45: Aortic Insufficiency/Philip

hi kids you’re about to listen to a

comedy podcast that means that none of

this is medical advice if you need

medical advice or medical care please

contact a doctor

and welcome and thank you for joining us

today at the jock doc podcast the

world’s number one most trusted source

for coronavirus information introducing

your host doctor London Smith

hello and welcome to the jock doc

podcast where we discuss fitness and

health and how to incorporate our modern

understanding of science and medicine

into our daily lives but without it

being so boring I’m your host dr. Lennon

smith.com I’d like to begin by

apologizing to our listeners we’ve

received some feedback about the

excessive amount of technical medical

terms that I have been using such as

horizontal nystagmus and bless this mess

so I will try to temper my terminology

to a simpler one in the future here to

help with that is our producer Cameron

hello listeners hello dr. London it’s

good good good to see ya good to hear

your voice all right yeah so Cameron is

so dedicated to making sure that our

podcast stays relevant that when he

heard that Earth Day was coming up he

found a small mound of dirt and began

jealously guarding it so when I walked

by the next day there was a velvet rope

around it like there was some show or

event and with everything that’s going

on in the world that like there was even

a long line of people waiting so Cameron

what was going on with that pile of dirt

I was selling people tickets to look at

the earth on Earth Day I feel like it’s

pretty straight forward

my business idea was very successful

people loved it so we had a little

balloons in the shape of the mound of

dirt and we had you know like themed

sort of fair foods you know sort of

surrounding earth and mounds of dirt

kind of chocolate ice cream that looked


mashed potatoes with like brown gravy to

make it look like dirt those were the

only two things but and this drew people

oh by the truckloads and then because

Earth Day is actually it’s an annual

event celebrated on April 22nd to

demonstrate support for environmental

protection so yes it did your funds did

whatever you raise go towards you know

helping environmental protections yeah I

mean it’s gonna protect that little plot

of land that I was guarding and charging

money to look at so it’s not gonna be

able to guard itself that little that

little mound of dirt right right the

money is going towards I mean you know

24-hour personnel and you know all the

events and marketing all that kind of

stuff that’s what the tickets goes

towards so really sort of giving the

earth a second life okay well usually

there we are the disease and the earth

is healing there what well also with us

is DJ DYLAN IN DA HOUSE we are the

disease we are as a disease



we are the disease that the earth is


we are the disease the earth is human

and later Cameron tells me that we can

expect a special guest so look forward

to that

that is right dr. haunted before we move

on I would like to address a bit of

listener feedback I found this note

written on the bindings that I found

myself in when I woke this morning it

was not my usual wake up but it is

always nice to hear from the listener

the note reads quote these young ones

are always complaining about student

debt can’t be that bad if they can

afford to wear clothes end quote so

first of all I would like to thank you

so much for your insightful question

here on the jock dock podcast we love to

hear back from our listeners to answer

your question student debt in the United

States is actually significantly

exceeding the cost of an average

person’s wardrobe so I bet I can see how

that can be confusing I think you’re

maybe misunderstanding what this person

is getting at this person from it from

what it sounds like that they’re wanting

more students more college students to

kind of go without clothes yes do you

see what I’m saying

you think hey I see all these college

kids they’re looking great but what’s

with all the Hang Ups why are they

wearing so many clothes let’s get rid of

those bad boys and let’s just see what

happens ok so you think that this

listener is a nudist who are at least

promoting the the ideals of the nudist

community I think this person’s saying

like hey like what what is this the

1950s what’s with all these like oh

button-up t-shirts and jeans and all

this kind of like fancy stuff why don’t

we like let loose a little bit sort of

hang out get to know each other and just

kind of you know relax ok well stuck-up

prude like you would never understand

that okay yeah I guess Dean

Londyn I guess I didn’t really see that

perspective at first but anyway to this


I think if even deny that you’re a Dean

