44: Mitral Stenosis/Cameron Show

Hey kids you are about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact your doctor welcome to the Jock Talk Show

featuring Mr Cameron introducing your

host mr. Cameron how’s everyone doing

cha-cha-cha-cha stocks yes my beautiful


doc doc hello hello hello everyone and

welcome to another episode of the new

and improved Jock Talk sure thank you

thank you children all right now

everyone here knows what the deal is

we’re a medical podcast but we’re a cool

medical podcast we’re a podcast turn a

TV show we’re a TV show turn an

entertainment Empire and we are going

further than we’ve ever gone before

isn’t that right everyone that’s right

and we have a special guest here with us

today to help us launch a new era for

jock doc you know him you already love

them it’s a blast from the past it’s

sort of a reunion you might say it’s the

one and only original host of Jock Doc

Dr. London come on out here Dr. London

doggone guys give it up for Dr. London

come on

okay yeah thanks thanks Cameron this is

kind of a different introduction than

I’m used to

oh why is that dr. London oh you you’re

used to your doing your old ways of

things well just it’s my show and this

is weird though what well I mean you

know my name is on it okay okay

laughter one

surely you’re aware of the circumstances

you as we all know you have been sick

for the last few weeks and so I was in

charge of taking over Joc doc yes and so

we started a new era of Joc doc well so

I was I was taking a nice toast and now

I’m the new aside from the fact that you

know I didn’t really sign on to this why

do you have this a podcast but you have

a lot of cameras here it’s a podcast

it’s a TV show it’s a media empire so it

doesn’t look like the cameras are

plugged in but you do have cameramen

behind them I don’t know what those

things are and I don’t know who those

people are but they’re here and I’m

paying them okay

isn’t that right everyone that’s right

now dr. London I want to talk to you

it’s been so long

I know you’re probably it’s probably

weird for you being back on the set of

your old show but what have you been up

to how have things been since you’ve

retired okay I guess I should clarify

I’ve been working more like I haven’t

retired I guess maybe because I haven’t

been able to come into the studio as

much you’ve thought that it’s retirement

but that’s just no so I’ve been I’ve

been isolating a lot you’re saying

you’re spending your retirement working

that’s fine that’s great the great

answer dr. London and everyone just cheer

for dr. London okay

there it is dr. London no I mean have

you gone on vacation or anything have

you have you have you gotten to travel

like you always wanted to I mean you’re

retired for god sakes

well so no I’m not so this is there’s

I’m not sure if you’re aware but there’s

actually a pandemic currently so that’s

really been where my focus has been oh

boo we don’t like to hear that word

pandemic that’s a negative word you

don’t bring negative words okay everyone

I okay everyone we don’t bring negative

words into positive spaces and this is a

positive space okay so I guess if you’re

running the show today

so you’ve the the cameraman there it

looks like you have a stage manager what

that’s right Cynthia yeah hi Cynthia

so why she’s billing you from the sides

but you Cynthia you don’t have to do




okay so what did you have planned I

assume you’re still gonna like do you

have a medical lesson because that’s

really the point of this it’s a medical

education podcast well I think that that

portion of the show we’re gonna call

that the Alpha portion right like it’s a

it’s in it’s like a program that’s an

alpha now we have moved on to production

and so we’re gonna leave some of that

stuff from the previous version behind

so the stuff that everyone hated stuff

that people found annoying the stuff

that people frankly a lot of our

listeners I’ve read a lot of suicide

notes that make that they timestamp

where they were in the podcast when they

finally pulled the trigger and it’s

almost always during the medical portion

that’s what pushed them over the edge

and so I think for the safety of our

audience we have to be considerate of

our audience but dr. Linden I guess you

know what for old times sake is that I’m

so glad that you’re here and now you

know everyone’s been wondering what

you’ve been up to and ever since you’ve

been gone and everything and so as a

gift to you I would love to hear a

medical lesson okay so the medical

lesson that I had planned for this week

and I was I was still gonna do it on the

the regular show its mitral stenosis

so mitral stenosis is a scarring and a

narrowing of the mitral valve orifice

typically due to rheumatic heart disease

and rheumatic heart disease immune

mediated damage to the mitral valve

caused by cross reactivity between the

streptococcal antigen and the valve

tissue leads to the aforementioned

scarring and narrowing of the mitral

valve orifice dr. London dr. London can

we stop for a second you are I mean you

were speeding through this are you

nervous is that the audience is that the

show is it that you know obviously

people are gonna be comparing your

hosting abilities to my hosting

abilities and you’re not gonna be able

to compete or what I mean what’s going

on man let’s talk this through

so part of it is

that you know we’re supposed to be

isolating and I see you have a studio

audience gathered here so I wanted to

kind of as write things that this passes

like because that doesn’t seem

appropriate you know like it seems like

this should be shut down right now you

dr. Lennon you it’s because you don’t

know all the details okay everyone here

in this audience has been extremely

extremely careful over the last few

weeks because they have autoimmune

issues so they okay autoimmune issues so

