
thank you that was jock doc