get him okay well at this point I would

normally share an anecdote from clinical

life but our producer Cameron has been

absolutely emphatically to the medical

lessons here so he tells me that he’s

put together some helpful tips that is

right dr. London and you know I do a lot

of attention lately has been has been

geared towards the essential workers

people working at grocery stores people

working foodservice the gas stations

these kind of things and we’re providing

those people hospital sure hospitals

we’re praising these people and I think

one thing that’s forgotten are the

helpful podcasters who have not really

been getting as much attention as we

sort of deserve with because if you

think about it you know if you work at a

hospital you may be helping the lives of

like a couple hundred people at most

whereas we can be helping the lives of

trillions of people just an endless

amount of people and with the way radio

waves works it could be in outer space

you know I mean aliens don’t want to get

into that but you know suddenly you’re

in the quadrillions and so really who’s

the king but anyway goal that’s to say I

I think you know to the people who are

now realizing that they should have been

thanking me for my tip segments before

and are now turning to your boom box and

saying thank you Cameron I you know

you’re welcome and I’m ready to get into

it again dr. London okay all right so

what are your you know your medical

touch now bear in mind to our listeners

Cameron is not a medical practitioner he

just felt like he had something no I

would never join such a corrupt cult

like that the cult of medical


okay but more about just like hangin

loose and just sort of having a good

time which it is sort of its own medical

experience isn’t that right yes a one

could argue I think when you come at it

from a like the it’s just different

philosophies is what it comes down to

that’s all sure okay well what about

your tips so previously we had we had

discussed the quarantine summary and I

had submitted myself to a submarine and

went to the lowest depths of the ocean

to escape the disease sure that ended up

being a YMCA pool I ended up the the

quarantine didn’t work out too much

because I was constantly surfacing to

get snacks so we moved towards the

quarantine trampoline this way I could

bounce away from the disease if it were

to ever get near me and the problem with

this is it just made my tummy hurt too

much jumping around a little too much

and if you remember I was eating only

hot dogs because of my emotional support

animals as well I think there was a lot

of wild animals it smelled terrible it

was a whole issue so then we moved on to

the quarantine mezzanine this is where I

was just sort of in a mezzanine which is

you know sort of like a second floor of

a house but not a full floor just kind

of like an overlooked area overhanging

area and I was having a bunch of parties

up there and I think honestly dr. London

I think that did it because I I have one

quarantine I’ve reached the highest

plains I have transcended I have

transcended plains doctor I have

transcended into the quarantine in

between which is where I am right now so

I guess that you can hear my voice but

you can’t see me why I can’t that’s

because I’m floating in space dr. London

right now I’ve to an elevated level

beyond quarantine beyond the disease a

level where the disease can’t get to

and I realized that just by following my

steps I’ve transcended I think disease

itself and that’s what I want to tell

the listeners today just do that do the

stuff I did and so the stuff you’re

currently doing I can see you here I

know you said I couldn’t but I can see

you with a blanket draped over your head

hmm I see right I don’t see I see space

right now

yeah well it’s a dark you know start

dark space is so dark no one ever talks

about dark spaces well I think they do

but also yeah it you are covered in a

blanket so that’s so dark and right now

I am speaking on to the earth and that’s

how you can hear my voice I’m sure

you’re talking about some sort of lamp

or something in the corner that has a

blanket over it because I doctor when I

am not in the room with you I’ve

transcended that space ok well that’s so

you’re in this you call it any twin

queen yep right okay

so it’s sort of an in-between halfway

plane between your normal plane earth

and the next level which is a disease

free zone sponsored by coca-cola oh we

got a we got a spot okay we didn’t get

us oh no no no we don’t have a sponsor

at that that next level of a disease

free area coke has gotten there first

you know these big they have infinite

amount of money of these big brands and

stuff so of course they’ve reached that