they’re more at risk to develop the

disease right but they’ve been extra

careful from the beginning and now we’ve

got them all in here as opposed to out

in the world and now it would like

shopping at Target whatever we’ve got

them all in one building to keep them

safe and I think everyone is having a

great time and everyone is having the

time of their life on the jock talk show


so the main issue is that for one thing

Cameron I don’t know how careful you’ve

been I’ve been around you know some

potentially you know contaminated

patients so I’m it’s better if we keep

our distance and better if everyone

remain isolated do you understand how

that yeah and just to clarify you you

said you didn’t know how careful I’m

being I’m not being careful at all I’m

kind of taking the attitude of it either

doesn’t exist or if it does exist I want

it really badly because I kind of feel

left out if I don’t get it okay well let

me go on with the medical lesson and

once again I’ll just try to be brief as

as brief as I can be with such a sort of

heavy topic so Marshall stenosis results

in elevated left atrial pressure or

pressure in the upper left chamber of

the heart and lung venous pressure this

backup of low ratings to the lungs

limiting as you speak leads to pulmonary

congestion long-standing mitral stenosis

can result in pulmonary hypertension

I wanna ultimately can result in right

ventricular failure

long-standing mitral stenosis can also

lead to atrial fibrillation due to entry

increased left atrial size and pressure

so clinically mitral stenosis can

present with exertional shortness of

breath difficulty breathing while lying

down and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

which is an attack of severe shortness

of breath and coughing that typically

wakes a person up from sleep patients

may also have palpitations chest pain

and coughing up blood thromboembolism

associated with the atrial fibrillation

can also occur kidneys Santa on twitter

has written the more dr. London speaks

the harder I push the knife into my arm

as some swelling and edema nose known as

ascites if if right heart failure occurs

and that’s the right lower heart chamber

so those are the symptoms but the things

that a physician can objectively measure

refer to as signs are as follows so you

have mitral stenosis

heart murmur which comes another tweet

from Dwayne that jock dock fan he says

the more dr. London speaks the more I

refuse to speak ever again

because if this is what human voice

sounds like then I don’t want anyone to

suffer through that that’s a huge fan of

ours his screen name is Dwayne the jock

dock fan okay I realize that but we

really have to

okay so mitral stenosis heart murmur

which consists of an opening snap

followed by a low pitch diastolic Rumble

and pre systolic accentuation with

long-standing disease there may also be

signs of right ventricular failures such

as enlarged neck veins enlarged livers

swelling and/or pulmonary hypertension

all signs and symptoms will increase

with exercise and during pregnancy so

diagnosis will typically begin with an

x-ray and that would show maybe left

atrial enlargement early on and we are

down to 0-0 listeners now echocardiogram

is the most important test in confirming

the diagnosis and will show left atrial

enlargement a thick calcified mitral

valve a narrow fish mouth shaped orifice

and signs of right ventricular finish

mouth shaped orifice I haven’t been

listening to anything you’ve been saying

but I did hear that

okay so treatment includes diuretics for

pulmonary congestion edema beta blockers

to decrease heart rate and cardiac


if atrial fibrillation is present that

should be treated accordingly but that’s

its own topic for severe disease

percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty

usually produces excellent results

balloon plasti and as for other options

valve ah t’me is contraindicated open ,

sirata me and mitral valve replacement

are other options so for our listeners

I’m sorry if if that’s if that was

difficult for some of you did its yeah

it was very very difficult in dr. London

again it feels like you’re wearing sort

of a mask and not the mask that you

should be wearing in this day and age

talking about your putting up a front

and you’re using this medical knowledge

and your your medical know-how to not be

the real you you’re hiding behind these

lessons about fish mouth balloons and

beta-blockers okay I guess this does go

this is the jock talk show the new and

improved jock talk show we don’t just

get into the hard facts but we also get

into the hard facts of your heart and

that’s what we’re gonna do here today

dr. London what is wrong with you okay

so you have been going on about this for

a while the what you call the rise of

vigilantism in medicine and the rest of

the world just because people are

wearing masks masks doesn’t mean that

they’re trying to be vigilantes

superheroes mm yes they are one two your

mask is medicine three that means you’re

trying to be a superhero okay and so

there is sort of a professional aspect

to the the I guess I in to some extent

you might argue that I have a medical

persona because there’s a professional

element to it but you know we all have

our professional element so we put on

whenever we go to our right and you keep

saying all of this all these sentences

and none of them are addressing the

question which is what is wrong with you

let’s dig into this dr. London this is

your one opportunity in front of our our

hardcore dedicated fans the people who

are still listening which used after

they turned the podcast slash o /

Enterprise back on okay I figured you

were probably done with your lesson okay

it’s time for you to be the real

and with the audience in a little bit

instead of hiding let’s talk about it

dr. London who are you okay I’m a person