plane before a commoner like me has okay

so right now I’m existing in between

where I can still continue to interact

with you you know through my booming

voice coming into your headphones right

now but I can also sort of interact with

the next plane of existence which does

have coca-cola so I can get a coke okay

so what are your tips your tip is just

do do what you are doing which from my

eyes it looks like you are hiding under

a blanket well it seems to me that it

took all of the previous steps to reach

this point so I think the idea is

do the quarantine submarine first then

the trampoline then the mezzanine and

then yet do the blanket thing okay well

you’ll kind of be on this elevated plane

where you can sort of see it’s it’s hard

to explain to someone who hasn’t reached

it you know what I mean who someone

someone who hasn’t transcended like I

have but you’re able to see sort of all

angles of the concept of disease and

then just go woof and just avoid it okay

so it’s it’s a game of dodging still oh

yeah yeah yeah it’s not like you’re just

away from the disease it’s just more

like you so time is irrelevant on the

next plane and so it’s sort of like you

see the beginning of the disease in the

end of the disease as it is sort of as

one continuous I mean it’s a four

dimensional object and then you just go

whoop excuse me

okay uh oh you just kind of like move

out of the way

well you’re what are your scribing

sounds very sort of I guess metaphysical

it sounds like something that the

average listener may not be able to do

and I’m not sure how effective it is

whoops sorry I had to hop out of the way

there I just saw one okay all right well

I guess I mean is that is that all the

medical tips cuz we can just go ahead

and move on then oh yeah that’s it

just do that and then you’re done and

then we can finally get back to work

okay now for today’s medical topic and

your tech insufficiency a or decayed

sufficiency is when the aortic valve in

the heart doesn’t properly close

resulting in regurgitation of some of

that blood back into the left ventricle

a aortic insufficiency is due either to

endocarditis destroying the valve an

infarction from a heart attack tearing

the valve and muscular attachments or

aortic dissection that occurs close

enough to the valve to come back to the

aorta and rip open the aortic valve if

your Artic insufficiency occurs quickly

in the acute setting the patients will


call eugenics shock and flash pulmonary

oedema and that’s where you know the the

lungs are kind of backed up and along

with chest pain if it’s due to aortic

dissection if it’s a chronic problem the

patient will have symptoms of congestive

heart failure and chest pain

so you’ll diagnosed with auscultation

you know the stethoscope that means

listening so it should sound like a

rumbling diastolic murmur at the base of

the heart I’m sorry what was that

this is sort of concerning to me some of

the stuff you’re describing I mean it

kind of applies to me the heart failure

oh no I mean dr. London that oh my gosh

I mean when I felt congested in my

little tummy that’s right you know I’ve

tried to tried to fart and nothing

happens and that of course it’s

concerning when that happens but you

just brush it off you think oh I’m young

I couldn’t I’m invincible sort of right

that’s what we all think and yet here

that’s what you’re describing well

excellent in what gelatin how much time

do I have

well I mean given the way you live your

life in general I’m not sure how long

but what you’re describing isn’t what I

was described so what did you what did

you think it was chronic congestive

congestive heart failure heart failure

yeah so that’s not what I was saying

congestive heart failure does sound like


you’re just failing to fart and it backs

up I guess that’s what you so yeah so

what I’m describing is oh I can feel it

now okay

why anyway so so if you listen with a

stethoscope it should sound like a

rumbling diastolic murmur at the base of

the heart at the second intercostal

space right sternal border treatment in

the acute setting such as after a heart

attack is two emergently replace the

valve as soon as possible why must I be

cursed with this congestive heart

failure this backup this buildup

you lazy

I mean I leave my party at once I beg of

you I know you’re throwing the blanket

around so I have to say your face is

turning red so it is strange I okay well

in in chronic version the replacement is

urgent within 24 hours

sorry within 72 hours or even elective

for both acute and chronic treatments

may also include coronary artery bypass

graft or cabbage because the Ostia of

the coronary vessels are actually in the

aortic valve I would never ever wish

this upon my worst enemy of this pain

that I’m feeling yeah I guess what it

really sounds like it’s just you have

gas is that what you’re describing what

sins have I committed to deserve such

pain right


all right Cameron do we have a sponsor

today we do dr. London this is actually

I’m pretty excited about this one this

is sort of a lot trendier I think then a

lot of our past sponsors right now

especially because everyone’s sort of

staying at home right now

mm-hm we I think a lot of people you

know they’re watching a lot more TV

watching a lot more movies and they’re

playing a lot more video games right I

mean they’ve even been playing video

games I’m not even much of a game or

have you have you been playing anything

dr. London I’ve played a few yeah our

sponsor today is a revolutionary video

game the first kind it is called the

island of kevorkian and it is the first

video game about the right to die Wow

the right to die what do you what is

that suicide which I thought relevant to

the show right because it deals with

medicine and so in this game you know

what’s called the island of Kevorkian

it’s named after dr. Kevorkian and you

are a doctor and you’re trying to

convince people to take the route of

assisted suicide even if they don’t want

to because you get points that way so

even if they’re leaning towards no you

know I’d rather I’d rather try to fight

this thing or whatever your job is for

insurance reasons to sort of push them

towards the assisted suicide rate but

then I don’t run into an issue yourself

when you your character develops cancer

and you have to face the ultimate choice

I do you follow your own advice that

you’ve been selling to other people or

do you go the opposite way and of course

the younger the patient is that you

convince to kill themselves the more

points you get okay I’d call this the

sun’s really ethically bad convincing

people because because if you know

there’s some debate on the letting them

choose this this route but I tell you

everyone should have the freedom to

choose what to do with their own life

but if a video game doctor

convinces them to go one way or the

other who am I to blame well the doctor

it sounds like that the the video game

doctor sounds like the person to blame

because they are pushing someone in one

direction whereas you know physicians

are supposed to sort of present the data

convey the diagnosis and the treatment

options and then let the patient choose

it’s called patient autonomy oh you can

do that but you’re not gonna get as many

points as you need to to get to the next

round yeah I said all day long but

you’re not gonna you’re not gonna make

it on the scoreboard so I don’t know why

you would do that it’s a bad way to play

the game yeah you can play it however

you want I’m sure there’s people who

play Grand Theft Auto and they go 25

miles an hour and they’d stop the

stoplights yeah sure yeah it’s just that

that this sounds really like I said just

ethically you know unsound like I don’t

think that we can really promote this

game there’s actually a multiplier for

the less concerning the diseases because

it’s easy to convince someone to to go

through assisted suicide when you they

have a lethal cancer but convincing

someone to to kill themselves over let’s

say a stubbed toe that’s a lot more

difficult so obviously you’re gonna get

a lot more points for that yeah it’s

like I said I just don’t see how this is

really I I don’t think this is a good

fit for us this game the island of

Kevorkian the first right-to-die video

game rated E for Everyone wait for

everyone for everyone

hello hi dr. London hi dr. London Smith

fell up hey are you up you can’t see me

right now because I’m ended on a

different plane of existence where is

that voice coming from who knows

oh yeah fill up anyways sorry to clarify

yeah Cameron is thinks he’s in another

well he’s playing game and he he thinks

he’s in another sort of dimension under

the blanket it’s fun

where is he I see there’s a lamp under

the blanket but Mr Kenter and I want

star Cameron it’s too hard to explain

Philip it’s one day when you’re an adult

you’ll learn about different planes of

existence that you can go to and there’s

coke there but not today dr. London sir

I just came with some bad news uh we’ve

had to cancel the annual juggle Ducks

parade and also there’s no refunds so

he’ll just you’ll actually owe us for

the seeds oh I guess for our listeners I

should recap a little bit Phillips loss

time Phillip was on the show came in to

try to get us to buy some of his

products that he is finding around the

house and Phillip you’re Cameron’s

neighbour is that right yes I am so

anyways I’m gonna need you’ve already

paid for the tickets but since you’re