really that’s the yeah calm down yeah

calm down

that’s the with that when someone asks

who are you your response says I’m a

person that’s weird

I’m just not really sure what you’re

looking for here just who are you could

answer in any way dr. London in every

other way would be better than a person

okay I’m not a vigilante okay that’s


whoo god I did not realize this was

gonna be so difficult just to get you to

say just normal person things okay

so you know what was your childhood like

is that is that a little more direct or

something where you from so for my

childhood I I think I had a pretty nice

normal childhood I mean I was a child

ahead so that was something okay so this

is something we’ve never talked about on

the show ever

yeah just that doesn’t come easy listen

you’re a child actor so what was that

like did you take any of your acting

experience into your medical profession

yeah well just being clear spoken you

know preparing properly public speaking

all that sort of thing

god this is just this is just the worst

interview that’s I am so sorry I didn’t


why social services am I the only one

you’re interviewing today ah ah guys

again I am so so sorry okay Wolfe days

do you have a guest planned or anything

yeah I’ve got just just just give the

audience something can you just get the

audience like a secret do you have a

secret that you can give okay so last

weekend I tried to do one of those

virtual dates okay and how did that go

the way it’s supposed to work I think is

that their screen will show their face

and then your screen like like your

cameras will both be activated so that

you can talk to each other right yeah so

mine I could see my face but their

camera was turned off and then they kept

sort of asking me for information like

uh like what kind of information

oh it was just general date stuff I

guess like it was like you know where do

you live and I was like the Dallas area

no matter what I said they were

surprised and really interested and

they’re like oh wow

tell me more and it it seemed like every

question narrowed down a lot of

specifics it was asking mother’s maiden

name what was your childhood first pet

okay so you’ve done some of these dating

things too then

oh yeah it’s completely normal okay

because yeah they can’t they got you

know like what’s your address I want to

you know mill you a chocolate or

something I’m like oh cool I guess I’ll

ask for theirs too what’s your mother’s

maiden name because uh if I ever run

into her I want to say I know her made a

name and it’s like okay that makes sense

so of course you’re gonna give that yeah

well and it’s one of those things we’re

like it’s come up for me before like my

mom like me remembering her maiden name

has come in handy so I’m guessing that

someone else running into her maybe the

same thing could happen so anyway it was

the date I I guess it was so what I

guess let’s that’s great what’s the

secret part of this date I guess well it

was just the date went so well once

again I felt like I did a lot of the

talking which I guess what is

and that’s the secret part is that the

date went well yeah I normally don’t

talk about the ones that go so well well

first of all you’ve never had a day


one what – that’s not a secret that’s

just a that’s just like a fact okay I

get the fact that the day went well no

just like a thing you did last night

yeah I guess just a lot of people know

it which makes it a secret to me and I

haven’t shared it no that’s not a seat

just because you haven’t shared

something yet does not make it a secret

I have not shared that this morning

I ate 74 bowls of frosted flakes but not

the kind you’re thinking of but that

doesn’t make it a secret I just haven’t

told anyone that yeah I guess I don’t

really follow but we can let’s maybe

move on from there i I really we should

get to these other guests of yours well

this is my show and we follow where I

lead now my what is there to not to get

just cuz you haven’t shared something

yet doesn’t mean it’s a secret okay I

guess I don’t have a secret for you and

is you don’t you can’t give our audience

one damn thing just something juicy I

did my personal life you said that you

went on a date and you told someone your

social security number I didn’t wait how

do you know that I said that oh um

because that that’s actually one of the

top ten date questions huh okay so maybe

I should get a hold these top ten date

questions that sounds useful yeah it’s

just on it’s just an email that you’ll

get from me okay that’s where you’ll

find them okay well I don’t so the top

ten dating tips from you yeah it’s not

like a website you can access it’s an

email that you will be receiving from me

the top ten date tips that’s where I

found all this information but never

mind so dr. London he doesn’t have a

secret which you know what that means if

someone doesn’t have a secret it

probably means they’re a murderer or

some sort of a kidnapper so let’s move

on to our next guest

yeah or to any guest because I’m the

host of the podcast so it doesn’t really

you are yours can you stick around dr.

London for the rest of the show yeah no

that’s that’s my role in the show I’m

the host we have today a very very

special guest one of the most special

guests that we’ve ever had this is a

guest that you might recognize if you’re

an old school fan but if you’re a new

school friend then you might not know

him but you’ll know him now please

welcome to the show

sage everyone what is he doing here well

I’m I’m the host you said that he wasn’t

on the show in you you said that he

wasn’t the host anymore he’s not the

host anymore he is now just some sort of

a freak that we keep around well do not

get close to me okay I’ve got my Apple

rosary on today that means you cannot

get near me okay I think the the goal my

goal right now is to convert dr.

London’s role into more of a Guillermo

on Jimmy Kimmel kind of position so I

don’t know who that is

he’s like kind of the doorman or

something okay so sage I do want to

bring up that you said that

it’s sage I’m actually governor sage

Daniels now Wow you don’t say


I won’t touch it those knees up first of

all so say touch the listeners up on you

trying to take control of my show well

just I bring you on it just as a good


I just want to and you’re like but yeah

go ahead catch everyone yeah so miss

Daniels here was on the podcast on our

first episode actually and she came on a

few days after she had had a child and

let’s see she was running for a corner

office at the time she was trying to

sell her essential art inside her

spiritual oil and actually co-founder of

a life-changing medication really called

spiritual oils that was kind of the base

level where I started this journey and a

lots happened along the way mostly what

I’m excited about is something that’s

necessary for this time I’ve begun to

offer Ora cleanses interesting and so I

go in and I have to spend a lot of time

really staring deeply into your eyes I

try to get as close as I possibly can to

see every part of your eye as you can

see I’m doing that now – Cameron I’m

looking deeply deeply into your eyes now

what what what kind of cleanse is this

the aura

version of you know there’s all sorts of

like normal cleanses you’ve got you’re

just like you’re like oh lonely fruit

and water type cleanses and then you’ve

got the ones where you try to like

eliminate all sugars and everything like

that what is the what are we doing right

now so this is kind of like I don’t know

if you have ever heard of this thing

called psyllium husk but you drink the

psyllium husk and it expands in your

colon and it goes into all the looks and

little crannies of your colon and it

pulls out all of the food that’s left

over and so this is kind of like the

spiritual version of the sort of this is

where the spiritual version of of

digging out poop particles exactly and

that’s what we need in this time more

than ever flushing out fart

Thank You DJ Dylan so as you can see I’m

looking deep into your aura and I’m

seeing that there is a blockage Cameron

have you recently had a devil’s food

cake yeah possibly get out all right

did you just remove the Devils from the

devil’s food cake in my body you might

need to just relax because I have

removed the cake as well and so that’s

gonna be passing pretty soon and so

you’re just gonna want to sit very still

because it can be painful so just relax

which where is this pink where is that

gonna be painful going to be painful in

the fish mouth orifice okay you say this

as if that’s a part of your digestive

tract the the part I was referring to

the medical lesson is in your heart

that’s the end of the digestive tract Oh

like so no it isn’t it’s actually that’s

in your heart that’s the mitral valve

get away from me get away from me dr.

London respect our guests I’m sorry uh

my guests

cuz you’re not the host anymore it’s my

show mine yes it’s dr. Cameron’s show

thank you finally someone gets it no

sage I want you to look in dr. London’s

eyes and I want you to tell just in the

same way that you’ve helped clear my

aura and I just feel so much lighter

right now I feel so much better my feet

aren’t doing the like shaky thing

anymore my thumb is still black and blue

but if I do this if I pull it all the

all the way it hurts a lot and I think

that’s good so you’ve I mean I’ve seen

the effects that you’ve had on my body

can we can we do the same thing with dr.