not gonna be able to make it to the

juggle Ducks parade I’m going to need

for you to pay for the empty seats as

well okay I’m here to collect the

payment I didn’t sign up to pay for

anything so I don’t think that’s why yes

you did yes sir you did okay thank you

so as you can see we’ve got it itemized

we’ve got you and Mr Cameron’s front row

seats to the juggle ducks Perez you’ve

drawn 1500 each you’ve drawn a picture

of us but yeah with Grandma

yeah to sort of remember you signing us

up for this dr. London you said there’s

no way in hell I would miss this this

sounds like a great way to spend a

Saturday I I feel like I didn’t say that

that doesn’t sound like something I

would say the the attraction of the

juggle Ducks parade which i think was

just as sitting out was it in your

backyard there’s a front lawn so it’s me

and Thomas walking back and forth in our

duck costumes and we’re saying quack

quack yeah that’s what’s here quack

quack juggle ducks here and then we do a

bunch of tic toc dances and you guys

film us from all the different angles

are we talking the box are we talking

blueberry Faygo all of them even say so

by doja cat uh-huh yes I mean dr. London

this does sound like a steal well no for

one thing it doesn’t sound like one at

this point because it’s apparently first

of all I didn’t sign up for it now it’s

cancelled and they’re just trying to

collect money for I guess just listen

toms are tough me and my brother Thomas

need the fundraising money now more than

ever so please you and your brother need

a bailout this does sort of make your

hearing we’re hearing a lot about this

today a lot of companies need some sort

of assistance to get them a lot

especially a lot of entertainment

companies companies where a crowd is

required such as you guys so I mean yeah

I think a bailout makes sense I think

it’s fair dr. London when your dad is so

annoying we’ve got to get to New York

City oh that’s right could you could you

remind us again what was going on with

that just everyday our dad is at home

but he’s say bail up Thomas come outside

I made some food for you covered play

does he talk like that my dad is just so


why is he he’s so annoying because he

asks you

he tells you that food’s ready he just

always say call help with the dishes

yeah you want to play it some flowers at

the garden

I can’t just like please dad I

completely understand

oh I just want to get away from those

dishes well Paul Cameron the dishes with

you is you bring dishes to the studio

and they’re just covered in just the

lights there’s grease and like it’s

matted I there’s mud on them and I just

don’t I don’t know I don’t know why you

bring into the studio at all how am I

gonna make the pot pie before the show

you expect a pie every show what are we

gonna make that with my hands I’m gonna

stick my hands in the oven

well like because they’re covered in mud

was and so you come anyway that’s why I

tell you it if the chick it’s a

chocolate chicken pot pie okay well so

you know mud and mud and chocolate are

different you know it substances right

mmm no not think so

yeah Philip has actually taught me a lot

about this could you explain that why

chocolate and butter the same thing cuz

you were the way you explained it made

so much sense to me they’re brown huh

okay and I see how that that would be

one way to think of it and I think when

you think about that especially like on

like the larger picture like on a larger

scale people get fixated on sort of like

the micro but I think if you start to

expand it out and look at it more

philosophically on the macro level

chocolate I mean it’s mud Wow I I guess

on my end I don’t really see it that way

I see it as two substances that are very

different like one for instance like on

a basic level one tastes sweet usually

chocolate and then mud mud tastes like

well like what it is which is dirt and I

know you know for Earth Day you were

trying to you know sell the

this whole seeing the earth thing but to

eat it I would say it’s probably not a

good idea I I mean we can we can trust a

doctor for dr. things but why don’t we

trust a geologist like Philip for earthy

thing dr. London do you think that we’re

hearing Cameron’s voice from within or

without I’ve actually been wondering

that too because I know that I’m

projecting into the sort of universe

void that I’m looking into but I don’t

know if that’s sort of speaking to you

from kind of inside your head like your

own consciousness or if it’s more like

someone’s blaring a speaker of my voice

at you but it’s got to be one of those

two things just from my perception it

does look like you’re just under a

blanket and I really think that has to