London I’ll try but it’s his aura just

like it

the stench the stench I don’t think I

could get any closer because of the

stench and the burning sensation that

I’m feeling hey what what is the stitch

that you’re smelling on dr. London

because I’m getting a sort of like

Cologne yeah but it’s like a the Cologne

that like like a like a like a loser

would have like well it’s French I don’t

know if that’s I’m just released just

the smell of the curve is that what

you’re wearing are kind of clothes I



but that’s okay guys it’s okay everyone

buckle in and can you fix your smell

real quick so we can continue the show

pause the cameras well the cameras are

not turned on which again I don’t know

what those things are I don’t know who

those people are I’m just paying a baby


now I really am tired of acknowledging

dr. London

I just his smell his aura the burning

sensation that’s coming off of him I’m

just I’m getting done where is it

burning here just any time I get near

him it’s like the whole front of my body

starts to burn oh it’s like standing too

close to like an IHOP that you set on

fire yes I feel that I just can’t do it

anymore so what I’d like to I’d like to

kind of do something a little different

I’m gonna do a live I know I did a or a

reading on you Cameron but we kind of

know each other we have a rapport I’d

like to demonstrate on someone that I

yeah I’m your number one customer yeah

I’d like to demonstrate on someone that

I’ve never met or seen before so Cynthia

can you bring over this person that you

brought off of the street Thank You

Cynthia you thank you all right young


Oh what is this what what is your name

my name is Betty bless you today I’m

going to do if you don’t mind I’d like

to do an aura read it I don’t mind at


oh I’m sorry I’m asking Betty if she

whole I do it oh yeah no I just I just

no one was talking to me for a while so

I just thought maybe I kind of got

lonely but go ahead Betty have you I’m

just kind of right now I’m getting very

close as you can see but I’m really

looking deep into your eyes and I’m

trying to figure out what the blockage

is in your life uh have you recently

watched that 70s show I watched your

head before this


get out oh my god

she’s she’s looking the same as before

but how do you feel Betty I’ve been

doing a lot of Yoda

so I feel good

Wow good oh my gosh everyone give a hand

for what we’ve just seen today she’s not

I just want to clarify this is not my


nope go ahead Betty dear dear I am me I

mean a bit more about how I’m feeling

actually can I ask Betty a question real

quick please Betty are you sages

daughter I am NOT sages daughter nope

okay I will take that to the grave

moving on so how do you feel Betty tell

us tell us really I feel relaxed I feel

trapped you feel trapped

in what way emotionally my Yoda has

caught one of my legs scrunched and it’s


I’ve been doing Yoda where you do poses

to make yourself more relaxed yes so I

got one of my legs stuck and it’s made

me feel trapped and emotionally and

physically actually my leg was stuck

it’s not anymore but my emotions have

not recovered your emotions haven’t

caught up to your physical space exactly

you said it is that is that the kind of

thing that can be be cleared out with

your voodoo or whatever no unfortunately


you can’t clear out a like whatever like

a leg being trapped by a Yoda scrunchie

no I can only get rid of things that

have been consumed I consumed something

during that 70 show you were consuming

that 70s show visual day that is

absolutely true you know sometimes I’ve

taken certain sounds out of people that

they’ve consumed through their ears or

certain smells that they’ve consumed

through their nose I this is or a

cleansing it’s the things that you

consume that trap you so could it be

that she had consumed Yoda to such an

extent that it’s trapped herself inside

of it I see that your live audience is

very uncomfortable they’re very upset

and so I’m gonna go down now into the

audience I’m gonna start doing a few or

a cleansing on your audience if that’s

all right with you let’s just shade

let’s get this into a safe positive zone

yes absolutely

and this is gonna be great because a lot

of our audience if you remember they

haven’t touched anyone in weeks

because they’ve been trying to stay safe

so I mean just the fact that you’re

gonna be able to hold on to them and and

look them so you don’t kinetically I

should say I’m not okay with this

boo boo boo who shut up

now say it go ahead all right I’m gonna

go down I’m gonna have a private

experience with each of your

audience members now so if you would go

ahead and speak with Betty here who once

again is not my daughter

so Betty since you’ve been working with

sage which is only a few minutes because

you did not know her beforehand how was

your life changed I feel much lighter I

only feel a little stuck except when I

think about it but I do I do think that

my aura may have had some cleansing and

maybe next time I I won’t watch that 70

show when I do Yoda that makes so much

sense and that that is a huge growth

that you found here today isn’t can we

give Betty a hand everyone and I want to

thank you because I think this is really

going to change my life

I think after this we might be able to

cut my meds in half after this what

after my aura cleansing what kind of

meds are you gonna cut in half just what

they give me about 12 a day I mean

that’s a huge step going from 12 pills

to 6 pills

dr. London even you have to admit this

aura cleansing works right well I I

guess I’m confused about

for one thing what what the pills are I

I guess during this time of isolation

what have you been going through Betty

it started with just a little anxiety

until I started doing the Yoda and it

turned into less anxiety until my leg

became trapped and I became trapped and

I came to you all for help

and I do feel a lot better as I had

previously stated so the pills you were

taking were anxiety pills yeah I mean it

started just to a day and I kept

doubling it and they clarified they were

anti-anxiety pills correct yes yes anti

I mean they cause anti-anxiety they

cause anti-anxiety that day so eyes so

they don’t a negative a negative anxiety

they cause anti-anxiety yeah I mean that

that’s to go from 12 of those a day down

to 6 but with a combination of Yoda and

sages aura cleansing I mean that that’s