be a lamp I was in the studio earlier to

do the the chicken pot pie and the

dishes yeah well no I’m not gonna do the

dishes that’s part of the reason I

transcended it into another plane that

in the global pandemic well yeah I mean

that’s secondary but Philip you were

talking about going to New York right

that’s what we’ve been trying to save up

money to do you still haven’t been able

to go no okay mostly because this is

something that I’ve also been wondering

I’m a very inquisitive little boy that’s

what my grandma always says yes so if I

dr. London sir if I get the virus how

will I pay for it because I’m willing to

give up some of my body parts but some

of them I will never give up oh this is

an excellent question as everyone knows

the number one way to pay for your

medical bills is by letting them keep

various body parts after the surgery

right because my grandma had diabetes

and she had to pay for it with her foot

and I think if it depends on the market

in the area but I think like a foot in

the LA area for example was gonna go for

maybe six seven hundred dollars it

depends on the size of the foot

obviously the bigger the foot the better

I feel in London what are your rates

similar so I I think that what you’re

describing is a figure of speech

whatever they say you know I had

diabetes that cost me my foot what they

mean is that the progression of the

disease resulted in you know from the

the neuropathy and everything

I’m guessing they got an infection and

that resulted in them having to have the

limb removed the foot whatever part well

how much will it cost me

because I’m willing to give up some do

you accept like toenails and fingernails

that is very interesting I would say I

think if a foot is going for what I say

before six seven hundred I would think

its own nail would be it well let’s see

you’ve got ten toes so and let’s say mmm

let’s say five percent of it each

toenails so we’re gonna go with about

thirty bucks a toenail doctor London is

that all right

I don’t well no I grow can I grow them

like if I stay at the hospital and I

give a little bit up front if that give

me a month and I’ll come back and I’ll

pay the rest and toenails yeah that’s

fine you can you can be your repeat

customer I would think that there’d

probably be some sort of premium rewards

program right dr. London okay once again

and Cameron you have described before

these rewards programs for the times

that you’ve been to a hospital it’s not

like a punch card like you you don’t

those aren’t in existence at least where

I work that’s not like a normal thing

and also so you guys are bringing up

certain figures of speech so you know

someone might say this cost me an arm

and a leg but those are merely what kind

of disease cost an arm in a leg because

my do not want to give both of those

oh you know what I bet it is boob

implants those are really expensive okay

well yeah well okay so the issue here is

that these are figures of species that

does also I’ve never even thought about

it but that does make sense when you

think about how many people you see who

have had breast implants boob jobs who

are without arms and legs or sorry

without unarmed and a leg you’re walking

on the street you know you go to Macy’s

you know obviously pre Corona you go to

Macy’s or whatever and then you see who

you see hobbling around I these babes I

guess I haven’t noticed that particular

trend of you know a person missing more

than one limb or or any limbs being I

guess plastic surgery like haven’t been

worked on but in any case so figure of

speech do you guys know that term maybe

that’s the problem here because so a

figure of speech is you know like a word

or a phrase that sounds like one thing

but it means another thing so when

someone says that it something costs

them an arm and a leg what that means is

that it was expensive and not you know

not necessarily and probably not costing

them an actual arm or leg man Thomas

just want to get to New York City so bad

we just got to get out of here my dad is

just so annoying and that’s a place

where you can go to be free from your

dad to to New York and so well right now

especially New York is maybe not the

best place to go I assume by the time

this this episode is released that that

things will not have improved enough for

you to go there safely but in general

for a six-year-old you probably

shouldn’t be you know heading places

with that cadence

I just want to go to the very top of the


but if I can’t go there I’ll go to the

very bottom of the world Oh we’ll go to

California that’s the same thing right I

was gonna say what what makes you think

that California is the bottom of the

world that’s just the bottom of the

world on the map on which it is true if

you do hold the map like I do which is

where the East Coast is north and the

West Coast is south then California is

at the bottom because if you don’t the

the way we accept our globes you know

that’s not exactly correct there is no

up and down like objectively what does

it look like where you are Mr Cameron no

the same I turn my maps that way that

way it looks like a spaceship like it’s

launching into space America if I meant

in the in-between yeah no it’s the same

I brought a poster of the Union and I

turned it sideways I rotated it counter

clockwise 90 degrees okay

well okay so so California is actually

to the west of the United States um yeah

okay and but in any case going to the

far north or far south conditions there

can be pretty cold either way you go so

I would say maybe just um

you know maybe just try to learn to get

along with your dad Phillip he’s so

annoying I was always saying comment on

the live a girl would play board games

with me


why well Phillip have you ever thought

about maybe you know a lot of people

don’t have games to play and or people

to play them with and maybe your dad has

been very nice to you dr. Lynn please do

not bring up that the perfect ideal life

for me and I’m not saying your life is

perfect because we all have our

struggles but um you know it doesn’t

sound so so bad to have someone there to

play a game with does your dad or you

are you homeschooling right now we’re

always homeschooled okay always with

your dad is that right who’s your dad

stay at home where does he work

sometimes he works what does your dad do

he’s a governor of Texas Oh interesting

that would be annoying I mean dr. Lunney

we got to get these kids to New York

right quickly

I still don’t see Cameron Mr Cameron

could you please take me to the in

between I know I’m only on the mezzanine

portion of quarantine but please just

let me transcend quicker unfortunately I

do not think you can bring guests with

you I think it has to be earned on your

own right I will look into that so maybe

I can contact some of our

representatives here in the in between

maybe coca-cola can help me out because

they did get a whole Factory up here so

I’m gonna work on this but as of right

now you have to elevate yourself how

much do I have to pay to elevate you I

would say probably I mean I would say

probably a hand and a half okay and once

again that is a figure of speech so it’s

not like unless Cameron your system

actually involves cutting off limbs only

because your system does I sell it

straight to doctors okay I and has that

been helpful have they wanted that I get

a check in the mail from don’t ask


okay all right well I you know this is

this has been enlightening yes

phillup it’s been great to have you back

sure why why you’re even here as opposed

here to collect payment with your I

already told you and I’ve been writing

for the credit card you got a pair Y and

so I know I think oh wait I didn’t I

said I have your card on file

Oh perfect that one actually might be

cancelled but do you take a cashier’s


no do you have venmo oh yeah we convened

my year we haven’t we have a company

then no account no okay no so I just

we Cameron you can’t keep doing this we

can’t keep just throwing out with me

because so it you said it was fifteen

hundred dollars a seat and how many

seats are there three oh okay

so we’re talking $4,500 all right let me

just VIN mo that to you know as well

which is round that up to us even 5000

all right sit pleasure doing business

with you gentlemen

bye dr. London bye mr. Cameron where

were you are see ya don’t forget hands

and a half goodbye Philip I guess thank

you to Philip for being on the show


um it’s great I guess great having them

back thank you to our producer Cameron

as always yep thank you too did you know

the host dr. London


this every day

our dad is at home do you say Bella

Thomas come outside I made something for

you come and play mr. Cameron

my name is dr. London smith.com and this

has been the jock doc podcast see ya


the crunch of gravel fills your ears as

he trudged up the driveway you are

kicking yourself for doing this at all

but then you stop kicking yourself

because that only causes more gravel

sounds then it hits you the wall that is

you you walked into a wall and also the

other thing that you were you know your


speaking of hitting the wall it looks

like we are at the end of this episode

of the jock doc podcast before you go

back and listen to the other episodes

again be sure to leave your 5-star

review of the jock dock podcast in which

you share your driveway traveling

adventures while you’re at it go ahead

and share the jock doc podcast with a

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