a huge step yeah I mean I’m mind blown I

can’t even I mean are you you keep you

did keep mentioning that you’re like

less trapped now and less stuck are you

still a little stuck physically I mean

I’m not gonna be able to move my foot

until I see a doctor

okay so you’re still stuck right now you

did kept you kept insisting that you

were no longer making swing does sound

like you can see your leg over your head

right now it’s just sort of hard to tell

because half of her body is covered in

the like blanket thingy the weighted

blame like you’ve got to be stuck we

know that you’re stuck I’m

you can’t lie about being set up but

emotionally I’m very freed I can feel in

my bones and in each of my veins that

and that is HUGE we have say to them

that’s a thank for that

get out thank you are we ready for our

next guest dr. London I’m I’m ready i I

didn’t schedule any of this I’m not

Gordon but yeah it looks like there’s

someone else here hey guys video

chatting in from my bunker that’s right

who are we talking to today talk to our

audience oh hey guys this is Priscilla

how are you oh we’re doing great back

here on land earth I’m in it too oh but

you’re more in it than us

we’re we’re on top of the ground here

but you sound like you’re in some sort

of a bunker is that right yeah well you

know I forgot what it’s even like out

there oh you know it’s the same as


isn’t that right dr. London no it’s it’s

much different from always so well yeah

I mean it’s completely different than

normal then it’s ever been yeah but so

you live Priscilla you live in a bunk is

it alright if I call you Priscilla

first of all yes that’s my name okay

yeah Priscilla why are you in this

bunker well you know I started taking

precautions I have 10 years of

experience living in quarantine

so I’m sorry no I just did it 10 years

you have 10 10 years of experience

living in Goulet went how long have you

been in quarantine well I mean as of

right now it’s at 3 years because I had

to go to my cousin’s wedding I can’t

miss it but before that I was

underground for seven years

oh right and you couldn’t miss that I I

mean they’re there

best friends so how can I miss it and so

you’ve been preparing you’ve been in

quarantine since about 2010 is that

about right yes and so yeah what would

you said in preparation for I think

generally I was gonna assume it was

coronavirus but what were you preparing

for in 2010 was that like well we

preparing for like Mumford & Sons

actually I it wasn’t that I am preparing

for anything

I’m just taking precautions as of you

know what if what if what if Wow

powerful words from from our guest from

the bunker now I have to wonder what

what is the if that you are talking

about what do you what are you most

worried about well I thought I should

build my own house you know in 2010 I

was thinking should I build my own house

well rut if it burned down should I you

know buy some land no cuz they can just

take it away but if you’re in the land

nobody knows and nobody can take that

away from you well I I don’t think

that’s true at all nope in any way but

it’s interesting is that right dr. Londe

yes yeah it doesn’t really add up to me

that much so so is for no reason that

you decided to go underground except for

the what-if scenario of what if anything

happened at all well I I do understand

the fear of building a house and

worrying that it’s gonna burn down I

understand that and so you refused to

die I refused to do most things in my

day-to-day life out of fear that I’m

gonna end up burning it down whatever

the thing is yeah well you know I bet

you worry about lots of little things

during the day that I don’t ever think

about because I don’t even know I don’t

even think about them anymore see that

you’re you’re convincing me you’re this

might be the ideal life yeah well let’s

hope so

with all of this kovin stuff dr. London

do you think that our guest here is

gonna be gonna be safe in her bunker as

the medical expert of the show I don’t

know the specifics of her bunker like

but assuming you’ve had no contact with

any other people

I have TV and I mean can y’all hear me

my connections pretty good

I have internet too I’m sorry I meant

physical contact with people like have

you been within six feet of people say

do you consider what you consider seeing

someone on TV the same as having contact

with them well yeah I mean with social

media you don’t even need to see people

in person really yeah no that is very

true TV is not social media you are not

I’m already watching an episode of if

you’re watching an episode of Friends

you are not watching people for real

through social media you’re just

watching and this might just take too

long to explain could you could you

describe your bunker for us like what

what is your bunker made out of what

what does it look like what do you what

do you what do you have for the end of

times that you’re you’re stalking away

it’s not for the end of times it’s just

precautionary and I mean I don’t worry

about that kind of thing because I’m

already prepared so everyone can wonder

about the end times me I’ll be fine

okay so when I had asked what your

bunker was made out of and what you’ve

stowed away you’re saying that you

haven’t put thought into stuff like that

for ten years this just has not crossed

your mind having stuff or even what it’s

made out of it’s made out of metal and

okay there’s a start what else would you

like to know about it the layout because

I have a nice bed yeah just like what

what have you taken down there in the

bunker with you to you know help keep

you saying what kind of foods are you

storing down there oh yeah canned foods

you can also you can hear the rabbits

when they’re above the cell door to my

bunker so you can

and trap them so you are going to the

surface to to trap these in a yes why

not okay

yeah how far underground is a spunk er

oh it’s just barely underground okay and

when you say bunker do you mean like a

locked like you can’t escape kind of

fortress kind of thing or you sound so

casual about it I’m almost tempted to

think is it a basement by any chance

it’s not a basement London there’s no

house on top but it’s not anything scary

it’s just like a little house but

underneath the ground and you know a

location where not many people know

where it is so what do you even know

what’s going on and on the surface and

the real world like why are you even

calling in today they call me the

quarantine expert so I’m here to lend my

advice is this your look doing what

doctor London this is the expert no this

is you Cameron you were the one who do

this is the expert this is the guest you

brought me some sort of a prank is that

what we’re talking about dr. London no

so Cameron

whenever you arranged this this is all

your you book that gas was this in one

of your I don’t want to call it like a

stupor but sometimes you get into these

states where you do things especially in

regard to the show that you don’t

remember afterwards and you contact


oh my stupor stuff yeah your stupor

state you say it like it’s a super state

like you’re proud of it well of course

I’m proud of it it’s my favorite state

yeah and I I feel like you’re in it a

lot and the problem with it is that we

have guests like this who it sounds like

she just slow stress in there she in

that state she seems to just live just

cash she lives underground because she

comes up for whatever she wants and you

can see on the video the live feed we

have here like it just looks like a

normal basement yeah it doesn’t we’ve

been calling it up

I wouldn’t even know if it’s a basement

I think it’s maybe just a house that

sunk a little bit is is that does that

accurately describe Priscilla what

you’re staying in I mean you two

obviously aren’t going to believe me

nope no we’re not well the window there

we can see through the window behind

your head that there’s dirt like up

halfway well you know there’s a guy

there I painted that he’s waving at you

oh you painted that window yeah it looks

like that guy’s waving but he’s not oh

he is holding still I see it’s just my

internet in here you know always cutting

in and out Priscilla we’ve got a lot of

people here today watching our show and

listening to our show and in the

audience right here who are very

concerned about the current times and

how they to sort of one a quarantine

even if it’s not required some states

that’s required some it’s not but even

everywhere people are wanting to kind of

hole up do you have any advice for them

yes good things to do to stay busy you

know you could do some leg exercises I

don’t have too much room in the bunker

so I like to do Yoda to stretch out a

little bit horizontal bicycles where you

pertain you’re on a bicycle while you

lay on your bed snacks are always good

yes if you have a lot of time on your


cook them the old-fashioned way so that

you know you won’t be bored or what is

it what is the old-fashioned way of a


yeah I’m not following that either oh my

bad I forget how it is up there yeah

it’s different here we just we just have

our snacks and it’s not a matter of time

necessarily that stops us from having

them or not well first up go get wood

okay okay this is the first step of the

making a snack this is the old-fashioned


of making a snacking with audience are

you listening audience step to build a

fire I’m sorry underground just you have

to open the door in the top yeah I think

it’s been well established here that she

kind of just comes and goes as she

pleases the sealed aspect of the bunker

is not I don’t think it’s functioning

properly I never said it was sealed

because I need some fresh air sometimes

I’m not a crazy person

I just live underground right yeah that

okay and that and that is true so what

what else step 2

build a fire step 3 open your can of

beans it I suggest you get a can opener

I got one finally I finally got one end

it really changed my life I have a lot

more time on my hands now what were you

doing what were you doing before you

were spending you were just spending a

lot of time trying to open these cans of

beans or were you not even bothering

before I will you know I had a knife and

everyday it was a huge struggle sounds

like that sounds awful especially since

you could have just gotten a can opener

at any time because you as we’ve

mentioned you kind of just come and go

as you please well I’ve only been out

for one weekend and it was just for my

cousin’s wedding I couldn’t miss it

except for all the times that you go to

set rabbit traps and whatnot well that’s

just outside I don’t have any human

contact and one clarification do you

order things online still no my mom

delivers groceries every week and jewel

pods get out so your mom is delivering

groceries every week but you’re still

insisting on eating only canned beans is

that this very interesting quarantine

prep but I do I do like it I respect it

it’s not prep remember it’s precaution

its precautions that’s right

so audience I think some of the things

you take away from this take it in it

and include it in your own quarantine as

we’re talking eating lots of beans

getting your mom to deliver like food

and stuff whenever you need it you can

come and go as you please it doesn’t

really matter and if you want to order

something have your mom order it and

she’ll just bring it over when she drops

off the groceries I Rd is this about

right Priscilla that’s how I’ve made it

for immunocompromised audience I would

say that probably take more precautions

than this in terms of your approach to

isolation you you don’t want to be

around people a lot or go to the surface

well depending on where you live

that is true dr. Linda and I appreciate

those tips you guys we know that you

know not everyone here is the healthiest

individual so you it is smart to listen

to dr. London but before we leave today

everyone hold hands like we always do

know everyone hold and hold it tight get

just get real in there every audience

member touching every other audience

member this is when you’re glad you’re

in the bunker yeah it’s not safe Cameron

for all of us to hold hands everyone

holding hands sage how are we doing down

there is have you have you gotten to

everyone’s over I’ll get out

all right I think I went through

everyone everyone is now cleansed and I

would I did it a little bit of some

breathing techniques with some of your

audience members some of your more

vulnerable audience members just to kind

of give them a little blessing of

protection by what I for the breathing

treatment I just kind of breathe deeply

into their mouths and then they breathe

out into my mouth and I absorb some of

the negative things that they keep

within their lungs so this is that

amazing for that good you use tongue for

that if it’s a very severe and very

vulnerable person yes I will if I need

to it’s you it’s just showing respect

well it’s like you know giving

mouth-to-mouth resuscitation

you know you sometimes you have to step

in and just basically kiss someone to

save their life and this is kind of the

same type of thing yeah like sometimes

you know sometimes you’re at a pool or

whatever and you see like like a

beautiful woman and she’s drowning or

whatever and you have to pull her out of

the pool and then you have to put her in

like an outfit that like you really like

and like picked out for her and stuff

like that and then like maybe you take

her to dinner or something like that and

then you can do like like mouth-to-mouth

right and that’s your approach to

helping heal someone is the same

approach that you use for a beautiful

woman who’s drowning well kind of like

what Priscilla was talking about is more

precautionary you know I know that this

person that I’m dealing with they are

very immunocompromised they are very

susceptible to this so I’m just gonna go

ahead and give them this breathing

treatment that will help kind of build

up their lungs so I hear – sure

thank you and real quick do you wanna do

you want to read and maybe cleanse

Priscilla’s aura sage

how’s my aura sage well I can’t get

close I can’t get close enough to you

Priscilla I’ve got to really get my nose

at the tip of your nose and really stare

into your eyes and I can’t do that from

here I’m sorry that’s just one of the

negative aspects of living in a bunker I

guess you say negative I say positive

okay well that seems like a good place

to kind of you know wrap things up here

dr. London I gotta I gotta confess

something I don’t like I don’t like

doing this it seemed like any time that

a moment and the show popped upward it

required preparation like say knowing

who the guest owns at that moment it

became my show again yeah yeah and you

know the medical lessons everything of

this shows based yeah my my my version

of the show was more of a free-for-all

it’s more of just kind of like kind of

like a hang out sesh with like your best

pros rather than like a class with a

freak teacher but I’m realizing now that

we kind of need the freaky ass freak

teacher to control things okay

maybe maybe a cool guy like me my

position is more of a supportive yet

badass yet also antagonistic yet also

you know can I borrow like $3,500 yes oh

you’re the producer of the show

so that’s your role it’s pretty specific

so all right audience guys let’s get out

of here get out go on and actually so go

ahead and get your masks back the ones

that they try to take from you at the

door you do like I know Cameron is very

concerned about vigilantism but you do

need those masses to help that no I

understand that’s fine and sage has has

has blessed all of the masks already so

you’re good on that front

no no sage can you tell us what you did

exactly with the masks

so with the masks what I did is I wanted

to put my spiritual oils all over the

mask so I have put all of the masks

through my armpits that’s where I gather

the most oils and the most sweats and so

the all the masks have now passed

through my armpits and my spiritual oils

are covering them you know what’s funny

is that when you were getting close to

me earlier I could it felt like your

aura had a very armpit II type of sense

to it kind of that pungent you know like

oh do they not wear deodorant do they

not know that they you know what I mean

yeah it sounds like be about what that

like body aura was was all around you it

was amazing it’s wonderful to have a

natural Musk like I do some people do

say that it’s too powerful but those

people I don’t really want near me

exactly you know like like dr. London

he’s used to medical things and IVs and

cat scan machines and stethoscopes and I

like to just you know roll around

outside in the grass and I like to kind

of dip in the dip in the lake every now

and then that’s that’s just the way that

I live my life no no no sage you hear

your voice kind of changed a little bit

when you were talking about dr. London

and medicine and stethoscopes and hey

have you consumed anything no medical

lately did you pay you consumed the

words of a doctor or something that

might be clogging up your aura did you

forget to consume an apple a day to keep

the doctor away I could never forget

because I keep an apple on my bedside

table probably what you’re experiencing

is just the spiritual irritation that I

have around dr. London just whatever he

carries I just can’t stand to be around

it is that something that maybe I can

cast out of you or you you can you can

cleanse out of yourself no it would have

to be it’s just God

get out go Howard stop swatting at me

stop swatting all of us okay yeah so so

like I said probably good time to wrap

it up thank you to Betty for being on

the show yeah Thank You Betty whose life

has been fixed and improved thanks to my

version of the show and who is not my

daughter and who is not Sage’s daughter

nope thank you to Priscilla who took the

time to talk to us live from her bunker

Priscilla who taught all of our audience

and all of our friends and listeners the

the importance of not preparing but but

taking precautions

one can of beans delivered weekly at a

time along with you have the rest of the

grocer like the other beans and then

whatever packages and other like

probably videogames or whatever or DVDs

tool pods yeah Joel pod again you can

kind of just get anything delivered well

and thank you to our producer Cameron

and thank you to digital in the house I

don’t want to call it like a stupor but

sometimes you get into these states

oh my Snooper space yeah your stupor

stayed you say like it’s a super state

like you’re proud of it Hey



get up get up

get out and thank you to Sage Daniels as

well for being back on and then dr.

London I gotta be honest I’m pretty

excited to announce my retirement as the

host of the Jock Talk Show

oh you’re admitting that you’re okay I

am retired my name is I am officially

handing the responsibilities back to you

but I’m keeping and my raise your well

well obviously I got a raise going from

our producer to the host so but I’m

gonna hold on to that part of it my name

is dr. London Smith (.com) this has been

the jock doc podcast see ya get out

